I first heard about Wheat Grass(WG) during the last chat in the MSN forums. I was so excited that I wanted to start it right away! Anyway I got the plain Whole Wheat Grains and made a shallow patch on the ground not more than an inch deep. Just rough up the soil and wet it to make the process easy and it's ready! Then I spread the grains evenly on this patch and covered them with the soil that had been displaced during the previous step. Make this patch even and water it! It should look something like Picture 1 below! (Actually this picture is taken after a few days and you can see green spots where the WG is sprouting)

After a couple of (2-3 weeks depending on the soil fertility and weather) you should have a healthy yeid of WG about 6 inches like in Picture 2. It's harvesting time!!

Just take a handful for the first time, later you can go for more and snip it off with scissors just above the ground and let the roots stay in as you can get another yeild if you grow it in the natural garden soil (like I did). I've put the WG on the plate that comes with a tea set along the scissors to give you an idea of how long the WG should be. See picture 3
Then I chopped the WG in to smaller pieces (See picture 4) to make them more manageable for our blender. Then I put them into the blender and added water just enough to submerse the blades of the blender under water, otherwise the WG will just stick to walls and not touch the blades. Too bad our blender is not transparent white, but it is brown tinted, thus I wasn't able to get a clear picture of that step. Anyway you get the idea what I am talking about!?!?
After a few seconds of blending the whole thing turned into a green frothy liquid which I poured out in a drinking glass. See Picture 5

. The residue in the blender was just clumped up fiber of WG from which, I think the imporant stuff has already been extracted. So I wasted it as it was quite hard and rough (and undigestable maybe)
The WG juice didn't taste that bad since there was water in it and it was quite dilluted, but the smell is the problem. Sure it looks green but it doesn't smell like BRUTE. The best way to drink it is to add flavour syrups to it or just hold your breath while drinking it
Enjoy it!