I have done some calling around to see about testing. Every organization and hospital says thal minor is not a disease and has no symptoms. It is interesting what I read from people online who are minors-totally a different picture.
Perhaps the older one gets, the more that being a minor affects ones health, is this the case? I would love to hear from other people. Did you start out as a sickly child but everyone just told you to get over it! LOL!!!!

I read about the people having nose bleeds and remember having nose bleeds lasting for hours when I was a little girl, and the thing about not being able to hold your arms up to do your hair, I had my son blow dry my hair for me once cuz I just could not do, it sounds silly to have all of these weird things going on in ones body

Anyway, I am glad I found all of you, you can help me feel thal-normal and not so much of a freak!
Thanks for the reply Andy.
Thanks to all who read and anyone else who can share.