i'm also new here.. because of constant searching regarding the condition of my son, i saw this forum..
my baby is only nine months old now.
our dilemna started when he was 2 months old..our pedia who administered vaccine to him noticed her pale color that's why he added iron supplement to his daily vitamins..she said it will only last for 2-4 months.
Since then, he always have on-off fever.i remember it almost happen every month. when he was 3 months old, he was admiited for 3 days in the hospital because of high fever ( 40+degrees) but they said its only viral. but the CBC shows lower RBC, MCV than the average. So my pedia increase the iron intake for 3 times a day..
until last month, he had again fever for almost 1 week...So my pedia requested us to do the peripheral, retics count and CBC..the result shows again a low MCV and RBC and some questionable shapes of the cells.
We were recommended to see a hematologist. just the mere sight of hematologist picture brings trigger to my spine. I'm very afraid..
when we met the hematologist, she said she suspected that my baby has thalassemia.. At first, i was relieved knowing that this is not a leukemia or what. Honestly, it's my first time to hear this kind of disease. The Dr explained to me that this is heridetary, usually in my side. she asked me if we have it in our family..my mother told me that my great grand mother died of apalstic anemia at the age of 65.. other than that, we don't know heard any case in our family ...
this morning, he have hemoglobin electrophoresis to confirm if this is really thalassemia or what..We will know the result on Friday, July 9, 2010.
Aside from continous paling of color and low RBC, he don't have any symptoms.. He is active baby so far..
I was also a healthy woman eversince..
hope this site will help me, will enlighnten me, and will support me all throughout..
thank you and godbless