Dear All,
Hope you all doing well…!!!
Let me introduce myself; this is 'Fahad' a new member to this family, and a father of two daughters who were diagnosed as Beta Thalassemia Major…???
My first daughter: "Zehra" she is 2-yrs. + 3-months…
My Second daughter: "Dina" she is just 9-months…
They both were born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
It's around 3-months ago when we did their "Electrophoreses" analysis; the report is confirming that they were both suffering from (Beta Thalassemia Major)

I don't have words to explain my situation really? As that moment my wife gets into unconscious condition and we're still in a big confusion…?
Since a while ago, I was searching net to get some useful info to understand "Thalassemia"

And finally I thank God I come across to this helpful site which almost helps me a lot. But I think I've still lot more to learn?
The hematologist suggested me and my wife to go for counseling and let us done our "Electrophoreses" tests, the results showed that we both are the carriers/trait…? But we're still confused? And even me and my wife are far from a relative chain???
The Dr's advised us the only treatment for my love ones is the 'blood transfusion'… we really stunned after hearing about this treatment…?
Finally we couldn't find any solution, and we didn't know even a lot about this syndrome…? Suddenly we feel that we're helpless for our tiny ones and in a moment our life's are entirely changed towards a horrific gloom…?
On every 4 to 5 weeks we've to go through the painful blood transfusion practice to my little ones? And believe me till now I unable to control my wife situation, I observing she is dying day by day…? Since this deadly syndrome comes into our lives we've no more happiness remains?
My intention is how I can stop this painful treatment of my love ones by any method? One of my friend advised me there is a drug called "Hydroxyurea" it can be help to delay or cut the blood transfusion…? I don't have any idea about this drug and its procedures? Is it really effective?
Please help me and my family with your loyal advices…
My apologies for any inconvenient, and appreciate your time and efforts…
I'm eagerly waiting for your valuable feedbacks.
God Bless You All!
We remain,
Helpless Father!