Thalassemia Patients and Friends

Miscellaneous Forums => Treatment Centers => Topic started by: mumtaz on July 18, 2007, 03:26:35 PM

Title: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: mumtaz on July 18, 2007, 03:26:35 PM
Hello friends
this is to be requested to all my friend related to this web site.if any one having the knowledge that, some hospital is providing the treatment(blood transfeusion etc) to noncitizen of Saudi Arabia in the City OF RIYADH(Capatial of Saudi arabia)
pls send me the detail i will be very thankful

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Andy Battaglia on July 18, 2007, 06:29:14 PM
Have you checked this hospital? They should be able to direct you to where you can get transfused.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (General Organization)

P.O.Box 3354, Riyadh 11211 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 966-1-464-7272 Fax: 966-1-441-4839

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: maha on August 03, 2007, 02:35:35 PM
Hello Mumtaz,
Got some information for you. There is a thalassemia center in King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh.The bad news however is that they don`t register expats. Infact expats cannot avail free treatment in any government hospital in the Kingdom (since jan 2006). If you are able to manage financially or  have insurance coverage then any hospital with a hemetology department will provide treatment. Hope this info helps you.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: mumtaz on August 07, 2007, 02:25:49 PM
thx maha for ur information but i checked that insurance companines are not covering the treatment of Thal. major.
for the time being my all efforts ur useless, i hope and pray that inshallah very soon i will get some solution of this problem.
any how once again thankyou for ur kind information, pls be intouch and share informations with me.
what's the news regartding ur efforts . let me know about it

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Rani pk on October 22, 2007, 05:41:39 AM
sallam 2 all
i want ur help!!!
one of my thal major friend
is planning to go for hajj
for fourty days....
her mother is worried where
to transfuse in makkah??
she got some info that in alnoor hospital
in makkah she will able to get treatment....
want some more info about it??my friend im talking about is
hafsah her sis is new member here

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Canadian_Family on October 22, 2007, 02:19:59 PM
Would it be possible to cut short the stay in Saudi Arabia for Hajj, i.e. within the transfusion regimen period. Hajj is performed in three days.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: T @ r ! Q on October 23, 2007, 05:04:12 PM
Hi everyone,

Fortunately i am also planning t go for hajj this year but for a 20 days stay. Since i usually get transfused in 15-18 days, i can extend it to 20 in this case but since Hajj involves around 5 days of hard restless effort, there are chances that i would need a transfusion there. My parents are also worried in this regard. And i was searching for trasfusion facilities in Makkah and Madinah and came across this info:

Hospital & Clinics - Makkah
King Faysel Hospital 5566411
King Abd Ai Aziz Hospital 5442520
Al Nour Hospital 5583730
M.S.Basharahil Hospital
           P.O.Box 10505
           Holly Makkah
           Telephone :009662 5204444
           Fax :009662 5200779

Hospitals – Al Madinah
King Fahad Hospital 8233500
King Abdul Aziz Hospital 8236136
Saudi German Hospitals Group
           Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah- Abar Ali- Al-Jameaat Road, Opp. Saudi Telecom- Al-Batarjee St.- Near Tech College.
           P.O Box 15435
           Tel: 8406000 (250 line)
           Fax: 8407000

I didn't get anything on above hospitals websites regarding transfusion facilities. They do have blood banks though. But as far as i know they are big hospitals there. Uptil now i came accross 3 email addresses and i was thinking of emailing them for guidance.

I would appreciate if anyone else can give some info on this.

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Canadian_Family on October 23, 2007, 05:11:24 PM
We had some discussion for Thalassemia facilities in Saudi Arabia, I am simply providing the link.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Rani pk on October 24, 2007, 05:38:18 AM
u did it wht i want
actually one of the patient frm
aku is also going for hajj 4 forty days
inshallah soon ull called haji tariq
pls pray 4 us that v also plan n go 4 hajj
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: mumtaz on October 24, 2007, 10:47:57 AM
i also got information that in Makkah transfeusion facility is available. few days back i was in makkah but badluck that i didnot get time to collect information 
any how i will try my level best to get information about that hospital and post it to u.

Allah hafiz

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: T @ r ! Q on October 24, 2007, 04:47:31 PM

Thnx Aneela and Mumtaz,

Lets put our resources to work and get as much info as possible. I will email the concerned people there, lets c what they have to share with us.

Aneela, i will pray that u also get blessed with Hajj opportunity. InshaAllah.



Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: mumtaz on November 18, 2007, 05:54:14 AM
Rani as per my information which i collect through my friend working in Jeddeh(Saudi Arabia) the blood tranfeusion facility is available in King Fahad Hospital Makkah
pls confirm it and also inform me
don't forget in ur prays

Allah hafiz
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: T @ r ! Q on December 02, 2007, 02:37:26 PM
In response to my query to various hospitals in Makkah and Madinah, i just received a reply from:

Dr. Gamal AlKheshen
M.S.Basharahil Hospital
P.O.Box 10505
Holly Makkah
Telephone :009662 5204444
Fax :009662 5200779

He(or She) said that transfusion facility is available in Washed Packed cell form at the cost of 350 Saudi Riyal per unit.
My hajj trip is from 9-Dec ro 31-Dec. Do remember me in ur prayers.

