IP-6 is very safe and can be taken along with other supplements and drugs. It is not known if it is effective in reducing iron in the body but it is very safe and may be worth trying, as it is a fairly inexpensive supplement.
If you do start on desferal, take 100-250 mg vitamin C after you start each infusion, as it releases more iron which the desferal can remove. Do not take more C than this, though, as too much iron released at once can clump in the heart, causing reduced heart function.
The tannin in tea is what serves to prevent iron from being absorbed and both black and green tea contain tannin. Taking tea with meals can reduce the iron absorbed by as much as 70%, and adding milk to the tea adds to this. Lighter teas do not contain as much tannin so the darker, stronger teas are more likely better used for this purpose.
Stick to a low iron diet and take tea with your meals and if you eat citrus or have citrus juices, have them as snacks between meals, as they can increase the amount of iron absorbed if taken with a meal.