Sajid and all my diabetic friends,Well put, both you and nice friend.
It's hard to cope with so many illnesses. But somehow we all cope.
Take care my friends and don't get disheartened.
Hi Sajid,
this the first time i'm writing to you .i know how painfull it for u. dear keep it up and cheer up we have to fight it out till we live . my daughter was declared thal major ten mths back it was heart breaking news for me specially if u were counselled at most premier institute pgi chandigarh privately ur seeing most expensive gyanecologist and if ur self are a doctor. day and night i curse my self but in end it was me only who came to terms that my baby will fight out with me to live a cheerful life.bye
guilty fatherof acutie pie :wink
I have to sadly announce that I have experienced another consequence of Iron overload...
For a last few days I had been experiencing frequent thirst and dry mouth. I had felt the same several times before and got my Blood Glucose checked which always came out normal and I was just simply dehydrated.
So, this time I again got my Blood glucose checked just to be on the safe side and was expecting the usual result, but.... alas! it finally happened... The Gluco-meter was showing off in BIG FONT "HI" and Ketones flashing above; which when checked in the reference guide was >500mg/dl :quiver
My doctor advised me to get the Fasting levels checked in the morning which came out 344mg/dl which was quite an improvement in my opinion but not satisfying enough for my doctor. He then referred me to a diabetic specialist who was constantly insisting me to start on Insulin which I refused to start without trying the pills first.
Well, he eventually gave in and put me on Getryl (Glimepiride) 3mg for a week and said if this doesn't work then it's Insulin for sure.
Well, there was nothing much I could do. I just wanted to keep out another needle prick out of my life. Well, I've got six days to go to make the best of these pills and stay on them after the evaluation period and avoid another daily prick for the rest of my life. If not, then there's nothing else I can do about it :-\