Thalassemia Patients and Friends
Discussion Forums => Living with Thalassemia => Topic started by: Fadd on August 16, 2007, 09:05:42 PM
hello everyone,
i'm a thal major patient of 21 years of age and a resident Pakistan (Lahore). I have recently completed my Graduation in Commerce,..
In short i'm a wery well maintained patient and i surely say that this credit goes to my parents for which i am very thankful to them,. at the age of 18 i started the Harmone tharapy with the suggestion of an Endocrinologist. As a result of which i hit my puberty...
Since then i was quite confident of my personality, but now for the almost last 11 months i have started to suffer from some kind of depression.
I have started to lose hope to do work, and even to LIVE...
should I consult a Psychiatrist regarding my current situation.....
Please comment..
I might be a depressing fellow here but i request you guys to kindly bear me...
Thanking you,
Looking at your post and thoughts, it doesn't seems like you are depressed. You came across positive about your acheivements and current state of health. You are appreciative of your parents and generally happy. You are confident about yourself.
The question about depression looks like a self made problem. You don't know what it is and may be imposing on yourself. If you really think you are depressed than talk to your parents about it and seek their input. If you really can't find the real reason for your depression than just brush off these thoughts.
Best of luck.
Hi thalpatient,
You know how you feel, better than anyone else, if you feel that you are getting depressed , Yes you need the help of a counsellor, maybe begin by telling your Gp' then take it from there.
There are different level of depression.
A person doesn't lose its perspective on life and achievements when they are depression,If he/she is aware of what she /he is feeling.
Sometimes people think that if a person is depress he /she has lost her senses that is not the case.
Intelligent and depression is two diefferent issues.
Get some help before its too late, your time is precious.good luck
Thanks for such a prompt reply.
yes, you are right to say that it is my self created situation and the problem is that i don't like to share my problems with my parents fearing that they wolud be geting more worried about me. Thats the reason I want to seek the help of a professional. As there is a hell of difference between the counselling of a professional and a non-professional i guess!!
Hi Fouad,
Are you still taking hormones? The possibility that your depression is linked to the hormone replacement should not be overlooked. I think you should talk to the doctor that prescribed the hormones and ask if this might be at the root of your depression. Depressions are not always psychological in nature and can be stimulated by medications.
Most thal patients do experience some type of psychiatric disorder during their lives, so it is not unusual. Anxiety and depression are two of the more common disorders that thals experience. In addition, you are at something of a crossroads in your life, having recently competed your studies. The uncertainty about your future is normal at your age and it may help if you try to draw on the confidence that has got you this far in life. Remind yourself that you have not always felt this way and that you won't always feel this way in the future.
Depression can affect anyone and can have many different causes, some psychological and some physical. For example, both myself and the other administrator of this group have to deal with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) every winter. I combat it with vitamin D supplements and special lighting which mimics the sun, but it is still a battle for me every winter. This is primarily a physically caused depression, although I do feel that its existence does lead to the depression becoming stronger because of the psychological effects of the physically caused depression.
Try to keep busy and make sure you are getting plenty of vitamin D either directly from exposure to sunlight or through a supplement. D is needed for calcium to be properly absorbed, so all thals should make sure they have a steady source of vitamin D. One thing I have found is that volunteer work can make you feel much better about yourself and can help pull one out of depression.
Talk to your doctor about the use of hormones and find out if that may be a factor.
I so glad that you can translate and elaborate on my minimum writting skills.Your explanation of this issue is clear .
Kathy :biggrin
Hi Fouad,
If you are afraid that your parents will get worried about your depression, then you can always discuss with us.
Tell us what's bothering you and hopefully we can resolve it. The best way of getting the load off your chest is to share it with someone. You will feel better right after you have discussed your problem with some one. However I do recommend that you talk with your parents first in a manner that they won't get worried. It will be more hard for them to see you in this depressed condition compared to when you discuss the problem with them.
Dear Sajid,
Its so very nice of you for such valuable suggestions.
I'm grateful to all you people for such a nice and encouraging response.\