I had to have a csection with Mychael due to alot of the same reasons you're having - they took him at 36 weeks so we wouldn't have to worry about my spleen rupturing during labor tho...I was dilated to 2, so they were kinda worried, like your OB.
Let me recommend some csection comforts, so you'll be prepared... First, take two hospital blankets, and fold them tightly into a rectangle, and tape them shut with hospital tape. Hold this against your belly when you laugh, cough, go potty, move from bed, etc. It makes a world of difference to feel that you have some support "down there" when they've just cut every muscle you need to do these things.
Secondly, if the hospital doesn't provide it, take along a squirt bottle to rinse yourself after going to the bathroom - it will be very painful to wipe, and this will help you feel fresh between showers. I know, kinda personal huh? I just want this experience to be good for you - you've been thru so much.
Also, take plenty of lip balm - the epidural anesthesia, and the gas if they use it, makes you mouth and lips feel like cotton. The balm will help at least your lips! Make sure you drink plenty of water before your 12 hours before that you cant...it will help you stay hydrated and not so nauseuous during the wait before surgery.
All my love, honey! You will do beautifully, I am sure!