Thalassemia Patients and Friends
Remembering Our Friends => In Memory Of => Topic started by: Andy Battaglia on September 21, 2008, 10:12:55 PM
Our brother, Sajid Rauf has left us. Sometimes God takes his children home so early and we cannot understand it, but with Sajid, I understand how God wanted his selfless servant to come home. I think many of you will understand this. Many thals refuse help because they only want to be done with this life but Sajid was different. So many people offered to help him with desferal and he was even offered Exjade but the response was always the same. Sajid always said, "someone else needs it more. Please give them the help." Sajid, the Exjade you refused is now helping a young child in India. I don't know who needed it more but because you refused, a young child has a better chance. Sajid gave so much of himself and was always helping the other young thals in his area. He gave a tireless effort to this group and he will be greatly missed. I guess only God really knows who needs what but today I say, God needed his dear child, Sajid Rauf and brought him home to his reward. A reward well deserved and earned through his own selfless life.
Sajid, I salute you as both a friend and a colleague and promise that you will always be part of this group and your special role will always maintain.
:sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow
Last night after I read the bad news, I wiped my tears went to bed thinking that i just had a night mare and when I woke up it would be just that.
woke up this morning found out that the reality is that is wasn't a bad dream , I have lost a good selfless friend that gave unconditional moral support and was always encouraging me to take it easy and enjoy life.
I dont know how, but I need the strength to accept the thing i can't change,If its god wishes whom I am ? to disagree,
Farewell my friend Sajid, its not goodbye, its see you later matey.I'm certain you are in a nice place when my time comes I will see you again.I really thought of you like a younger brother of mine.Thank-you for having you being part of my life ,I'm richer because I met you I will miss the laughter and the jokes about the chef pastry cook.
My sincere condolences to your family I hope some one convey this message to them
with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes "Adieu my friend". :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow
With love from kathy
My condolences to all of this group of thalpal. It's a sad day and a big lost for us all .
May god gives us courage and strength to set the" dove free."He was a special son of his.
Let all pray for a better tomorrow for thal sufferers.
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Lots of love from Kathy to all.
Sajid, you were an inspiration to us all, selfless and giving, always... you will be missed dearly. May you be granted paradise....
:'( :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow
Sajid , its not fair buddy ... you motivated me to fight against thalassemia and left me alone in half way ...
you was my courage buddy , you was a true inspiration for me yaar... several time when i tried to motivate other thals to use pump and controle iron , i gave them your example that ,there is a man in RWP who did this everynight .. ... and you .... you told me to take care my self and wat you did ...
i wasn't a big user of internet never joined a forum before ... i joined this forum bcoze of you .. you helped me alot , you motivated me alot you was a big source of encouragement for me... then why you leaved me like this this was your friendship for a little while ,i winked my eyes and you disapeared ... you was shoulder on which i cried several time i felt bad i m looking for a shoulder to cry on ... i dont think that i can stay on this community anymore in your absence ... you was the reason which attracted me to this site , i cant see my posts without your replies .. it will b hard and heart breaking for me ... buddy , i several times asked you to visit to lahore even once .... but.... buddy do you remember ,i was using my huge in size local pump instead of other smart one bcoze i had a fear in my mind that, it is the cause of sist and it is the cause of the pain , and it is not working nicely .... you told me to try it once again with a diffrent angle of the needle (45 degree )...
that worked for me , i started chelation to that pump , that was easy to carry ,, when i felt comfortness i concentrated more on chelation then andy gave me needles , and got these low levels of ferritin ... buddy you was on regular chelation since last 1 and half year , you was fit enough , then wat happened yaar .. why you left me alone here to suffer again ...why you left us alone to cry ... and to feel helpless again ... how good it was, we waited for eac other to come online , we discussed matter shared jokes .. and talked about other current affairs and topics .... we discussed about the posts abt our views about our efforts and much more ...
wat we was thinking about ???... to have friendship to other thals ... before i found this community , i was not that much big internet user ... here i came to see you , i met to you , talked to you , we became friends , you was a computer professional , thats why mostly online , i was free for chelation ,got unlimited access , then we chatted upto 3,3 hour in a session , only reason to adjourn the sessions were , to have meal ,to prayer , and to sleep ..... it was our routine since past 6 months .. then how i can forget you buddy ... you was the inspiration for me and all ... and you will remain in our lives forever ...
you was the first thal pal of UMAIR , to whom he shared everything he didn't shared to his parents and cousins and other friends ...
sorry, buddies i m completely broken today ... i have no words of courage today to share with you ... only i can say . oh God give us courage to beer this unbeerable loss .... i hope that i will join you buddies soon .... but unable to assure you that we will meet again .
Best Regards
Take Care
Umair, my nice friend,
Sajid leaving us has left us all shattered. He has been a big part of my life for two years now, he has always always supported me the way a younger brother would. He has been this for every member of on this site. He has given us courage to fight, he has told us to live.
You MUST take care of yourself, you must remember what he taught you. Please don't forget his words. I also felt like never returning to this site when I heard about Sajid's death earlier today, I felt that I could not bear the emptiness and lack of him and the flapping wings of his dove here. But Sajid would never ever want for his group and his friends to fall apart because of him. We need to mourn his loss together. We need to keep his dream and his teachings alive. He has not left you, he cared for you and will always be with you. I believe that he is with me, the picture of him in his mint green outfit will be with me for the rest of my life. Nothing can ever take away whatever communication he has shared with any of us.
He would never want to abandon us, he had never done that. He would never want to abandon his mother, he would hide his ailments from her to protect her - how could he possibly leave her and emptying her heart and her home forever? He fought for a long time, for himself and for so many others. I wish he had accepted our help, but god needed him to quick. He was an angel when he was alive, he has surely received his wings now.
