I need some good thoughts and prayers, please.

  • 77 Replies


Re: I need some good thoughts and prayers, please.
« Reply #75 on: September 06, 2009, 10:40:15 AM »
Thanks for sharing about your friends conditions with me.
It sadden me to hear about her, especially at this young age,I hope she makes the right choice and do what is best for her,In the meantime I will join you in praying for her health and ours.

I hope that she is getting good medical care.
She needs a good dietician to advice her about the type of food she can or cannot have.

Ulcerative colitis if I'm not mistaken its called" chrones'disease" in many ways, it can have many bad effect on any one's body.I wish her goodluck.
Take care Kathy


Offline Dori

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Re: I need some good thoughts and prayers, please.
« Reply #76 on: September 06, 2009, 11:46:55 AM »
Thanks for sharing about your friends conditions with me.
It sadden me to hear about her, especially at this young age,I hope she makes the right choice and do what is best for her,In the meantime I will join you in praying for her health and ours.

I hope that she is getting good medical care.
She needs a good dietician to advice her about the type of food she can or cannot have.

Ulcerative colitis if I'm not mistaken its called" chrones'disease" in many ways, it can have many bad effect on any one's body.I wish her goodluck.
Take care Kathy

Thank you Kathy,

Sadly Crohn's is a different colon disease. It's less painfull then UC. With UC you got a colon full of ulcers. To be honest, I dont know how, but they took their whole colon out. I dunno about UC but Crohn's is related to arthrose (sp). and reuma.





Re: I need some good thoughts and prayers, please.
« Reply #77 on: September 06, 2009, 09:39:33 PM »
Thanks Dore,

I hope this web site help your friend with some info.http://www.medicinenet.com/ulcerative_colitis/index.htm.

Kathy :hugfriend


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