Thal build

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #30 on: March 10, 2010, 11:34:56 AM »
Hey thanks Manal,

All the things that others do - to avoid putting on weight - Should help me!!   :biggrin

I was not aware that eating proteins and carbs together helps gain weight. Its easy to follow, I will have to look up foods that contain them.

Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.


Offline Waleed

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2010, 02:59:40 AM »
You weigh 110 pounds right? or is it Kg which I believe is less likely. I am also 5'2" and weigh 115 lbs, and not taking any extra calories or anything. And my physique is no way near yours  ??? Am I heavy or are you light  :huh

Tariq of my height weight age and sex my Body Mass Index is 20.6. My last weight count is 51kg. The answer to your question is that many have weight 70 or 75kgs. However a 5'10" young boy with lean muscle mass can compete in bodybuilding show at those weight ranges. There are weightlifiting classes that range from 50-55kg too. the point that makes the difference what you have asked is LEAN BODY MASS (muscle) to Body Fat ratio... You may have more of your 115lbs covered by your body fat whereas mine is composed of lean muscle mass and thats why we are different.


Offline Waleed

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2010, 03:10:58 AM »
Thanks Zaini, Manal!

I've been down since a month with IBS again, and Lost some more weight ...   :wah   Eating bland diet food, till my body can handle normal food again!

My health goes around in circles, Any tummy infection needs antibiotics, and the antibiotics aggravate the tummy!  lol.. 

The IBS doesn't let me have a lot of milk, I try to have bananas - which worsens my sinusitis/allergies/throat issues!

For some reason I don't get fever, so i don't even notice I have infections, till it gets worse.

Tried the Gym, I black out within seconds.

Its funny how you guys can gain weight by looking at sweets, etc, and I can swim around in Chocolate and nothing happens!!   :rotfl

But i've made up my mind to gain weight - maybe with hope and faith and other miracles!!! 


Definitely u can gain weight..if you'r too intersted then i may devise a nutrition pand exrcise plan if u will surely b helpful..and as for the throat infection cuz of banas YOU R NOT ALONE it happens to every1 trying to put more banas in belly./.the solution is eat less banas then that..and if u get infection then leave them for 2 days and then back again with same aount and this time u wud hav deveopled immunity to this amount...i started with i guess three and cud easily diggest 3  dozens in a day.. it will develop slowly very solwly./ The DIFFICULT task in weight gaining body building is not the time and effort spent in gym...but the effort done to  put food ur food fown the is the MAJOR FACTOR that affects who will  be the bodybuilding's all around the world struggle for it liike a death n life race.


Offline Waleed

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2010, 03:16:25 AM »
  :rotfl :rotfl I am sure you will

Another tip... try to have proteins and carbohydrates in one meal. For me,  I do the opposite as i try not to mix them in order not to gain weight so i mix either protein with vegetables or carbohydrates and vegetables


Its not necessary Protein and Carohydrate combination will make you gain weight. If this is the combination and ur eating overall less calories than requirement U WILL NOT GAIN with this then. However if using this comb and you're exceeding ur daily calorie needs ONLY then you will gain weight ….and if…those calories include protein in it then you will gain muscle mass with exercise. But if you do not exercise and eat more carbs ratio then u will gain fat.


Offline Waleed

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2010, 03:18:20 AM »
Hey thanks Manal,

All the things that others do - to avoid putting on weight - Should help me!!   :biggrin

I was not aware that eating proteins and carbs together helps gain weight. Its easy to follow, I will have to look up foods that contain them.


ITS NOT THAT way. combining them or isolating them does not count toweight gain. It is rather GOOD to have both combined in a diet. Only ur total calori  intake will make u gain or lose


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Re: Thal build
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2010, 04:29:18 PM »
Hello All,

Hope you all are well. I just left my hematologist for some blood work and here are the results. I'm posting here because of the last discussion with Andy about NO2. I started taking the NO2 supplement along with my multi vitamin about 6 to 8 weeks ago, so far it's been all positive. I feel very good physically and mentally. I'm still around 185.5lbs. I was able to run my first 12min mile in a very long time, usually it takes around 15mins. I've increased the amount I can lift while working out. My iron work is not back yet, but the Dr. will update me when it is. Last time it was borderline high and if it is over he mentioned exjade. I hope it's not. I drink tea with every meal and none of my supplements contain iron.  The previous numbers for the WBC and the HGB were from about 6mths ago.

WBC 16.8K/uL down from 18.
RBC 4.45 M/ul
HGB 9.1g/dl up from 8.2
HCT 29.2%

Take care of yourselves.


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Re: Thal build
« Reply #36 on: April 26, 2010, 11:25:06 PM »
Thanks Bobby  for your update, the usage of NO is so interesting. Wish all your results will be satisfactory



Offline Prets

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2010, 08:49:00 AM »
@ Bobby-

Thats good to hear Bobby, keep us posted.

@ Waleed-

I agree calories intake should be more than energy expended. But I've noticed at times, I eat almost twice the amount and its no use, I don't even gain half kilo.  I think the anemia, when hgb is less than 10, my body doesn't seem to improve with anything. And every little health issue, makes me lose weight FAST.