You are NOT alone! Sajid is with you and we are all with you. Please please do not give up! We have lost a brother, and we don't have the strength to deal with this loss - please do not make us deal with anything bad happening to you. You have been through too much to give up. Remember when you were in a wheel chair? You need to continue on for Sajid and for yourself, you need to keep posting the cakes he taught you to post.
Imagine how Andy must feel, how he found the strength to build up this group after losing his best friend. Think of the pain he endures each time he loses someone like Sajid. We need to help each other and we need to help so many others. Sajid is not here to touch the new members with his kindness, we must continue his work. Let's all take a little bit of his kindness, calmness and his peaceful nature with us and continue to spread it as he would want us to.
Let this inspire you to take even better care of yourself. I am also overcome with grief, but I can't let you walk away and forget to take care of yourself.
My brother you have left far too soon. You did not give us any warning to prepare us for this loss. I have sobbed uncontrollably all day, waiting for someone to tell me that this is all a big mistake. I cannot imagine posting another message, knowing that you cannot respond. I think of your mother, how she must have raised you and loved you. I think of how she worried about you, and if we can not deal with the thought of losing you - how is she dealing with it now?
I know that you fought hard and I know that you wanted to live. We have all been so worried about you not getting proper desferal, and you told us not to worry with a smile. My heart is so heavy right now, and I know that everyone is heart broken. I don't believe this right now, it will take some time. I still hope that when I wake up tomorrow I will realize that this is all a dream.
You will always always be remembered. I will always always remember everything that you have said and what you have meant to me - my little brother. I will always miss you and think of you when I see a bird in flight. May god keep you close to him, may he keep your soul in peace. May you be free from all pain. May he also look over your family and friends as they deal with losing you. May we all have the strength to carry on helping each other and welcoming new people to this site, carrying a little bit of you with us all.
ps. Andy, I don't know if this is possible but can we have Sajid's dove posted on the thalassemia patients and friends page somewhere - to keep him with us ?
Is this the way it will be ? I get so attached with friends here then they just leave. So whose next????? I really can't take this anymore........just two days i was talking with you and you were fine, you were always fine though nothing seemed so.
How could you support us and encourge us all though i know that you had lots of hopes that you wanted to achieve and you couldn't. You wanted to work and you were never given a chance, you wanted to love and there were no chance even your simple right of having good treatment you couldn't achieve and in spite of all this you were always calm smiling and so supportive
When everyone talks about you, it looks like you dedicated all your time for him alone. Everyone feels this at the same time. I feel that i couldn't help you or gave you the same support. I know that that this is your time and nothing will change this ... but i can not deal with your sudden absence. You were always there,, always.... even for Ahmad were the one who provided him with the spiderman pictures that he loved... what shall i say when he asks about the pictures you used to send ..what can i say you are just gone .. like this . Sajid it has been two years i see your posts every day and you were always there, you remembered all our birthdays, you welcomed people, you were so informative . When any of us was out of track , you had a magic way to make him back to normal again. I know you suffered a lot i know this from one of the old posts when you answered how thal has affected your life, it was the first and last time that you convyed your real sufferings. Nothing in this world seemed to be fare to you, may be this is why God was so merciful and wanted you to join paradice . Some people don't belong to our world but heaven and you are one of them. I wish i could never know you cause i can't stand losing you
I am so broken from inside, how could that i can't stop crying on someone i never met, i even can't function..., see how strong you were, you were a pillar in this site
Sajid, sajid i know you can't hear me and don't know why i am posting but may be some new people will come and read how a person like you existed in this world. Have nothing to say more but i am loaded with my child sickness and now it is squezeed with your absence, please enough for this...
Please Zaini, asim, waleed or umair or any one from pakistain who can see sajid's mother, tell her that she had done an excellent job and she knew how to raise a wonderful person that will never be forgotten. Tell her how her son has played a roel in many of our lives and how his posts showed how much he adored her. May God give her all the strength........
Sajid all what i will do now is i will keep reading all your previous posts because i feel that my brain will explode if i don't see you online everyday
But i am relieved that his passing is during this Holy month of Ramadhan. May Allah place his soul in the highest place amongs the chosen ones. Al-Fatihah
it is something could relieve a little bit ... and give's peace to my mind as well ...
Hi everyone :
i know you all spent longer time with sajid than me . but i think, i spent a little more bcoze we was regular to meet each other on msn messenger ... it was our routine to meet online regularly as much as possible , we met last time on thursday 8;30 pm PST ... when we didn't meet on friday and then saturday and then an e-mail was saying to me that sajid is no more with us .. thats why its a little bit dificult for me to realize that, a person to whom i met a few days ago, he has passed away to me last night ... without any warning ,, without saying bubye ...
is this the way to go that much far away?? .. is it not a sudden going?? .. he even not gave a chance to say take care my dear friend, sajid.... i still cant believe on it ....he was the only one to whom i considered as a ray of hope for my self .... he was the one who has been with me online on msn messenger troughout these 6 months ...
he was the only one to whom i felt comfort to explain , wat ever i want to say .. you can check it in the post WATCH AND THINK ABT IT .... he sent explaination of my thoughts just after i started the thread ... thats who he was ... a helper , a companion ,a kindered friend ..... he was the person to whom i felt easy to communicate ... he was the person who has the ability to understand anyones probleme and could provide solution of that probleme as well ....i dont know to whom now i can share my thoughts and how i can take rest and feel light .... i m unable to find anyone who can treat me like sajid treated ...
sharmin sis , i m feeling alone as i was 6 months ago ... it will take time to heal from this tragedy ..
i know its not easy for anyone to do that wat sajid did ... i thought that ,he was alike me , thats why he was my friend ...he was free and at home for 24 hours like me ... that is the reason we spent a lot of time togather , web surfing ,searching new thing , view and reviews about everything ,, discussions about the ongoing topics of thal pal ... i often like to say that ,, hey sajid on that topic he/she has washed you very badly ... and answer from him " it happens buddy , sometime it happens " .... wat a super days was ..
its not end yet ,, i have many moments to share ,, i willl write again soon
take care
I cant beleive what I have just read!!!
