Sooo tired lately...

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Offline Courtenay1826

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Sooo tired lately...
« on: April 10, 2007, 02:51:39 AM »
I don't know why I've been so tired lately - Mychael is in a more regular night schedule (up once or twice only,) I am getting 8-9 hours of sleep, and my blood levels are stable (besides the WBC & platelets.) I am SO tired! I've tried coffee instead of tea with my meals, taking naps...nothing seems to be helping.  I tried taking the kids for a walk after dinner, but it just seems to make me more tired.

Any advice?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2007, 04:56:14 AM »
It sounds so much like anemia, so keep track of your hematocrit. Other possibilities would include a low grade infection or an under active thyroid. Are you taking vitamin D? We haven't had much sun for months and lack of D can make one feel very tired and even depressed.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Courtenay1826

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2007, 02:27:57 AM »
You know Andy, the Vitamin D/sun thing might be it.  I don't get a lot of sun, purposefully too - melanoma runs in my family, and I already have several beauty marks/moles that need to be removed, even with my avoidance of sun exposure.  My skin tone makes it even worse.  I don't tan, I just get more brown freckles and I turn a shade of yellow after the burn goes away.  LOL


Offline LindaMarie

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2007, 05:50:51 PM »
Hi Courtney,

If it is Vitamin D, the best I have found is a fish oil supplement. It is Carlsons, lemon flavored. I had a doctor recommend it once because he found me to be low in Vitamin D.

I only used it one time as it is expensive but I thought the lemon flavor made it a yummy addition to my salad.

You can find it at health food stores, I know the Whole Foods store near me carries it.

I get tired a lot too and have been tired myself lately, also really dizzy for the last month, which I hate. I haven't had this kind of dizzy spell for over 2 years now. I think a lot of it is stress for me so I am trying to stay relaxed. Going to doctors is not an option financially for me and besides they usually tell me nothing is wrong or I am depressed, and at almost $100 it does not seem worth the price to just hear that again.

Also, you have two small children, hopefully you have some support with the kids, mommies need lots of rest and tender loving care.......happy mothers day if I forget when the time comes.

I am losing my internet connection as I have to move today and tomorrow and do not own a computer of my own.

Love to a lovely,
Linda Marie
Linda Marie


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2007, 06:13:26 PM »
Hi Linda Marie,

Don't forget that you may be able to get online for free at the local public library.

Also, sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, so if you can tolerate the sun and actually see it often enough, it's a great way to feel better. 15-30 minutes per day is all one needs depending on their skin tone. Being that I live in upstate New York, I still find I need to supplement, as here the sun is more a myth than reality much of the time.

I don't think most doctors, including thal-familiar hematologists have much of a clue when it comes to treating thal minor.  It just hasn't been studied or given it's due. I really don't understand why either. If you have a significant mutation or deletion of one of your two hemoglobin genes, it just follows that you won't have anywhere near the amount of good hemoglobin required to provide oxygen throughout your body. This does seem to lead to a variety of health problems in affected minors, but for the most part, this has been ignored by the medical profession. This needs to change and my feeling is that it will take many minors speaking up about their health problems before anyone takes notice.

Minors, please do speak up and let your doctors know that having thal minor does indeed cause many health problems.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Natalia

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2007, 08:52:02 AM »
true andy, here too i m facing problems, as every docs i see dont take my fatigue seriously,... i do feel tired of my fatigue too, i started to feel it decreases my quality of life... :wah

Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2007, 05:44:21 PM »

I am soooooo happy to share this with you and any others.  I have 7 kids and I know tired.  I have never let my Thalassemia minor be an excuse but it did effect me severly at times.  I would just push thru it and tell my body probably started to rebell.  I had been up in Stanford for some odd nerve probelms when I just prayed for help.  Well I happen to have a friend who had me do a treatment on an MRS mat and with in two 8 minute sessions I was 100%.  So I canceled my appointments with Stanford and purchased this system (from Germany) and ever since I feel as if I am 8 years old.  I have energy like a kid again.  I sleep deeper and my health has never been this great!  I am a firm believer of this product and could not wait to spread the word to all those that are tired of being tired.  If there is any info or questions you may have please email me at or 559-627-5432 I am so thankful for answered prayers my passion is to help and pay it forward! Roxanne   


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2007, 05:54:25 PM »
What is an MRS mat?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2007, 07:18:15 PM »
I found an article about the MRS 2000. I can't vouch for it as I know nothing about it but you can read about it at

MRS 2000 is a machine designed to help healthy people to regain energies dispersed by the continuous stress of modern life and by air and electromagnetic smog pollution.
It is also very useful for people who practise sports because it prepares the body, in a quick and optimal way, for physical stress and consequently allows for a rapid recovery of energy.
Finally it has an action which enhances physical and mental relaxation, therefore preparing the body for a beneficial refreshing sleep.

