Hi Guys,,
how are u all?i am feeling really confused right now,

, the thing is that,, my daughter six years old,, was diagnosed with thal major when she was three years old,,she looked a bit pale at that time,, and had some cold ,i went to our family doc and he suggested tseting her hb,, we did and it was 6 g/dl,,he refferred us to a peadiatrician and he prescribed her an iron syrup

yes an iron syrup,, she started it and her hb went to 7.6 g/dl,, but then he suggested hb electrophoresis,,we did it and it said she was a thal major,,the report showed Heamoglobin A = 10.2%,,,,,Heamoglobin A2 = 4.9%,,, and Heamoglobin F = 84.9% and concluded,,"HIGH F,,CONSISTENT WITH THAL MAJOR" They started transfusing her ,,in the beginning,,the duration was 6 weeks and then 5 weeks and now it's four weeks,,and it's been three years she was first transfused,,last year i went to another heamo and he said that my daughter must be Thal intermedia,,, and he suggested hydrea,, but i didn't believe him,

, i thought how come no doctor ever told me that,, and the report clearly says it's thal major,, he even suggeted hydrea but i refused,,,,now after joining this site,,, i am really confused ,,is my daughter a major or an intermedia??? how can i determin that??and now after three years of tranfusing,, will hydrea work ?(if she is an intermedia),,was her diagnosis wrong ?? ( I'LL GO KILL HER DOCTOR

)Is there any other test to distinguish btw major and intermedia?what should i do now?is hydrea even successful?there are so many questions buzzing in my head ,, i feel so bad,, wt if she was an intermedia and we transfused her regularly with out any need,,,,plzzzzzzzzzz help me out,,, i am going nuts.

Take Care.