Thalassemia Patients and Friends

Miscellaneous Forums => Older Chatter => Topic started by: Sharmin on December 28, 2007, 02:10:01 AM

Title: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Sharmin on December 28, 2007, 02:10:01 AM
My dear friends in Pakistan - how are you? 
I am thinking of you all - it seems that things are not well there - I hope you are all safe.

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Manal on December 28, 2007, 02:26:13 AM
Please take care, hope things return to normal soon inshallah

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Rani pk on December 28, 2007, 06:24:00 AM
pls pray for alll
  pakistani people
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on December 28, 2007, 06:58:07 AM
Hi everyone!

This is a real bad time for me; for this to happen as there is already a shortage of blood due to holidays and now all the institutes will remain closed for at least 3 more days. My transfusion was due today but it had been previously cancelled due to shortage and now the blood camp that was scheduled today will probably also be cancelled. I just hope that my miracle Hb. sustains a little bit more.


How is everyone else doing?
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Zaini on December 28, 2007, 12:25:51 PM
Thanx for caring everyone  :hugfriend

What i experienced yesterday was horror, it was like those horror movies where people are trying to reach their homes and their loved ones and and they are stuck somewhere and loosing hope,i don't know how i survived that moments, me and my mother were in a shopping mall which is on a drive of 20 minutes from our house in normal conditions,we were shopping for my sis's wedding as she is getting married in february,we were on a shop and all of a sudden people started running and the shop keeper told us that Benazir Bhutto is assasinated and market is getting closed and situation is not good outside, it was 6:30PM, when we got out side, there was total chaos out there every one was running and cars were jammed badly,i thanked God that i wasn't driving myself and my mom's driver was with us,some how we made to the main street but there was a total traffic jam, people were running to their homes and women who had kids with them were crying and asking for a ride to everyone as public transport was not accepting any new passengers,there was an intersection after 5 minutes of drive,which could have led us to our home with in half an hour, but there was no space to turn your wheels right or left, cars were going bumper to bumper,cars honking,people yelling,though there was no shooting or anything going on there at that time, but people knew that it would start happening eventually.
So we were forced with the on going traffic to go just opposite of our home,some one living in Karachi can understand my position,we were at Gul Plaza Saddar,we live in Clifton,and we were forced to go towards Quaid's tomb,traffic was real slow, and cell phone communication is another story,i had 3 cell phones,i was constantly trying to reach anyone,ANYONE whom i know to release my panic,and to let my sis know at home that we are ok,and was trying to locate my husband,father and brother,as they were bound to be outside home,coz that's the time they normally leave their offices,neither SMS nor calls were connecting,somehow one of my so many calls got connected to my friend and i asked her to call my sis and tell her that we were ok ,and asked her to call my husband if possible,when we reached a lil ahead of Quaid's tomb,there was a left hand street that could have led us to Sharah-e- Faisal,where we thought things would be easy and roads clear,but at that left hand street people were standing with guns in there hands,setting fire to public buses and shooting,i don't know what they saw in us, that they allowed us to pass,with out shooting at our car,and after nearly five minutes when we reached Sharah-e-Faisal,it was TOTALLY JAM PACKED with cars,i don't know how that time passed, i was totally unable to connect to my husband and i didn't where he was?was he safe? and he was wondering the same about me.
So long story short ,it took us 2 and a half hours to reach our home from a shopping mall which was on a 20 minutes drive from our home,and in that time i wasn't sure that i'd be able to see the faces of my loved ones,and i was thinking that my husband doesnt even know how to prepare an injection,let alone deferal pump,what would happen to zainab's ferritin?


Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Andy Battaglia on December 28, 2007, 03:05:09 PM

I am so glad you finally arrived safely at home after your ordeal. Please stay safe.

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Canadian_Family on December 28, 2007, 03:11:14 PM
Friends from Pakistan, Please take care of yourselves.

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: red on December 28, 2007, 03:13:33 PM
i saw on the news what happened yesterday.. i hope my friends in pakistan are ok..
may hope be with you still~ :heartred
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Zaini on December 28, 2007, 03:42:50 PM
Thanx Andy,Canadian Family and red.