I am in total shock!!!
He was an inspiration to us all... I cant post anything!!!
Just that I hope his family find enough strength to go on and may his soul rest in peace, He will forever be in our hearts and minds..He has touched many here, including myself...
I am sure that he will be looking down upon us and making sure that we are all doing well...
Nicefriend.. it will be nice to see you post on here..I like it when I read your posts :hugfriend
If you need a friend to talk to and a shoulder to cry on..I will be willing to help in anyway that I can.. just send me a email and I will add you to my msn...
Take care everyone
Sajid you were more of a brother to me then a friend and you are an example to all of us... healing others pain and thinking whats best for them spreading happiness and joy around you... i remember you talking and smiling to me and having a nice discussion in JSF... you are gone but leaving me with these memory's that i can treasure for ever and i have lost words for expression
May Allah give you a place in heaven (ameen)
Look what you did to us all,God!why it was me who had to post that horrible post,i can't get over with it.
I was just visiting the forum when i got a PM from umair saying sister have you recieved an email from someone named amber fayaz,i asked him to wait and checked my mails,and there it was,a mail forwarded by sajid to all his friends,along with it a message that sajid has expired,i told umair it's not true,it can't be,it must be a prank,umair said i am gonna kill this person,i emailed back to amber fayaz begging her to tell me who was she and if it was true,fortunately she was online and she send me the mail i posted there,i asked her to please come on messenger but she told me that she was at work so can't open messenger,and i was like,yeah that how the news is true,you are working on sundays ? i was really angry but then she told me that she lives in Dubai and of course she has work on sundays,i apologized asked for sajid's number,she gave me his home contact.
In the mean time umair was able to trace one of sajid's friends on orkut and got his cell number too,he didn't have the courage to call,but really i was in total denial and went ahead and called,his cell was off,i dialed his home phone,a lady recieved and i just said,"can i talk to sajid please"
Thats how absurd it felt,Sajid leaving us? no way!! but then she told me that Sajid passed away last night and they have just left for funeral,i asked if i can talk to his sis or his mom,but she said that they are in very bad condition unable to cope with the news themselves,i recieved an email from his cousin telling that his mom and his sisiter are in shock,not eating or even drinking water,his aunt told me that he had heart attack,his blood pressuer and blood sugar went real low.
I am sure in my belief when i say that you must be resting in Jannah by now,but let me tell you,this forum won't be the same with out you,i can't imagin logging on here and not seeing you online,can't imagin posting here and not see you posting,i am not good with words my brother,but you should have warned us,a little bit even,you just left,just like that,we didn't even get to say good bye?
How can i explain what my heart feels when i think about your mom,i feel like my heart will explode,everybody is asking in my family what happened,why you keep crying?,what am i supposed to tell them,that i lost my younger brother!what kind of stupid ignorant sister i was?i didn't even have you numbers,i didn't know what was going wrong,i sent you desfgeral just once and then you didn't let me do that again,you told me that if i ever wanted anything from rawal pindi i should not hesitate,but how can i ask "YOU " back now brother!how and to whom?to whom i can say that i wanna meet sajid,this is the thing i want from rawalpindi,and i can't bear that i am never going to get that.
I have no courage to call his family again,what would i say to his mom ," i am sorry mam you lost your wonderfull son",just that? this cold word sorry can cover her grief,she LOST her SON!!ONLY SON!!, to goddamn thal,sorry for my language,but i can't tell you how miserable i feel.It' gonna be like that,we have to loose our friends and loved ones to diseases that are supposed to be manageable? yeah right!! very manageable.
Umair you don't dare leave this forum,Sajid will get hurt.
Dear Sajid, You are a star which will continue to illuminate your own ThalPal forever...
Be The Change:
"the edges of things are always deceptive, because we are taught to believe
in endings and beginnings.but the truth is: There Are No Borders."
Sajid is still amongst us, but on a higher ground.
Till we meet again, Sajid.
In the wee hours of Monday morning (today) I received a txt message on my cell, saying "Sajid Rauf is no more" I heard my phone go off and looked at the message and closed my phone.
Later when I woke properly, I went through my message again and read it again and thought (too rude to say here) but anyway.
^%$$^&*(&^%$$# ??? I txted Andy back and I was like :huh It didnt hit me until I was sitting today in church attending another funeral (a fellow patient from our clinic) that I thought about what Andy had texted me properly and I just cried and cried and cried. truely were an inspiration to many of us. Your prompt replies, your accuracy and your expression was above any other I have known. May your journey to the other side be a safe one, please if you see our dearest friends (Stan and Ashish) send them my love and tell them to be good and that I miss them and I'll miss YOU!
You can shed tears that he's gone,
Or you can smile beacuse he lived.
You can lose your eyes and pray he'll come back,
Or you can open them and see all that he left you.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
Or you can be full of the love you've shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him, and only that he's gone,
or you can cherish his memory adn let it live on.
You can cry and close yoru mind,
Be empty and turn your back,
or you can do what you would want,
Forever in our hearts........ :candle :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow
Thank you for the dove :hugfriend
I am very very sad to hear about Sajid....I have no words to express my feelings....Hope that Rauf family get the strength to bear his loss....Sajid's humor, suggestions will be missed here sorely....May his soul rest in peace. :candle :candle :candle
I don't know what to say
Same feelings i had a year before when my elder brother died. Sajid was a gem of a person, a true fighter. 1991 posts on this forum, all with lots of kind words, guidance for all. He sure was in demand in Heaven, thats why he left early.
But his mission will continue, nothing can bring us down!
May Allah grant his family courage to bear this tremendous loss.
I too am shocked like so many to hear the news about Sajid's loss. I could not believe my eye's when I first read the title of the post and am still feeling hurt from inside. Not sure how much shock Sajid's family might be going through. Sajid showed positive attitude all the time and I think we need to learn from him.
