Hi there Andy, lovely to hear from you. Gosh, there is so much to know about every drug isnt there? I guess Desferal had its own dilemmas, as well as the fact that there was also "needles" involved...... I have to say though that even though the "needle" part of things has now thankfully been eliminated, there is now the added concern of other effects that can happen from this fairly new drug. Its still new with not really that much known about it and so I do feel that we are kind of like "guinea pigs" to some extent. I would like to stay on the lowest dose possible, just enough to get my ferritin levels down. You know what? I think a cure for Thal is the only way we can absolutely get rid of any unwanted side effects along with the worries and concerns, whether it may be from blood transfusions, iron overload or any other thing that can come along. I must say, it can get rather scary being a thal recipient but we are doing the very best we can with what is available to us currently. Fingers and toes crossed and quite a bit of praying, that things will only get better. Thanks again Andy for just "being here". Much affection.......Siena (Melbourne Australia)