How could I possibly avail of a desferal pump?

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Offline Zai

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How could I possibly avail of a desferal pump?
« on: May 15, 2007, 07:40:48 AM »

I need help... I was advised by my doctor to undergo on iron chelation therapy. I am based in Angeles City philippines. I have ordered a pump from Novartis Philippines almost 2 months ago, however, it seems like they are having a hard time availing of desferal pump. According to an agent I've talked to, it takes a long time to avail of stocks coming from Italy.
I can't wait for more complications of iron intoxication. I desperately need a desferal pump. Please help me find ways to avail of a pump as soon as I can. Thanks a lot...


Offline fairytale

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Re: How could I possibly avail of a desferal pump?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2007, 07:07:14 PM »
Hi Zai,

I wish i could help you, here in Cyprus i was able to order it and get it from the hospital i get transfused.  Can't your doctor help you get one?



Offline Zai

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Re: How could I possibly avail of a desferal pump?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2007, 08:11:28 AM »
Hi! thanks for your reply.
Actually, I've already talked to someone from Novartis Philippines, however, until now, desferal pump is still out of stock. it's been 5 months since i was advised to undergo therapy. I want to have the pump as soon as i can so I can start with my therapy and prevent complications of iron intoxication.  ???
Exjade is available here already, however, i really can't afford it so I  opted to buy a desferal pump. really need it  :wah


Offline roldan par

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Re: How could I possibly avail of a desferal pump?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2007, 07:37:10 AM »
hello!!!I would ask doctors and friends regarding the infusion pump..where hospital do you usually have your check-up?Is it ok if the pump is second hand?Do you know that there is another kind of oral chelator out in the market?The brand is FERREX and the generic name is DEFERIPRONE?would you mind if I'll give you my contact number just incase?here is it 09064105150..
Take care always and Godbless!!!
hmmm...judge me when we get to know each other


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