Sajid will always be awsome in my book, and i dont look at his death as shocking...i look at the conditions he had to endure years upon years upon years shocking.
Sajid's death should be a wake up call to us that instead of sitting behind our computers making everything sound better, we should get up and do something about all this uncessary passing of people that could have been helped. Lets start taking actions, and stop talking about it.
I cared about Sajid and even loved him although i never met him..all of you did! SO lets use this emotion to stand up for his passing and everyone elses once and for all!
I'm the first one to start a rally! LETS START TAKING ACTIONS!
I'm really sorry if that previous post sounded insensitive.
i'm just so frustrated, this is pretty much ridiculous at this point..Sajid amongst others DID NOT have to die. Something could have been done YEARS AGO!
this is too ridiculous for me to handle.
sorry i gotta depart.
best wishes to you all for now.
i'll tune in untill someone actually starts getting as upset and railed up as i do,
cuz i cant take this sadness anymore.
it gets you NOWHERE!
you have to STAND UP FOR A CAUSE!
ok bye best wishes best prayers best of luck to EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM
i hope i havent offended anyone because i am only here to HELP! and if i'm not, then SPEAK UP!
Lets not let this on go!
I am with you. What can I do? Red Cross? WHO? At this time all I want is to bring Sajid back, I know it sounds ridiculous, but I feel like I didn't try hard enough when he needed me. I failed him.
I having been talking to people all day trying to find out how I can prevent this in the future.
how can someone's passing who i have never met affect me so badly?
i sit here and cry for sajid no longer being with us
for his family and the grief they are experiencing
and i cry for my own child- i cry for his future.
because we talk about compliance and about managing the illness but in reality is it so manageable?
sajid you will be so missed- you were a constant in our lives.
even though i did not write much on the site, i logged on each day to read updates and learn more for the sake of my son.
sajid you left your mark- may you rest in peace.
Hi all :
you all are doing much efforts to make me strong , i m not a weak boy as any point of view ( i thought ) , but sajid , he was my companion on this site , on msn , he was my companion of my loneliness , when-ever i felt alone , i got sudden thought that turn on msn sajid will be there to talk .. but he is not more with me, to talk to me, to make my discomfort and loneliness to happiness.... its alot that you and all had done for me to get back my self out of this tragedy .. but he was a true reality of my life that i cant forget , he was the person to whom i felt ease to talk about my self , to whom i felt ease and comfort to talk about my healt and everything.. when-ever in these 6 months i felt that i m feeling tired i just logged on the msn and shared that to sajid and that makes me feel light hearted ... i will miss him throughout my whole life ... it is unhealable wound i have got on my heart .... hope that you will also cope to this situation very soon ... i remember when ii lost Umar sajid said to me on forum that , " Life is Cruel " ... now i have experienced and found yeah it is cruel .... you will see me soon posting normaly ... his words are still in my heart .. he was a strong man, he was feeling tired since he were diagnosed wit diabetes ,but he had 't stopped encouraging others , and never told anyone that wat he is feeling, he was finding the tricks to avoid more pokes on his body ... sometimes he was thinking about the insulin during chelation and some times he were enjoyed the doctor has moved him to inuslin 3 times a day to 2 times a day ... he was on treatment plan , 6 days a week all night ( how can he take a soundy good night sleep ) to the past 1 and half year ,and how can he rest , i think GOD wanted to give him rest , thats why HE called Sajid back very soon .. to give his Soul Rest in the Peace ... to give him rest to the depression and worries of blood and desferal shortage ... to give him rest to the tensions of this cruel world .... i m affraid to make new friends .. bcoze i m losing my friends very consistently..... i was talking about the shoulders to cry on ,, i have no more tears to cry anymore , my eyes are dry ..... finaly ! i got sleep last night, i didn't sleep throughout these days ,i remember last time i had sleep in night between friday and saturday , after all that now i had got to sleep again last night .... feeling a little bit light heart but .... if anyone want my e-maill address he/she may check my profile .... i dont know wat do do and wat to don't ... soo plz never mind if i offend someones emotion .. plz try to understand my condition as well ..... i have lost a person, to whom i talked more than anyone else i had .....
take care
to keep this mission on .....
sorry i hav't red all replies in this post yet bcoze i have just woke up and signed in while eating something to avoid being Hypo ...
Hi Red'
Every person deals with grief in their own special way. we all need time to heal.Its important that we keep talking '
I sense your fustration and is very scarry for a young person to be put in this situation.
Right now words are all we have, we cann't stop talking we can't shut down.
Umair time will heal your pain give yourself time to grieve your lost.Please accept the help you get in good faith.
Vic It hard, I know .especial hard for mothers whom has child/children with thal.dont lose hope keep up the faith.
Take into consideration that each individual has his/her destiny. life has to go on because we have no other choice.
Give ourselves permission to grieve. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Today I heard from the brother-in-law of Sajid and he gave me this message.
Dear Andy,
With deep regret, I wish to inform you that one of your users of thalpal, Sajid Rauf of Rawalpindi, Pakistan has passed away on the morning of 21st September.
On Friday 20th September, Sajid experienced heart pain and was rushed to the hospital. His heart was running at 180 beats and then lowered down to 120 and 130 beats. He felt a little better later on Friday and we are hoping to bring him back on Saturday. But on Saturday in the early morning hours, he passed away. The doctors in the CCU tried their best but it was Sajid's time to go.
I am his brother in law and I wanted to thank you for running your website as it was a great learning and sharing resource for Sajid and myself.
Thank you,
Amjad Chaudhry.
I sent this reply.
Dear Amjad,
I was very shocked to hear of the passing of young Sajid. He was a key member of our group and was my assistant, but also my friend. The reaction among the members of our group has been overwhelming. If you or any of the family would like to see how Sajid was regarded by our members, please visit this link and read the posts of the members who are quite devastated by this loss.