Anyone else heard of this?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2007, 02:34:43 AM »
Hi Andy,

Sorry, I am new to this forum and I appreciate you explaining what the system does.  I actually went to a class this last weekend and became certified with the company.  I went to this class for the prupose of educating myself on the system I purchased.  This is some info in addition to what you posted.  There is electormagnic smog that has become prevalent in our modern age cell phones, microwaves, TV's, handheld portable phones, electric underground lines, ect.  These frequencies are moving thru our bodies, homes, ect.  This may disrupt our normal functions in life as this smog is registered in the body.  If you don't believe me you can preform a simple test with a friend.  Taking turns each one of you try this.  One of you looks forward (with your cell phone off of your body) have your friend try to pull your stronger side arm from your side will you resist with all your might.  This is to show your strength.  Then hold a cell phone (for approximately 30 sec.)in your opposite hand while you try it again. You and the person will see a remarkable difference in your strength.  I did this to my 6'4 built like a tank hubby last night and he couldn't believe it.  I will now not allow my family to use the microwave and I will move the alarm clocks away from the side of our beds.  Also no baby monators by cribs.  Move this stuff away from your body across the room.  Anyway this system is designed to work like a regenerator to this smog resonanting a simular electromagnetic field that the body reads simular to the earth magnetic field which is necessary for life.  So if you are normal without Thallassemia you will feel these effects but us who suffer do not have the health to be effected like others all the more.  I am living proof of this!         


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2007, 03:37:20 AM »
Hi Roxanne and  :welcome to our group,

One of the most common questions we get here is what do thal minors do to combat fatigue, so we appreciate the input. I hope you can continue to keep us updated on the long term results of using the magnetic resonance system. Natural methods are always of great interest and often under appreciated and under utilized.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2007, 05:26:51 AM »

Hi Andy,

Thank you for your welcome!  This system has been sold in Europe with over 1,000,000 people using it.  There is a book that has studies with over 200,000 cases.  There are no side affects as it is only electro magnetic resonance very simular to our earths frequency.  I will do some more research into the majors effects but I know that the minor that I have is overcome by this machine.  I can also tell you that this machine basically kick starts the ions in the cell that become stagnet to several issues such as nutrients, water intake, oxygen, ect.

I am going to make an appointment with a leading doctor on this as I have a question.  My blood cells under the microscope are smaller and look like a sunburst shape kinda spiky looking.  Being that the the positive sodium and negative potassium need to ignite the cell for healthy function does the shape of my cell effect that as well?  You see this MRS system just send millions of possible resonance waves to try and unlock my Dna code for my iions in the cell.  It has a very good chance of helping what my body will have a harder time doing on its own.  This system is not a cure just a muffler like machine for my body to rebalance the magnetic smog and effects of life.

As I am sure you can tell my passion for this subject goes very deep as I have suffered for years and years with exhaustion.  I am a new lady and have the energy to prove it!  I have never felt like this from just a few minutes a day.  Exercise 6 days a week for an hour a day can not still do what this has as I still had recovery issues from over exercise.  If there are any people in my area I am happy for them to use my mat to show them it will only take one or two treaments to prove it that is what is so amazing!  Sorry this is sooo long.  Roxanne:) :-\


Offline Manal

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2007, 11:06:44 AM »
Hi Roxanne and  Welcome to the group, i am sure you will get to know many things here :urwelcome

Thanks  for sharing this valuable information with us, but it is not very clear to me.  Is this related to BioGeometry where you get rid of the negative energy (aquired from different electric appliances) by using certain geometrical shapes?? Is this the same idea??

Dr. Ibrahim Kareem is one of the pioneers in this field and one of his famous things that he did was getting rid of the -ve energy that has affected a whole village in Switzerland where the milk production of cow decreased due to the usage of big mobile stations around this village. He made great shapes around this village and was able to overcome this problem. He had many projects in the same field and he had a great interesting research with a Japenesse Institute about how enery affect the crystlization of water.

You can check his site at

Take care


Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2007, 05:18:54 PM »
Hi Manal,

Thank you, for the welcome.  I will check out the website but I am sure this is not the same thing.  This is magnetic resonance stimulation.  It is a personal mat that you use and it works on a sawtooth magnetic resonance that as it runs through the body it kicks the ions in our cells to more effienctly do their job.  As we may have issues due to magnetic smog.  Cell phones,microwaves, t.v.'s sound systems, radio, ect. if there are any other info I can share I will try and if I can't I will work at getting it for you or others.  I am living proof this works for being sick for so long.  It is an amazing tool for me and it has renewed my life and the lives of my family.  It needs to be in every modern home as this technology is probably ahead of medicine (science usually is) it is sometimes dismissed as to good to be true. But it is.  My firend is using it in a PE class for disabled young adults and at first the college told her she was on her own with it.  Then the college ended up buying one and will probably buy another shortly as the staff is now regularly using it and it is spreading word of mouth.  I didn't realise how many people not just us with minor feel tired and over stressed.  It seems like an excepted part of life these days.  Anyway I can not say enough about it as I am soooooo thankful  and know God answered my prayers.       

Roxanne   :yahoo   


Offline Manal

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Re: Sooo tired lately...
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2007, 10:39:06 PM »
Thanks Roxanne

Thanks for your reply, i will be waiting for any other details :wink

Take care


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