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Zaini on December 03, 2007, 12:42:10 PM

Please remember all of us in your prayers,you are going to the Greatest place,plz pray for all the thalassemics.

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on December 04, 2007, 01:17:33 PM
Congratulations Tariq!

I hope that you have a safe trip. Please remember us in your prayers.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: KHALIFA on December 04, 2007, 09:23:26 PM
Brother Tariq hope for you safe trip and haj mubarak inshallah don't forget to pray for Abdulwahab and all thalassimic PpL ...
                                     your brother
                                   state of kuwait
                            one for all and all for one
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Manal on December 04, 2007, 10:38:32 PM
Congratulations Tariq and please do remember us too in your prayers, take care and have all the essential vaccinations

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Mdazeem on October 22, 2008, 01:43:14 PM
Assalam Alikum to All

I am a Indian Working in Saudi Arabia Jeddah, I am a Beta thassemia Patient and from last two years i take 4 or 5 time blood Transfussion but it to costly 800 Sr to 1000 Sr per pack i need every time 3 to 4 pack it's total 4000 Sr to 6000 Sr charges i have to pay but i dont have job now and i don't have any medical facilities Please can any one tell me here in Jeddah which Hospital is low price or here we can get free bloog transfucion please any one about this please reply me

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Manal on October 22, 2008, 02:53:54 PM
Hi Mdazeem,

I am sorry to hear about this. Actually we have our friend Fahad from Saudi arabia, i will email him and see what he can say about this sitiuation and i will let you know his reply.

I think that situations like this TIF should have a role, shouldn't they????????

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Sharmin on October 22, 2008, 03:00:19 PM
Dear Tariq,

Have a wonderful trip.  You are in our prayers - please remember us in yours as well :)

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Manal on October 27, 2008, 03:51:22 PM
Hi Mdazeem

Our friend Fahad has answered my mail and luckly he is now in Jeddah. So please PM me so i can send you his cell phone in order that you can meet him and he can help you in your problem.

To Fahad,
Thank you so much my dear friend, you are the best :flowers

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: mumtaz on October 30, 2008, 02:46:21 PM
i i am also in Saudi Arabia.(Riyadh). i cam to know that in Jeddah BAKSHAN hospital is providing blood transfeusion. also govt. hospitals like king faisal and fahad are now instructed by the Royal orders. that only and only provide blood transfeusion free of cost. other treatment like Irion chelation and etc etc. will not be provided by the govt. also in Makkah King fahad hospital is doing it. this all information is not yet confirmend by me. i got all this information form my friends living in Jeddah.
but in Riyadh i am getting blood transfeusion for my son form MALIK SAUD MEDICAL COMPLEX(Shamissy hospital(old name)) and its free of cost. but iron chelion and other treatment is not covered. pls check all this in jeddah or makkah. otherwise come to riyadh. because in riyadh (SHAMISSAY hospital) it is confirmend that its free of cost. if u need more information pls call me at my office no 01-4741111 ext 319.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Manal on October 30, 2008, 04:41:30 PM
Thank you Mumtaz for this information, I hope that Mdazeem can read your post.

Manay thanks :flowers

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: T @ r ! Q on October 31, 2008, 06:26:29 AM

I went for Hajj trip last year Alhamdolillah it was a life time event for me. u can read more at (

I've been to King Fahad hospital Madinah during my stay there and we were told that everything is free for Pilgrims, they did my LFT, calcium, CBC for free. Alhamdolillah i didn't needed blood transfusion there still transfusion was also told to be free.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Sharmin on October 31, 2008, 02:47:11 PM

Sorry, I guess that's what happens when you come into a thread late and don't read all of it..... :what

I am glad that you had a good trip!

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: tajuddinsiraj on July 23, 2009, 01:53:19 PM
salam. i'm Dr.tajuddin from india & a member of thalassemia help gruop. i donate blood evry 3 months to the needy patient. please notify me if any1 needs o+ve blood. my doantion due on 11th aug'09.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Manal on July 24, 2009, 02:43:50 AM
Thank you Dr.tajuddin and welcome to the site :welcome2

Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: nice friend on July 24, 2009, 09:27:29 PM
 :welcome2 Dr.Taj-ud-Din

Best Regards
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Zaini on July 25, 2009, 05:45:34 PM
Dr Tajuddin,


Its very nice of you to donate blood regularly,i hope as a doctor you can spread this message that donating blood is not only useful for others but for donor's body also.

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: tajuddinsiraj on July 26, 2009, 06:08:19 PM
salam. i'm dr tajuddin from india. i arrived riyadh recently . i'm a member of thalassemia help group. if any1 needs o+ve blood please notify me. my e-mail
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: javed on January 07, 2010, 06:26:47 PM
Dear Family members,
I was in Riyadh a couple of years back and as right mentioned expats (not citizens) are not provided treatment at hospital in Riyadh or any where in Saudi Arabia (not sure of Makkah / Madina).