Sajid was held in high regard by the people of our group and his accomplishments within the group were immense. It is a great loss to us all that he will no longer be here with his words of encouragement and cheerful spirit.
Please pass on our sincere condolences to Sajid's mother and sister and to all of his family. Sajid was loved by all and we will always remember him.
Andy Battaglia
This is a very difficult time for us all and another stark reminder of how unfair life can be. And unfair in so many ways, from the basic unfairness that is thalassemia to the unfairness of the disparity in care from country to country. Sajid understood this and tried to even things a bit by helping to bring information to and inform his local care givers. Sharmin has done great things in her area to advance the treatment of thals. Narendra spreads awareness and is constantly involved in working to help thals at home and abroad. It is asked what can one do? Our members can and do a lot already and we can do more. Inform yourselves and pass this information on to anyone that can benefit from it. Help to create more awareness of thalassemia in your areas. Encourage the development of true comprehensive care programs for thalassemics around the world. And don't overlook the effect that this group can have. We do real concrete things through this group, even if in limited fashion. Needles, pumps, desferal, exjade and other supplies have all passed hands as a result of this group. The information we pass along here has literally saved lives. We are effective and can be even more effective, but it takes work and it takes involvement, and it takes enduring dedication, even in the face of the great pain that we all face by getting close to other humans. These friendships are for real. Just ask anyone who has met people at conferences. When I meet people for the first time it is simply a continuation of what I have known online. Aside from Lisa, Ashish was the first person I met from this group and it was no different than talking online. We were the same people we were online. When I met Shilpa the next day, it was just like picking up where we had left things online. When I met Nur, I felt like I was just seeing my good friend. With Miaki, there just seems to be some seamless flow between online, the phone and in person. They are your real friends and anytime you meet one of us, you quickly realize that. And when they hurt or they leave us, it is also very real. Sajid was my friend for a long time. He was my assistant and protege. I depended on him a lot in this group and he took his role as moderator very seriously, and obviously from this outpouring of love for him, he was very successful at what he did here, both on a personal level and in a more formal role as an officer of this group. I will always remember him as a successful man who did well at what he worked at, and as a friend to all of us in so many ways.
(I do believe that at least one member of Sajid's family visited this thread today and read this great outpouring of love for Sajid. I imagine they are quite proud of the accomplishments of Sajid and the many dear friendships that he had).
@umair sajid was one of my best friends and i consider myself lucky that i am one of those people who met him in real... when i got the news i couldn't imagine visiting thalpal and not reading sajid,s posts but i am here just because of the reason that if sajid knew that i left thalpal he would be not happy and the same would go for you....
Hi Asim ,
buddy i m not going to leave to thalpal ... it is the place where i first met to sajid ... it has the memories of sajid ... i dont knoow how to live with only his memories but i think , i hav't to leave this forum ... he was the elderest one thalasssemia major on the site .. and an experienced one as well ... thats why he eased many of other pain very easily and thats why he knew about thalassemia more than anyother other member ... last time when i met to him , we were talked about the Chris ( the person who has picture of his childhood on the banner of thalassemia society of UK ) ... i was just had a transfusion a day before we met last time ( as i had a Tx on last wednesday and we met last time on thursday 8;30 pm PST ) .... i was telling him the half episode of my day of transfusion , here is a little abstract of that conversation , i was telling him
yesterday during TX i met a new person at my thal center his name was also Umar . he wasn't interest to take care of his self . Umar was dis-hearted to the life and saying that thals has a realy short life .. i told to umair that , there are many thals on internet to whom i met , some of them are above 50s and you may also live more than 50 years if look after your self , all that you need to have to do is take good care of your self ... and you can touch 60s as well , i told to umar that there is a man he is 50 years old thal and he has a pic of himself on the banner of Thalassemia society of UK , he is suffering to thalassemia to that time when there weren't any good treatment , i told umar that ,there is nothing like the LIFE EXPECTANCY for thal is true its all about the time , when the time's come up everything will turn dramaticaly take care of your self you had a long life to live so do care of you self and dont compromise on your chelation soo that you come able to live a happy life instead of living life by sticking to your bed .. umar was looking convinced and he will join this community soon ...
sajid , was happy to hear that but ... who knows that wat is running inside his heart ...
a broken and a little tired heart , a heart had need to take rest , a heart wanted take rest ....
buddies do you know that ?? ,, one of his ferritin report is pending in Shaukat Khanum Labortaries .... resulting date is in starting of october ... his doctor wanted to revise his treatment plan , after checking his reports ...
i hope second one Umar named friend will join this communiity realy soon ....
see , i m posting ,but its difficult for me to post without discussing to sajid .. soo if you see any mistake or find my post out of context then please ignore that .. and please if my offend someone then please ignore as well ...
Take Care
Like everyone when i saw the post i was shocked & stunned to hear about sajid!
I cant believe it,its like a bad dream,no no,this cant be happening.
I never thought him,i thought he was in good health,he always had a sense of humour,and
he helped with info & support,i loved his cakes he always posted on everyone's birthdays,
who will do this now?
my heart goes out to sajid's family,my sincere condolonces.
Please excuse me if I sound completely out of my mind, but I haven't been well at all since I got the text message from Andy about Sajid. I've been walking around like a zombie, crying my eyes out. I cannot express the pain that I have in my heart. I adored Sajid. He was such a wonderful person and brought so much love and spirit to this group. I'm going to miss him so much. :'(
I know I've been absent from the group a lot, and I realized part of the reason when I found out about Sajid. I've lost so many friends with this God-forsaken disease, and a part of me dies each time I lose someone. I love you guys with all my heart, and to be honest with you, I'm scared of how many more people I'm going to lose. Maybe subconsciously I was pulling away from the group, and I feel horrible about it. I've been dealing with a lot in my life and haven't been well, mentally and emotionally, and I think that maybe I was scared to be involved as much as I was for this reason. Now I am kicking myself, because not only did we lose a great person, but I lost precious moments with him that I'll never get back. I hate myself right now, especially for not being here as much for all of you, and I'm so sorry. I just cannot take losing friends anymore. It's killing me. I just cannot believe that Sajid isn't with us anymore. He was always here ... greeting people, and making birthday threads, giving helpful advice. He didn't have a selfish bone in his body, and I feel really ashamed that I let him and all of you down. I'm so sorry and I hope you can all forgive me for that. I love you guys. :'(
Sajid, I'm going to miss you terribly, buddy. I'm so sorry that I didn't get to talk to you much before you passed. I'm going to regret that forever. My sincere condolences go out to his family and friends, and I pray that this horrific pain will ease in time for everyone.
