Hi all...

i really need your advice on choosing the right oral chelator.

there's so many kind of them & i wonder which is best.
we don't have a haematologist here in my hometown, you see, so i'm really lack of knowledge of such progress in oral chelator.
i really appreciate all the info & advices you guys can give me.. really, on anything.. bcoz i'm kind of confused myself what to ask & where to begin

HELP... pls

i do aware that i'll need a physician that has specialization in haematology to prescribe & observe the chelator-taking progress, which is not available where i live, but i do plan to seek advice from a haematologist in Kuching-Sarawak on March the 16th.
so i'll need your advice & information on various kind of oral chelator before that so it could help me in considering which oral chelator is possibly would do good for me. and not only that, if there's anything you think i should ask to the physician / get a clear explaination on, pls.. do tell me. bcoz this trip to seek the doctor is not something i can afford quite often, so.. you know, i really do need to get as much as i possibly get from it.

btw, i just found out lately that i might have Hep-C, though i'm not sure how serious it is. i wonder if someone with Hep-C could have ferriprox / other kind of oral iron chelator?
i really have a serious iron overload here, the last time i check the ferritin was around 16,000 (that was about 6 months ago), i'm quite sure it keeps rising till now.

so, though i'm intermedia (the last time i got transfusion is about 2 years ago), chelating iron is definitely one big problem i'll have to deal with real soon.

those ferritin drives me crazy!!

anyway, anything you can tell me.. please, do let me know..

thanks before, guys!
P.S. : You can also e-mail me, thanks.