My doctor has specific orders not to cease Desferal just yet. He wants to make sure that the Exjade is working before removing the DES, because if the Exjade isn't working, then my ferritin will go up. I asked him about taking them together, because I have read that you shouldn't, but he told me that it's completely safe for a limited time. I'm not going to be on the DES for much longer. Novartis says, and I quote,
"Deferasirox (Exjade) should not be combined with other iron chelation therapies as the safety of such combinations has not been established" but my hematologist has had experience with his patients being on both and told me not to worry. I think Novartis doesn't want patients being on both, because they are afraid of the ferritin dropping too low. I was told that they know a lot about the chemical compounds, but very little about Thalassemia, so if there isn't an issue with the chemical compounds of the drugs being combined, then I'm going to take my chances on listening to a hematologist who is very Thal-oriented.
I'll have to keep my fingers crossed on this one. I'm in uncharted territories now.

I also need to add that this doctor isn't the doctor that I've been complaining about. I have found a new hematologist who specializes in Thal, who is absolutely wonderful, and has been taking care of me very well the past month. I'm very happy with him, and I'm finally getting the care that I need. That's something that I've never had in my life.
So anyway, if something should happen to me, I'll leave a note for someone to tell you guys that DES and Exjade should definitely NOT be combined.