new oral chelator trials for children (Ferrokin)

  • 1 Replies
new oral chelator trials for children (Ferrokin)
« on: November 26, 2012, 02:16:17 AM »
There is a new oral chelator in clinical trials (stage 2 I believe) for children. Boston Hospital Children has these trials going on now.
The chelator is Ferrokin.
So far (from adult trials) it seems this oral chelator does not have the same GI and renal side effects (black box warnings) that Exjade has.

Hopefully this will give our children other options for oral chelators!

My son, adopted from China at age 3 in April 2010, has beta thalassemia major.


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Re: new oral chelator trials for children (Ferrokin)
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2012, 03:36:04 AM »
Thank you for sharing, this is great.  More options for our children is always better.  Exjade can be hard on the stomach over the long term, it would be nice to have another option so perhaps we can switch back and forth over time.



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