Have been keeping me away from my usual online haunts.
I'm sorry about the tone of this post, but I seriously need to rant.
In the last two months, I have:
- found a lump in my left breast - mom and first cousin on mom's side had breast cancer and now I am awaiting a biopsy
- been having what seemed to be gastrointestinal issues, namely gastritis
- except recently, even with meds, it hasn't gone away - it's a chronic problem! - and the doctors highly suspect gallstones and in addition to that, possible liver issues and spleen enlargement issues
- in regards to THAT, I haven't been able to eat well
- and have been feeling chronically run down and generally ugh
- been having a hellish time moving about in the healthcare system without health insurance
- need to go to more doctor's appointments, do x-rays, get biopsied, get some GI work done, more ultrasounds
All this amounts to ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

*takes a deep breath*
I'm okay. Just... damnably frustrated and tired.