I was some how able to arrange for my daughter transfussion at Shemaisi Hospital, Shemaisi, Riyadh.

I had to leave my job as the situtaion at the hospital got tighter and administration just refused to accept thals for blood transfussion.

Repeated faxes to the administration, governor even the ruler fell on deaf ears.

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Andy Battaglia on January 08, 2010, 03:35:51 AM

Please read through this entire thread for previous advice on this topic.

Also, if anyone in Saudi Arabia has any updated advice, please respond.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Manal on January 08, 2010, 11:32:26 PM
Will be emailing our member Fahad in Saudi Arabia and i am sure he will be the best to direct us to the right place. Will get to you

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: maha on January 09, 2010, 04:47:18 AM
Blood transfusions are provided free of cost in all government hospitals and thal centers. But they do not provide chelation facilities.

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Manal on January 10, 2010, 03:12:40 PM
I would like to thank our member Fahad for his prompt reply and help.

 Please if there is any one in Saudi Arabia having difficulty in the management of thal, Fahad is willing to offer you help by directing you where to go. Please PM him if you need to ask about something regarding Saudi Arabia
Below is his reply
Hi Manal,

I hope my message finds you with the best health and prosperity.


Just now I go through with your e-mail and thank you very much for letting me aware on this thread, as usual I appreciate your dedicated support to all of us @ Thalpal.


According to my knowledge the best Thal center under the management of government authorities for an appropriate treatment for Thals in Saudi Arabia is “Jeddah”.


Due to a high volume of patients in Thalassemia management these days and most of them are here from foreigners communities, the government sectors is not allowing easily for non-citizens patient in government health institutes except in emergencies only, because of shortage of blood donors? But I believe still there’s a possible way to get-in.

You can advice our members who are residing in Saudi Arabia can contact me and as always I’m here to assist and provide my maximum possible support at any time.

Jeddah Main Government Thal center is: KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL (Jamia Hospital)
My best wishes to you, Andy and all our associate members at“Thalpal”.

 We remain,


Once again , thank you Fahad, you are highly appreciated :biggrin

Greetings to you and the family

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Alamalpha on September 25, 2015, 02:38:44 PM
Dear Mumtaz ,

We're you able to find any way.

I am now riding same boat.

Please help

Any way for blood transfusion of thallasemic at KSA riyadh
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: Andy Battaglia on September 27, 2015, 08:15:24 PM
Try King Saud Medical center. I know someone who transfuses there.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: ummabdullaah25 on November 04, 2017, 09:31:29 PM

Please could anybody update on the care of thal in Riyadh as we plan to move there ? Is anyone in Riyadh taking bt and deseral

Many thanks
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: mumtaz on November 07, 2017, 06:08:59 AM
1) if u have insurance then choose some hospital who having facility of blood bank. as wel as ur insurance card is acceptable there.
2) or u go to KING SAUD MEDICAL CITY( SHAMISY HOSPITAL) and get blood transfusion from emergency. but pls keep in mind that emergency means ur HB should be at their level of standard ( where they feels its an emergence)
for registered patients in king saud medical city. patient go to OPD, pay doctor fee which is 200SR and then Dr. will suggest for u. quantity of packed RBCs, as per ur latest CBC.
Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: ummabdullaah25 on November 09, 2017, 04:29:32 PM
Hi Mumtaz ,

Thank you for your response.

I would appreciate off you could provide me with some more information for the questions below

- What is the type of chelation used?
- How would you rathe  quality of care of thals?
- could you direct or share some contacts of people who are having transfusions done there so that we could speak to them?
- What level of insurance is blood transfusion covered?

Just asking because we are thinking of moving to Riyadh so want to find about the quality of care and how it is done there?

I have read the post above and that its not at the govt hospital etc.

Many Thanks,

Title: Re: is there any THALSSEMIA CENTRE IN RIYADH(Saudi Arabia)
Post by: mumtaz on November 11, 2017, 08:34:11 AM

for chelation king saud medical city will not give any facility. as u will take patient in emergency. and if they consider u, then they will provide u only blood transfusion. even for registered patients they r not providing iron chelation medicines. so u have to arrange by ur self.
for medical insurance if patient father's company provide BUPA A class, its automatically cover blood transfusion as well as chelation medicines. because good hospitals having facility of hematologist.
now comes to care of THAL patients.
my son is registered in king saud medical city( SHEMISY HOSPITAL), we just visit doctor in OPD, at our due appointment day and time. he examine him, do necessary documentation, and then proceed to ward, there duty nurse check the Schedule and given him day and time, for transfusion. one day before transfusion again have to visit the ward for sample, so they will make blood ready for him. over all its ok.
the quality of screening is good. and they r very careful in it.
if u r interested in some other type of information pls feel free to contact with me any time. i  will provide my cell number as well as email...

hope this information will help u