This makes me so angry, and I agree with Red. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE! This is supposed to be a manageable disease! Why aren't these scientists coming out with other things? Why are they wasting their time on petty BUNK when we have beautiful people dying from Cooley's Anemia and other horrible diseases? Do they seriously want us to believe that they aren't capable of doing it????! It's BULLS**T! They've been mapping out the human genome and testing these stem cells forever. I still think these drug companies are paying people off, but that's my opinion and I don't think anyone can make me think otherwise. UGH! I cannot tell you the pain and anger I feel. Too many wonderful people are dead and dying with a disease that SOMEONE OUT THERE HAS THE CURE FOR!!!! Ok, I need to stop. I've been going from crying to a raging lunatic within minutes the past couple of days, and I don't know what to do with myself. I haven't even been able to keep my mind on my studies, and I have so much homework to do, but at this point, I don't even give a crap about the homework. I just want Sajid back, and Lisa back, and all my other friends that have passed, I want them all back, dammit! :wah
I'm so sorry, you guys. I gotta go. I love you all. :hugfriend
Danielle :hugfriend
My friend,please don't be sorry,you never let us down,not anyone,You had your difficult times and sometimes i really wondered that you must be a very brave person that you never whine like we all do,on the forum.
Sajid was no doubt an angerl,you regret not passing much time with him,and we are not getting over the fact that we are never going to see him online again,we were so used to of his presence here,every thread posted hi always replied.
We definitely miss him,and we'll be happy to see you arund more,but please don't beat yourself. :hugfriend
The moment I saw this news, am blank, I can't even concentrate on anything, am thinking so much, and so negative too about Thalassemia and many other things... I won't mention them because negative things are not meant to be told or discussed, one should always be positive no matter what happens
Every single soul has to go back to GOD one day, it was Sajid's turn, It hurts when you hear something like a companion of your condition left you, but Sajid and every other Thal who have gone from this World, has given us lessons, memories, experiences, love, care and what not?
I remember when my elder brother (Nauman) died in this disease at the age of 17, it wasn't easy to move on when you lose a brother/sister in the same disease, you literally think that some day or just after few days we also will die, nothing wrong in it, this is what we all have to go through....
Just few days ago when we got the news that Ayesha Jamil left this world too, Sajid thought Andy is talking about me, he apologized on MSN, and I can't believe that just in few days we saw the news about Sajid, I prayed alot that this news must not be truth, but who knows what GOD has thought for HIS people, and am sure Sajid must be enjoying the luxuries and rest of HEAVEN, Ameen!
So, you, me and everyone has to move on with Sajid and other Thal friends memories, lessons, and every single thing they shared with us...
Thalassemics were already in my prayers, but now I pray specially for Sajid....!
May you get the bestest and highest place in Heaven Sajid, Ameen!!!!!!!
Take cares, Allah Hafiz
I know I've been absent from the group a lot, and I realized part of the reason when I found out about Sajid. I've lost so many friends with this God-forsaken disease, and a part of me dies each time I lose someone. I love you guys with all my heart, and to be honest with you, I'm scared of how many more people I'm going to lose. Maybe subconsciously I was pulling away from the group, and I feel horrible about it.
Now I am kicking myself, because not only did we lose a great person, but I lost precious moments with him that I'll never get back. I hate myself right now, especially for not being here as much for all of you, and I'm so sorry. I just cannot take losing friends anymore. It's killing me. I just cannot believe that Sajid isn't with us anymore. He was always here ... greeting people, and making birthday threads, giving helpful advice. He didn't have a selfish bone in his body, and I feel really ashamed that I let him and all of you down. I'm so sorry and I hope you can all forgive me for that. I love you guys. :'(
Sajid, I'm going to miss you terribly, buddy. I'm so sorry that I didn't get to talk to you much before you passed. I'm going to regret that forever. My sincere condolences go out to his family and friends, and I pray that this horrific pain will ease in time for everyone.
Danielle, you took the words right out of my mouth... exactly what i have been feeling the last few days...
most of you like kathy, zaini, umair, sharmin, red and (anyone else whose name is not mentioned here, but very active on this site), may not be familiar with me, but i used to be active in the grp too before. im more of an observer now, i guess like Danielle said im pulling myself away from the grp, which now i hate myself for doing it and missing time gettin to know u wonderful people...
abt a week before sajid passed away, i was talking to him on msn, and he was askin me why im not posting anymore, i dint have an answer then... and he asked me to post more often...
im going to honor his wish from me, Insha Allah, and try to be more frequent here...
im very sorry... lotsa love always... missing sajid and all my bestfriends whom i have lost to this :'( :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow
Hi Danielle. :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend
I so glad to read from you, I have been wondering how you're doing.I hope your health is holding up.
At times, in life there are things, that happened and it cannot be justified, still we are suppose or need to find a way to accept and move on, that is for our own well-being.
If anything Positive that has happened with his death, he seems to me that he has unite our group and make it stronger.I have been amazed, how many of our group members posted in the last few days , how wonderful
Keep it up guys.
Hi Maako,
It nice to read from you and I do remember you too.
Its never too late and its good to know that this door is always open and the friends are always welcoming.
thats how it is ,family always gather together when it is needed for moral support and strength.the more we are the stroner we becomes.
