allergic rihitis and tinnitus

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allergic rihitis and tinnitus
« on: March 17, 2013, 02:13:16 PM »

I actually wanted to post this long time ago but had beten dragging along.  I had tinnitus problem for a long time but it wasn't bad.  I only hear it sometimes, like when I'm trying to sleep.  It has worsen for the past 6 months, I can hear it 24/7 as long as the room is quiet I can hear it.  I went to ENT clinic but the doctor who checked on me said I have no problem with hearing.  She found out that I have allergic rhinitis so I was given a steriod nasal spray to use every day.  She said the tinnitus probably comes from the allergic rhinitis.  I've been using this nasal spray for 3 months but I haven't seen any improvement.

On the last appointment with the doctor(this time I see another doctor in the clinic), she said tinnitus happens to some people.  Sometimes if I can't clear it I have to "live" with this for the rest of my life.  Wow... this is a very shocking revelation, to have a doctor asking me to live with it.  Assuming if I can live another 35 years, now I'm 35... that's an awfully long years to suffer. 

I have also turned to a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner.  The TCM doctor said I have deficient kidney energy which resulted in the tinnitus. I have also blood deficiency which also contributed to weak spleen, heart and lungs..  I took his medication but tinnitus hasn't cleared up and I also know that my body probably is weak I will need a lot of tonification in order to balance back my body or either I would say the TCM practitioner's herb combination of herbs doesn't help much. 

I am practicing qi gong to help myself with better health.  So far my hb has increased but other problems has not improved much. 

I am asking if anyone would have any suggestion to improve the tinnitus or the allergy.  Thanks.


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