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Offline Zaini

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« on: March 29, 2007, 05:07:49 PM »
Hi everyone,,

hope u all are doing well,, :hugfriend now what exactly is wheatgrass??? and from where can i find it?and is it really use ful  ???with no side effects?




Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 05:30:53 PM »
Wheatgrass is simply grains of wheat that have been grown to a few inches tall before harvesting and made into juice, tablets or extract. We've had some previous threads about wheatgrass. You can read one at


The juice tastes pretty gross, so I suggest using tablets or the extract. The study conducted on wheatgrass says it takes a year to see the full results. It does have to be used daily if you are to achieve results. There are no side effects unless you take large doses of the juice, which might give you some intestinal distress.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2007, 05:51:14 AM »
Hello Ma'am,

I hope that you will be able to find the tablets or spray for this in Karachi. I have been unable to do so in Rawalpindi; so I had decided to grow a patch of my own. Unfortunately the weather here changes too rapidly and slight increase in temperature destroys the patch. However I was able to grow it for a couple of months but it went too hot to continue. I doubt that it will grow better in the even hotter climate of Karachi.

Anyway, if you can't find WG in the form of pills or spray, then you might want to experiment with a patch of your own. Here is the link to my WG project if you want to check it out for fun :biggrin


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Offline Zaini

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« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2007, 10:54:18 AM »
Hi Andy and Sajid,,

thanx for ur replies,i hope i'll be able to find it here in karachi,,and sajid,,if i'll find it i'll be more than happy to send it to you  :happyyes and it's zaini,, ok ,,call me zaini,,no mam,, :winky i think i am about ur age,,don make me feel older  :( thanx again ,,both of u .

Take Care.

LOVE TO U ALL  : :hugfriend



Offline AL

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« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2007, 07:33:27 AM »
Hi Everyone!

I found out through previous postings here that it seems wheatgrass beneficial. is good as it :-

Wheatgrass contains a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is packed with chlorophyll, enzymes and dozens of trace elements.

Years ago, Dr. Hans Fischer and his group of associates won a Nobel Prize for their research on red blood cells. They discovered that hemoglobin (red-blood cells) in human blood possesses a highly similar chemical structure compared to chlorophyll, hemoglobin has iron as its central core, while chlorophyll has magnesium in the centre of its molecule. Due to this significant similarity, chlorophyll can actually convert into hemoglobin quickly after ingestion into the body system. If chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production, this means more oxygen can be circulated within the body (hemoglobin carries oxygen).

Wheatgrass juice is one of the most alkaline food available. It contains life force, therefore it is a high-quality source of fuel. Besides that, it is highly assimilable and requires little energy to digest.

Below are more of the benefits of wheatgrass:

• Addresses nutritional deficiencies 
• Purifies blood 
• Rejuvenates aging cells 
• Detoxifies the liver 
• Cleanses the colon 
• Boosts the immune system 
• Tangible energy boost
• Increase resistance to infections, thus experiencing less colds 
• Powerful supplemental food in treatment of cancer as promoted by Dr. Ann Wigmore

Enzymes are an important active ingredient in wheatgrass juice. They are the life energy of our foods and are required to carry out many important biological and chemical functions within the body. Enzymes also play a major role in breaking down fats stored in the body and assist greatly in weight loss. Some of these enzymes are as follows:

• Protease - assists in protein digestion
• Cytochrome Oxidase - an antioxidant for proper cell respiration 
• Amylase - facilitates starch digestion
• Lipase - a fat splitting enzyme
• Transhydrogenase - keeps heart muscle tissue toned
• Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) - found in all body cells and is known for its ability to reduce the effects of radiation, prevent cellular damage and as an anti-inflammatory. 
• Catalase - activates the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen in the blood and body tissues.
Source: Ann Wigmore - The Wheatgrass Book

My question is has anyone here who is currently giving wheatgrass (either juice and so forth.) to their kids? Esspecially at age of 8 months, the same age with my son. Sure hope for some guidance. I need to know, is there any side effects, allergy or anything? Any advise on how to go about?

For those who are looking for information on wheatgrass, i found this website which explains a lot. Sure hope with this would enable others to get some answers to the questions that they are looking for.



Offline Danielle

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« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2007, 08:13:32 PM »
Does anyone know if the pills or spray work as good as the actual juice?  It's too expensive for me to keep going to the juice store to have it freshly pressed out from the machine.  :-\


Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2007, 08:39:39 PM »
Wheatgrass pills and spray both work well. I use the spray twice daily and do notice the difference in energy level and also skin health.

On the subject of how wheatgrass works, Dr Chris Reynolds had this to say in his latest email.


Wheatgrass At Work Newsletter, June, 2007
From Dr. Chris Reynolds M.B.,B.S.
Chlorophyll: Is it a scientific red (green) herring?
Hello Everyone,

Chlorophyll is reputed to heal damaged tissue, transport oxygen in the body, have anti-inflammatory properties and “an uplifting effect on the mental and emotional processes…” and many more magical properties. Alas, chlorophyll is a green pigment that performs none of these marketing myths. It’s job in nature is to provide energy for photosynthesis and has little if any biological effect in humans. This is a pet subject of mine (1), (2).