Is it possible that due to the less hgb and less oxygen, there is a problem gaining weight? I also have digestive/absorption issues so that also maybe a factor why my food is not utilised well.

Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.


Offline Waleed

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2010, 03:22:23 PM »
@ Bobby-

Thats good to hear Bobby, keep us posted.

@ Waleed-

I agree calories intake should be more than energy expended. But I've noticed at times, I eat almost twice the amount and its no use, I don't even gain half kilo.  I think the anemia, when hgb is less than 10, my body doesn't seem to improve with anything. And every little health issue, makes me lose weight FAST.

Is it possible that due to the less hgb and less oxygen, there is a problem gaining weight? I also have digestive/absorption issues so that also maybe a factor why my food is not utilised well.

Dear Pretty, its very difficult to eat twice as required, PERSISTENTly and NOT gaining weight. the problem arises that u cant eat  more than required cuz of loss of appetite and thats where u have to fight. i remember when i had to take 3500 and above kcalories u cant imagine how much food it takes and how hard it is to bring down after every 3 hours.. i always felt  nausea and bloating. However if u r able to eat and measure it then surely u'' gain waeight..

and the second point u asked is exactly the same question i have in my mind... i have spent hard 9months in and outiside the gym doing heavy exercises , eating every 3 hours, fighting bloat nause, forced myself to sleep 8-10 hours and gained good 10kg weight ...and now its been almst 3 months ive  to quit gym and diet cuz ive shifted to another counry for employment and 50% of my muslces are GONE  ! i  i havent measured my weight but i guess i wud hav lost atleast 4-5 kgs of lean muscle mass...  do normal ppl lose muscle mass that fast? or does thalasemia hor low hgb has sumthing to do withit?  will 9-12 hgb  have incremental/detrimental or no effects for hypertrophical gains? all these questions are to answered and i guess im going to make a threadfor that


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Re: Thal build
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2010, 02:29:25 PM »
Well today my hgb is 9.4      :wah

That may explain why i lost weight and cant put it back on. Plus my celiac/ibs is also to blame.  When I'm feeling good, energetic, and gain 2-3 kilos, most often my hgb is 10.5.

Maybe that is the time i could try to eat more and work with mild weights to begin with.

Coincidentally now, I dont seem to have any muscle...   like superwoman types. even lifting one kilo takes massive efforts. There is surely some connection with hgb, oxygen, and muscle mass, gain/loss.

Do you think some regular dose of extra IV vitamins, etc may help my 40 kilos???  :smileblue
Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.


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Re: Thal build
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2010, 10:08:56 PM »

Dear Pretty, its very difficult to eat twice as required, PERSISTENTly and NOT gaining weight. the problem arises that u cant eat  more than required cuz of loss of appetite and thats where u have to fight. i remember when i had to take 3500 and above kcalories u cant imagine how much food it takes and how hard it is to bring down after every 3 hours.. i always felt  nausea and bloating. However if u r able to eat and measure it then surely u'' gain waeight..

and the second point u asked is exactly the same question i have in my mind... i have spent hard 9months in and outiside the gym doing heavy exercises , eating every 3 hours, fighting bloat nause, forced myself to sleep 8-10 hours and gained good 10kg weight ...and now its been almst 3 months ive  to quit gym and diet cuz ive shifted to another counry for employment and 50% of my muslces are GONE  ! i  i havent measured my weight but i guess i wud hav lost atleast 4-5 kgs of lean muscle mass...  do normal ppl lose muscle mass that fast? or does thalasemia hor low hgb has sumthing to do withit?  will 9-12 hgb  have incremental/detrimental or no effects for hypertrophical gains? all these questions are to answered and i guess im going to make a threadfor that

Thanks Manal, Preety,

Waleed, I would also like to know the answer to your questions. It seems that just being away from the gym for a few weeks weight and muscle lose is quite noticable. I realize in an attempt to produce more red blood cells our bodies are constantly working and burning calories, but how many calories? My Dr. once told me my body thinks it's on a threadmill almost 24hrs a day.


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Re: Thal build
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2010, 11:05:33 AM »
My body also feels the same - so much heat with every little work, that I feel i've  exercised a lot.

Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.


Offline Waleed

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Re: Thal build
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2010, 01:10:28 AM »

 yes brother, to grow in BB we must have knowledge and calculate everything to make sure nothing is missing. when i ensured my diet,training and erst i grew dramatically. but when im otside gym and off diet i lose drastically...why? is thal to b blamed? its around 3months i havent been to gym.but point to b noted is my diet isnt that same to make me grow. And my hb that i kept 12-15 isnt same too. but still there are so many factors missing that I cant blame thal just for it. I guess not until when i'l restart the gym and diet with 9-12.5 hgb range we can answer the question that low Hgb hinders Hypertrophical Gains or not. I wish i cud become a test subject in any experiment regarding "thalasemia and bodybuilding"...i just wish


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Re: Thal build
« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2010, 02:54:20 PM »

Do you think some regular dose of extra IV vitamins, etc may help my 40 kilos???  :smileblue
I followed a pasta diet. The side effect is that I do not want to eat tomato sauce anymore but 5 years after my weight is still above 40. Just a thought.


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