This forum serves a good purpose and we must never underestimate its' can't be measured by the naked eyes, but it can be measured by each beat of our heart.we all have the same goal.
To find a cure for thal and a better life for all
Your wisdom has been greatly appreciated this week. I am really happy you are here for everyone. :thumbsup
Dear Danielle,
Please don't feel bad - we are happy as long as you are healthy:) From time to time people need to take a break from everything, especially this disease. We love you - we have seen you suffer and know how you of all people need to take a breather. We enjoy your emoticons everyday - Sajid especially loved using them.
Maako, I have seen some of your posts before - I am so happy to have you back and very pleased to be your friend:)
I am so sorry that we have this awful news for you upon your return. We are having a hard time feeling complete without Sajid, but we are trying to draw strength from each other and his memories to keep moving forward. We have so much to do and so many people to inform.
Welcome back!
Sharmin :hugfriend :hugfriend
I second what Andy has said - you have been such a rock for us during these past few days. I have drawn so much from your strength. Thank you :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend
nobuddy at my home know about sajid's death ... bcoze i won't tell , bcoze my father is a heart patient and these kind of news disturb him as well , bcoze he has also a thal child in front of his eyes ... thats why i wont to tell anyone ... nobuddy still know , why my door were locked when often he they came to visit my room .. i answered, everytime its locked by chance or by mistake.. nobuddy know , why my eyes were swollen , as i told it could becoze of stomach disturbance ( stomach pain that i had on the same time ) .... nobuddy know , why i didn't sleep in those days .. i want to share it , but i m afraid ... i m scared bcoze , i had motivated thals at my thal center to strugle , to start chelation ,to take care of themselves and told them about sajid and sajid's chelation routine , they want to meet sajid , wat will now i say to them he has just passed away to us .... Oh God give me strenght to face them and to motivate them in absence of sajid , which is quite dificult ...
To Andy and Sharmin.
Thank-you both, it a pleasure to be of service, I'm humble.
for better or worst, :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
To Manal.
I know you're hurting. don't stay a way too long, come back we miss your input.
He would have like you to fight harder,
Lots of love from Kathy
Dear Kathy, thank you so much for your kind words.. have missed you all these days... and like Andy said, i appreciate your kind words and strength in these tiring days... :hugfriend :hugfriend
Sharmin, thank you for the warm welcome :hugfriend however, i dont feel happy at all.. though not very close, he was a good friend and talked on msn... and though i have not been active in posting, i rarely miss postings on the site.... so i knw his contribution and how tough it is on all of us to feel complete again without him... i feel so lost too... i open the site expecting to see his cheeful lively posts when im reminded of the harsh truth that i wont see his posts anymore.. :'( it is really heartbreaking to know i have lost yet another friend...
Umair, i can feel from your posts what a tramautic time you are going through right now... i can feel how close he was to u and u to him, maybe the bestfriend ever and as close as an own brother.. i feel so much for u and everyone else... i pray that you are given strength to overcome this tragedy time.. i knw nothing i say right now will feel u better now... but just want to let you know we are alll here for u if u need anyone to talk.. :grouphug
:grouphug :grouphug
lots of love always, maako
Thanks Kathy,
For being there for all of us,we needed your strength.
I hope you are doing well and recovering,come online and post,sharing sorrows can lower your burden,this site feels really odd with out his comforting and wise posts,but i still can't keep myself away from it,as this was the place i met him,i met all of you.
We are here to share each other's happiness and sorrows.
Dear Manal,
We hope to see you here again soon. We will be here for you when you are ready.
still missing you, still wishing that you were with us. still crying...
Umair, i can feel from your posts what a tramautic time you are going through right now... i can feel how close he was to u and u to him, maybe the bestfriend ever and as close as an own brother
Makoo, he was the only person in my msn messenger list who comes online .. otherwise i have not many contacts on my msn , i have not any friends and relatives on msn .. i had left msn a few years ago . i wasn't using msn to a long time, before meeting to sajid .. bcoze i hadn't any contact who had time to use msn messenger ... when i met to sajid i installed msn and added him on my msn ... now i m back on the position i started . .no friend to meet online, no friend i can thought the he could be online to spend some time .... thats why i m feeling alone again ... thats why i m missing him too much .. he was the person for whom i started using internet again and now he left me alone again on spot i was before meeting him ....
Dear manal sis ,
please come back on the site and start posting here again .. it come to eating when i see the boards are not running ... its an effort of years that , this site ihave a good reputation .. please dont let it close .. it could help many thals .. soo please keep participating in it ... as sajid wanted and he was did a great job to keep this site running ....
i m requesting to all members please come back .... dont let sajid's efforts to waste ...
best regards
take care
We won't let Sajid's efforts go to waste. He was on here until his last days.
My friend,please don't be sorry,you never let us down,not anyone,You had your difficult times and sometimes i really wondered that you must be a very brave person that you never whine like we all do,on the forum.
Sajid was no doubt an angerl,you regret not passing much time with him,and we are not getting over the fact that we are never going to see him online again,we were so used to of his presence here,every thread posted hi always replied.
We definitely miss him,and we'll be happy to see you arund more,but please don't beat yourself.
Thank you, Zaini. I just feel so bad, and I really feel that by being absent I have let you guys down. I'm so glad that you all have each other here to be there for one another, and I have checked in to see if you guys were ok, but I should've done more and I will try to from now on. :hugfriend
Danielle, you took the words right out of my mouth... exactly what i have been feeling the last few days...
most of you like kathy, zaini, umair, sharmin, red and (anyone else whose name is not mentioned here, but very active on this site), may not be familiar with me, but i used to be active in the grp too before. im more of an observer now, i guess like Danielle said im pulling myself away from the grp, which now i hate myself for doing it and missing time gettin to know u wonderful people...
abt a week before sajid passed away, i was talking to him on msn, and he was askin me why im not posting anymore, i dint have an answer then... and he asked me to post more often...
im going to honor his wish from me, Insha Allah, and try to be more frequent here...
im very sorry... lotsa love always... missing sajid and all my bestfriends whom i have lost to this Cry
As much as I'm hurt about it, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who felt this way. I guess it makes me realize in a way that we all need to take a break from this illness once in a while, even though we really never get a break from it. It's hard at times to comprehend that we will always be grieving the loss of one of our friends to this illness, and maybe somewhere in our minds we think that if we don't "see it" that it doesn't exist. Unfortunately, that isn't the case, and the only thing that we are doing is wasting precious moments of time with the people we care about. Life can be really cruel, and I hate the fact that no matter what we do to try and live our lives without always thinking about Thalassemia, it always has a way of reminding us that it's there. :sadyup :hugfriend
Hi Danielle.
