my sons report says partial????

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Offline maha

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my sons report says partial????
« on: June 03, 2007, 12:41:24 PM »
hi all
my one year old son had gone through a blood transfusion as his hemoglobin was 5.7. A HEMOGLOBIN ELECTROPHORESIS confirmed the doc`s suspicion that he was a thal major. At that time his readings were Hb A-10.67 and Hb F-85.77. He was given 100ml blood. He called us again after 4 weeks, but instead of visiting him we consulted a hemetologist. His hemoglobin level now is 7.1. Hemoglobin electrophoresis was repeated. The new readings are Hb A-50.55 and Hb F-45.55 and the diagnosis says PARTIAL.What does this mean? The doc said usually the transfused blood gets depleted within 4 weeks. He also said his hemoglobin soon after transfusion would probably had been between 7.5-8 and after 4 weeks a level of 7.1 was not too bad. I have not transfused again.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: my sons report says partial????
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 02:58:30 PM »
With these readings it is possible that your son is intermedia and that the early low reading was due to a temporary drop in Hb. I think it is still too early to tell for sure and that only with some more time and observation of his Hb levels, can it be determined whether he is major or intermedia. For the time being, be thankful that his Hb level has maintained and that he hasn't yet required a second transfusion. If he does maintain an Hb of 6-7, he will most likely be classified as intermedia.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: my sons report says partial????
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 06:03:27 PM »
Repeating Electrophesis test after transfusion makes no sense, of course the HBF was lower because of the first transfusion. The body still had adult hemoglobin in it. 100ml of blood transfusion is normal in a one year old, my daugther's hemoglobin when first diagnosed was exactly 5.7 and her hemoglobin raised to 7 after first transfusion, she didn't had to repeat the tranfusion for three months as she was able to sustain her levels (but then it gradually dropped back to 5.7 level in three months). If your son's hemoglobin dropped to 5.7 within three months of first transfusion then he is likely Major.

You also want to go for DNA test to make sure the diagnosis.




Offline maha

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Re: my sons report says partial????
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2007, 10:49:29 AM »
hi Andy
My doc also said the same thing that he should be followed up carefully to decide if he is an intermedia or a major.I was reading an earlier post by Manal regarding the reticulocyte count. The more anemic the child the higher the ret count. Is this right? My son Hassan`s ret count is 1.4 that is within the normal range, even though his Hb is 7.1. All the tests were taken in one of saudi arabia`s best hospital. His first transfusion was a nightmare and I want to delay the next as long as possible.Presently Hassan is very active. The only time he is quiet is when he is sleeping, and he was the same even when his Hb was 5.7. I had taken him to the doc as he had a slight temperature which kept recurring 3 times in three weeks.(only for a day)


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