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: KHALIFA on December 28, 2007, 09:57:33 PM
                                       STATE OF KUWAIT
                             ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Manal on December 28, 2007, 11:56:09 PM
Sajid , Zaini, Rani thanks God you are safe
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Sharmin on December 29, 2007, 04:21:48 AM
My dear friends, I am so glad that you are safe.  I am so glad that you made it home safe through that ordeal Zaini.  I hope your hg holds up Sajid.  I pray for you and your country.  I have been thinking of you since I heard of this situation.  Please keep us posted on the situation. 
Take care,
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on December 29, 2007, 07:36:59 AM
Hi everyone,

Zaini, I'm so glad that you and your family are O.K.

Something similar happened to one of our relatives and they arrived at 3 AM at night. Everyone thought that they were gonners but thank God Almighty they came home safe.

Furthermore, a small mob came in our neighbourhood and smashed all the street lights and gate lamps of everyone's home. Then when they went to the nearby square; police came and shot tear gas which could be smelled even from our house. It reminded me of my old chemistry lab of my college :biggrin

Well, we are safe and no damage to us. The only bad thing that happened to me last night was that I couldn't come online for the chat :wah
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Sharmin on December 31, 2007, 07:53:29 AM
Sajid, did you finally get your transfusion?  Zaini - how are you and your family?  I hope there is peace soon in your surroundings.

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Zaini on December 31, 2007, 10:20:06 AM
I hope it will get over soon,it's getting on our nerves now,feeling like we are imprisoned in our own homes,afraid of going anywhere,two of my friends are here to visit from abroad,i don't know if i'd be able to see them,one is leaving on friday and the other on sunday.

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on December 31, 2007, 11:39:12 AM
Hi Sharmin,

Nope, I'm still running on dry solar power :grin

Well, things are starting to normalize and hopefully I will get a transfusion next year :wink (don't get alarmed it's only a few hours away)
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Zaini on December 31, 2007, 05:24:37 PM
You are lucky that things are starting to get normal at your side, we are still waiting, Zainab's transfusion is due saturday and i am worried.

Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on January 01, 2008, 07:15:00 AM
I hope that things get better throughout the country and Zainab gets her transfusion without any holdups.

As for me, the transfusion center is open now but there is no blood to transfuse. They are just transfusing those who bring their own donors. I'm still hunting for one; let's hope I get one and that too who turns out to be my blood group; because people don't even know which blood group they have. :dunno
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on January 02, 2008, 05:15:23 AM

Somebody tie me down to my chair!!!! :woot

After 25 days of transfusion my Hb is 10.1 g/dl

Transfusion POSTPONED!!!

:yahoo :yay

Thankyou Everyone!!! for your prayers :grouphug
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Sharmin on January 02, 2008, 07:44:47 AM
Woo hoo - way to go Sajid!!!! Yeah!!
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Manal on January 02, 2008, 12:04:44 PM
Congratulations Sajid, i am soooooooooo happy for you


 :yay :yay :bigparty
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: KHALIFA on January 02, 2008, 09:18:15 PM
ساجد\ ما شاءالله بسم الله
                           state of kuwait
                    one for all and all for one
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on January 03, 2008, 03:38:39 PM
Thanks Everyone!!,

I think this is nothing less than a miracle. Just imagine; a couple of weeks before my last transfusion I was suffering from G.I infection and my Hb sunk down to 5.5. When I first received the unbelievable 11.8 result after 10 days of transfusion the next was postponed to another 10 days. I was wondering that it could have been a machine error, deep inside I was worried that the next result will be quite low as I knew how quickly my Hb falls...and then.... cr@p started happening with the country just when it was time for me to get a transfusion and there was no way getting blood. However, things stabilised and I got my Hb checked from another Lab (just in case the previous result was too good to be true) but to my surprise my Hb was 10.1 just enough to postpone my transfusion again for a couple of days.

So I think it wasn't a lab error at all, I believe that God All-mighty blessed me to cope with all the things that were about to happen. Had my Hb behaved in a normal trend or like it did in mild infection just weeks before, I would have been in serious trouble :-\

Even now I'm a little bit worried as there is blood in the bank but they don't get enough continuous electricity to screen and prepare blood. We are suffering from serious electrical outages about 6 hours a day! :wah

But I have faith in God Almighty that I would be just fine even if can't get blood for a couple of more days. :thumbsup
Title: Re: My friends in Pakistan
Post by: Zaini on January 09, 2008, 05:35:34 AM
 :goodluck Sajid,