Hi Manoj!
Do you take multivitamins without iron? That should also have the folic acid in it, so you can eliminate that pill if you took a multivitamin. Also, some very mild exercise can get your metabolism going and may make you feel better. Your hemoglobin is fine, it's in range, albeit the low end of the range, but it's still in the range it's supposed to be in, so that's great.

Try to take some vitamins with everything in them except for iron and see if that helps you. Try that with a little bit of exercise. Don't exert yourself. Even a little bit of walking will do the job.
Do you eat right? Sometimes eating too many carbohydrates can make you tired. Try to get more protein and veggies into your diet, unless you are a vegetarian of course.

I'm sure the other members will have some other ideas for you. Maybe they have done certain things that have helped them. I haven't found what works for me yet, so I can only tell you what can work in general.

I'm always tired, but I'm not very good at taking vitamins either, so that could be why I'm more tired than I need to be.

You can also try juicing fruits. I have a fruit and veggie juicer, and I love fresh juice. It gives me a lot of energy after I drink it. I usually juice some apples, carrots, pears, and parsley, and it's really tasty and good for you. It has a lot of vitamins in it, and it makes me feel better. So, maybe you can give that a shot too.