Hi everyone,
First of all, I wish every Pakistani reading this, A Very Happy Independence Day! :party
Today, I went to the venue selected for the celebrations by Jamila Sultana Foundation.
We had a great time and I got to be the host for one section and later got a Certificate and a book weighing 2 kilos or something! :biggrin (It's the style of my doctor to appreciate my educational abilities) :crackup
I'm posting some snaps of some of the team members; but please excuse the low cell-cam quality and my absence as I'm the one taking these. I will post the higher res. pictures (which includes mine) when I get them in a few days.
This is our Project Manager; Mr. Usman Asad (The host of the show :biggrin)
Click Here to see the bigger picture (http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/sajid_rauf/14aug08/83f22b3b.jpg)
This is my Doctor (on the right) and our head nurse (on the left) with a couple of kids.
Click Here to see the bigger picture (http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/sajid_rauf/14aug08/cb4f91f0.jpg)
Here is our Project manager with the Doctor and some kids.
Click Here to see the bigger picture (http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/sajid_rauf/14aug08/74c027cf.jpg)
These three are the terrific trio who are most famous with the kids and are a very important integral part of the team who dedicatedly carry out tasks assigned to them regardless of what they are appointed to.
(From left to right Mr. Amir, Mr. Asad and Mr. Amaeish)
Click Here to see the bigger picture (http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/sajid_rauf/14aug08/59b38c9f.jpg)
Here is the Managing Trustee Dr. Abid giving Certificate of appreciation to one of the many dedicated staff members.
Click Here to see the bigger picture (http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/sajid_rauf/14aug08/d72d5f7d.jpg)
I have uploaded a National song that is performed by the kids. You can see it in my profile by clicking my wacky User name on the left. :biggrin