In the late 1930’s a research scientist named George Kohler discovered the Grass Juice Factor in cereal grasses. Comprehensively analysed for its nutritional and other components, this known potent growth and fertility Factor remains unidentified to this day, but almost certainly is responsible for chlorophyll’s misplaced fame.

Around the 30's, wheatgrass powder was the biggest selling dietary supplement in North America. This popularity helped fuel the huge demand for a safe, green pigment to artificially colour foods and other goods such as toothpaste. Manufacturers wanted to use pure chlorophyll, but this was impossible because:

1. Natural chlorophyll is unstable. It oxidizes with time and turns brown. Without the green colour, it is essentially useless.
2. The cost of synthesising such a large complex molecule was prohibitive.

So an enterprising company in the U.S. came up with an ingenious idea that would create a green marketing flood. Subsequently, millions of research dollars would be poured down the drain.

They produced a "stable" chlorophyll “substitute” called sodium copper chlorophyllin. For some reason, they assumed this crossbreed molecule would not only retain its green colour but display all the bioactive properties of chlorophyll as well.

The “chlorophyll” solution they used was derived from cereal grass juice. They then supposedly “replaced” the core magnesium ion in chlorophyll with a copper ion which turned the mixture green. But they forgot about some important bioactives in the cereal grass juice. That is, Kohler's Grass Juice Factor.

It was soon noticed that the chlorophyllin solution wasn’t just a colourant, but had extraordinary healing properties. Infected wounds, wound healing, burns, fractures, and numerous other types of tissue damage showed amazing rates of recovery. Scientists assumed these properties were due to chlorophyll but completely overlooked the Grass Juice Factor.

Subsequently, hundreds of medical and scientific studies were performed under the false assumption that chlorophyll is biologically active in humans and animals.

These often very expensive studies continue to this day as does the futile search to determine just how chlorophyll performs its miracles. But it does nothing of the sort. It's a scientific red (green) herring.

How do I know? I use a wheatgrass-based extract that I have seen on numerous occasions to perform many of the healing phenomena mentioned above and more – but my extract does not contain chlorophyll.

This may not be a very nourishing discovery to fresh wheatgrass juice fans, but rest assured you are doing the right thing for your body if you take it daily. But forget the standard chlorophyll line. Thank George Kohler and the Grass Juice Factor.

Kind regards,
Dr. Chris Reynolds.

This newsletter is proudly sponsored by Wheatgrass Pty. Ltd., manufacturers of the world's first wheatgrass-based skin recovery products - DermaWheat Antioxidant Skin Recovery Formula (NEW!)and DermaWheat Skin Recovery Spray and the only longlife, potent, bioactive liquid wheatgrass -
Dr Wheatgrass Supershots.

I think the wheatgrass recovery spray is cost effective, easy to use and also has many benefits.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Danielle

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« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2007, 08:50:03 PM »
Thank you, Andy.  Do you recommend Dr. Chris' or is there another brand that you find better?  ???


Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2007, 09:05:31 PM »
I do use Dr Chris' wheatgrass recovery spray. 10 sprays in the mouth and hold it for a minute or two before swallowing, twice daily. One bottle lasts 3 months. His super shots are also used by many thals. They're more concentrated than the spray. He does have distributors in the US now so it is easier to find his products.

For the record, patients in Australia who have met Dr Reynolds say he is truly a sincere man who is very interested in the health of thals. In my own dealings with him I have found him to be a great guy and a friend.


All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Danielle

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« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2007, 09:13:01 PM »
Ok, great.  Thank you, again.  I'm going to look into getting some from his site. :)


Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2007, 11:04:10 PM »
You can find one of the US distributors for wheatgrassactive at


All we are saying is give thals a chance.

« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2007, 03:19:41 AM »
andy you mentioned a dr reynolds? is he a thal doctor? and where in australia?
i know someone who was talking wheatgrass and they swore it helped with there hb it didnt get as low so quick.


Offline Danielle

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« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2007, 03:31:07 AM »
You can find one of the US distributors for wheatgrassactive at

Thanks, Andy.  I'm going to order it. :)


Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2007, 03:36:50 AM »
Dr Chris Reynolds is a dermatologist and he has been using wheatgrass in treatment of skin disorders since the mid 90's. He is located in Melbourne, Australia. He is also a member of this group.  :biggrin
His interest in thalassemia began after hearing reports of research that showed wheatgrass raised Hb levels in some patients. His site is at http://www.drwheatgrass.com/

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Danielle

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« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2007, 03:37:13 AM »
I do use Dr Chris' wheatgrass recovery spray. 10 sprays in the mouth and hold it for a minute or two before swallowing, twice daily. One bottle lasts 3 months.

I thought the recovery spray was for skin only, and the supershots were for the mouth?  I'm so confused.  :rotfl


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