Thalassemia Patients and Friends

Discussion Forums => The Spotlight => Topic started by: PomMom on November 09, 2015, 11:56:37 PM

Title: New Member in need of help...
Post by: PomMom on November 09, 2015, 11:56:37 PM
Hello Everyone, I am new to this site. I am heterozygous for the prothrombin gene mutation. Can anyone help me understand my Labs? Is my Hgb A2 related to my prothrombin mutation? And is my result worrisome ?(I haven't heard from my Dr. yet, however my labs were posted on the patient portal.)

**= flagged lab results

HgbA 98.5%
HgbA2 1.5**
hgb F 0
RBC 4.09
WBC 6.0
MPV 10.4 fl
MCV 94 fl
MCHC 33.8gm
MCH 31.8pg
HGB 13.0gm
HCT 38.5%
VIT D 46 ng
Abs Baso Ct .03mcl
Abs Eos .70 mcl**
Abs Imm Gran Ct .01 mcl **
Abs Lymph Ct 1.96 mcl
Abs Mono .52mcl
Abs Neut 2.74mcl
Basophils 0
Eosinophil 12%**
Imm Gran .2%
Lymphocytes 33%
Mature Neutrophils 46%
Monocyte 9%
Title: Re: New Member in need of help...
Post by: Andy Battaglia on November 10, 2015, 03:23:12 PM
Hi PomMom,

I don't really know much about the prothrombin mutation, but a low HbA2 usually indicates that one carries alpha thalassemia. However, none of your other red cell indices are low, so I don't think it can be said for sure that you carry alpha thal. If you do, it would have to be a one gene silent carrier status. I would actually suggest having the electrophoresis done again, because there is nothing else that points to alpha thal. If you are a silent carrier, you probably would not see any effects from it.