hi everyone just thought i'd share some good news. after 2 weeks of no desferal and just working with therapists, we started the desferal again last week. he is coping with it so well. i've got my little resilient boy back.
he uses breathing techniques as we put the needle in and is now moving around once the pump is on as opposed to sitting on a chair all night hunched over scared to move.
my husband and i worked with psych med for a while as well where we underwent a form of cognitive therapy. we have changed our attitudes to it in the way we address it. we dont ask him a million times how is feeling. if he is uncomfortable he will tell us. i have had to be a tad tough which i am not used to because it is not my parenting style. when christian says i want to take it out i'll reply in a short manner' don't think about it'. whereas before i would have had a big talk with him about it and look at what other children in the world go through blah blah blah.
after 7 weeks of driving every day to the hospital (45 mins there and back) we are now ready to do it at home. for now we are only doing it 5 night a week, as he only has 1.5 units of blood.
oh and another thing- i have now become the person who does the needle. he didn't want dad to do it and whether i liked it or not i had to do it to show him it was not that big a deal. i'm still nervous about it but i probably do not show it. in fact this ordeal probably made me a little too tough and i distance myself from the small things that dont really matter in the scheme of things.
i get a little frustrated because try as they might people do not understand. i ahve been trying to work, go to the hospital everyday, look after christian and zac, make sure the house domestics are done. i am so tired! maybe when we start at home this week, things will be alittle more relaxed.
thank you all for your support. its on this site that i know people understand and can give me advice to help me get through. i haven't given up on the thought of exjade though. i'm taking one day at a time for now.