Fetal stem cells triggers tumors in ill boy

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Fetal stem cells triggers tumors in ill boy
« on: February 18, 2009, 07:58:16 AM »
Found this article off Drudge report http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D96DLTT00&show_article=1

Although aspects are unclear basically what happened is this: an Israeli family whose son had a very very severe genetic disease called A-T (ataxia telangiestacia) rolled the dice on this one trying to find a cure. So they tried an experimental injection of fetal stem cells at a Moscow clinic.

Result: The child developed -benign- tumors.

Two first-glance thoughts:
- While the regulatory environment for testing and approving new drugs and therapies does need an overhaul, it's important patients with manageable diseases not jump at "cures". There is a valid reason for all the trials.
- I hope that people (investors, opinion makers) won't be put off at exploring these scientific avenues by articles that have such a tone.


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