Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate the kind words and prayers.
I've been getting as many opinions as I can. I've had problems with my stomach for a long time now, and was told a long time ago that I would most-likely need some of my intestines removed. I guess it has come to that time now, where I cannot wait any longer, because things have gotten much worse over the past couple of weeks.
To be honest, and I know this sounds crazy, but I want them to take some of my intestines out. I've been wanting this for a long time now, because it has been causing me excruciating pain. I cannot go to the bathroom anymore, and it's so painful. Now, the prolapse is a different story. If they fix the prolapse, then I will most-likely be incontinent, because I have absolutely no muscle left in my rectum, so even with new technology, they cannot do anything other than what was told to me. There is no way to fix the muscle. I've spoken to many great colon/rectal surgeons here in New York, and they all give me the same scenario. If they can just remove some of my large intestine, then I may not have to go through all the pain that I go through anymore. I'd rather have that done, and then maybe wait on the prolapse and see what happens. I know that this is a very serious surgery, and I may not do very well, but unfortunately it needs to be done. My intestines are extremely redundant, and they are twisting and strangulating, causing me severe pain. Nothing else can be done in that area, except to remove some. I've been seeing doctors for this for very long time now, so I don't want it to seem like this just all happened when I was hospitalized. It just became so much worse when I was hospitalized, because of the agony that I was in, and the bleeding. So, trust in me that I am doing everything that I can, and my family is right beside me, fighting for the best treatment. My mother will not rest until I get the best care possible, and neither will I.
I really appreciate everyone's good thoughts and kind words. I will keep you updated on the situation. I just need a few more tests done, and then I will be back to see the surgeon for another consult.
Courtenay, you can never have too many opinions, so I would really appreciate that number that you have. Thank you so much hun.
I love you all. Thank you for being there for me. Sometimes I make the mistake of not filling you guys in on my life, because I just want to help everyone else, and not bother anyone with my problems. So, when I finally post about something, it's usually when a severe situation has resulted, from an ongoing problem. I have had so many things going on with me and my health, but I don't like burdening anyone. I really appreciate all of you being there for me, though. I will try to talk about things more. I spoke with Andy about this a while ago. He kept reminding me that we have such a great place here to vent and talk, that I should utilize, but I told him about the problem that I have with burdening others with my problems and it's hard for me. For that, I'm truly sorry. I just care about you guys so much, and I know you all have your own problems to deal with.
I'll let you guys know what happens. I love you all.