"Hoping of something..maybe to inspire or give awareness of being a thal-major"

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Offline roldan par

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  • Gender: Male
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hi..I'm roldan par a 23yr.old male Major Beta-Thalassemia patient from Philippines, I was diagnosed at Philippine Children's Med. Center(formly Lungsod ng Kabataan)wayback about 1985.Presently residing at Malolos City, last june i was being rushed to the hospital due to iron overload, a result from insufficient chelation therapy also because of financiall capability to support my medical needs especially here in the Philippines and also I only come from a poor family.A life-theatening situation for me that time that i can say it's God's miracolous gift for me to live up to now...now I'm not just managing my thalasemia but also type1 diabetes mellitus and some gallstones, but I'm not loosing hope to God cause his the only doctor who can give cure to my disease...I hope i inspire you all with my short story of mine, i also hope for people out there who are willing to help wheter in financiall support or emotional advice..thanks!!!
hmmm...judge me when we get to know each other


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