Thanks a lot Andy, Zaini and Jean for your support

I really appreciate it so much.
Ahmad has been taking it for 4 days now. The doctor told me to disolve the capsule in 5ml water and then give him 4ml only . The capsule is 500mg and Ahmad weighs 16 kg. i usually give it to him after lunch to avoid any gastric discomfort. In those 4 days, Ahmad started to feel pain in his stomach after one hour and this pain increases gradually, he becomes very sleepy (maybe like nauseia or dizziness) he really cannot explain his feeling. The most awful thing is that he cannot eat any thing at all even a candy (which is the world for him). For the last four days he didn't eat
anything after 3p.m. and i guess if we continue like this he will be losing weight. Some times he sweats a lot even he is not hot( like he is going down). I know that this are expected side effects from hydrea.
my question is: Does this mean that his body cannot tolerate the medicine so we should stop it
OR the dose should be decreased
OR i Should give it to him before he sleeps so all this side effect happenes during his sleep. But i am afraid from this last option cause i don't know what may happen during this time( maybe his blood preasure will decrease or.... i mean i am not mointering him and can not mointer him if any thing happened)
Have any body got any idea what to do

Thanks a lot