I so glad to read from you, I have been wondering how you're doing.I hope your health is holding up.
At times, in life there are things, that happened and it cannot be justified, still we are suppose or need to find a way to accept and move on, that is for our own well-being.
If anything Positive that has happened with his death, he seems to me that he has unite our group and make it stronger.I have been amazed, how many of our group members posted in the last few days , how wonderful
Keep it up guys.
Thank you, Kathy. My health is holding up, thank God. I have my good and bad days like anyone else, but I am still fighting. This illness isn't going to take me without a good fight, I can promise that. You are right, if anything positive had to come of this, maybe it's to keep us all closer together. I wish Sajid was still with us, though. I'm going to miss him being around here. :(
Dear Danielle,
Please don't feel bad - we are happy as long as you are healthy:) From time to time people need to take a break from everything, especially this disease. We love you - we have seen you suffer and know how you of all people need to take a breather. We enjoy your emoticons everyday - Sajid especially loved using them.
Thank you, Sharmin. I agree that we all need to take a break from this disease sometimes. I love you guys, too, and that's why I feel so badly about not being here for all of you. I'm glad that you guys enjoy the emoticons. I know that it's difficult to convey emotion on a message board, so I wanted to make sure that you guys had a variety. I will be uploading more of them soon. :hugfriend
I've missed you all, and even though I've been so inundated with life and school, I will do whatever I can to be more productive on the site with you wonderful people. God bless you all, and I pray that each and everyone one of you and your families are doing well and continue to be well. I love you all, and thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it. :grouphug
Sajid, my friend, may you rest in peace and make the heavens laugh the way you have made us all. I know that your beautiful spirit will be surrounding us, for now you are one of our guardian angels along with our other dear friends who have passed. Until we meet again, buddy. :hugfriend :sorrow
Thank you Kathy, Zaini, Sharmin and Umair for your concern and support. :hugfriend you are real friends :hugfriend :hugfriend
Actually i am never away, i am always online as usual and reading all the posts, i just don't have anything to say. I feel so heavy. I am trying to accept the reality .I have a lot of feelings but, actually not capable to explain maybe because of language or maybe its my nature that i don't know how to analyse what i feel and reveal it. But what i know is that i was never like that before.
Now a days i am soooo sad and unable to be happy or make anyody around me happy. I hope i can get out of this soon. I love you all soooo much and i love this site so much.
Danielle, i missed you a lot :hugfriend :hugfriend
I'm glad to know that you are close by. :hugfriend
I don't know how to make this emptiness go away either :sorrow :sorrow
ironically, Sajid was the one who would have known what to do...
It's nice to here from you all, no one outside of this site can really understand my sadness.
Sajid was such a wonderful person. He was very caring and always helped those in distress or in want for answers. He will be enormously missed by each one of us. It is truly unbelievable that we will not see his witty and caring posts anymore. He gave so much. I understand how shocked his mother and his sister would be. How much we are missing him when we meet him online only because he gave us so much, now just imagine how much joy he gave his loved ones. It must be an unbearable loss to them. I sympathise with them. We must join our prayers to those of his family. May Sajid rest in peace and may he get the highest rank in paradise indeed. I am very happy to have known him through this group even though it is only for a while. I wish that he would have been among us for much longer but unfortunately he was taken away. I would always remember him in his green outfit. I know that your grief is enormous Umair but you must believe that you were lucky to have known him. He would really want you to continue with your treatment and to continue posting here. We may never replace him but we can certainly bring you a little comfort and if possible some advice. You do not share this with your family, we understand but then you should talk to us. No one should grieve alone. We need each other in such times. We also need you.
Sajid will always be remembered for his kind words and wonderful advices.
It is such a big loss. I never thought that I would see such bad news today.
My condolences to all family and friends.
Jade and All ,
i will try to spread Sajid's teaching , and i will try to keep his spirit alive ... but ..... i want to mention here something .. that is , he was far superior than me , i cant even move myself on the track he was runing so fast ... he was my teacher my brother my super best friend and a helping hand for me as well ... soo i cant even touch the mark on which he was standing ... i will try to help everyone but cant be a replacement of sajid ... all wat can i do is to try ... as you can see i m geting back on normal having chelation again after a little break .... i hope to get my self completely back soon ... i will try to move forward with his cause and i will try to do wat he want to do and wat he did ... wish me for having success in it .... and please keep guiding me as well ...
i couldn't be same like Sajid .... i m just obeying his teachings to handle Thalassemia ...
I would always remember him in his green outfit. I know that your grief is enormous Umair but you must believe that you were lucky to have known him
yeah i m lucky that i had a bro and a friend like sajid .. but now feeling a lttle unlucky bcoze of not having Sajid with me ..... feeling lucky to have his encouraging words with me , but feeling unlucky to know that he is not with me to support anymore ....
but its life we are unable to do anything .... we all have to go one day .. but what we can do is , to give a better chance to others to live a good life .. wat said wanted , and wat he was doing pretty well .... i need support from all of you , otherwise i will feel his absence of him andd his support .. soo plz keep moving with sajid's cause .. keep his words ,spirit, dream and aim alive ... and keep helping each other ..... i will try to help you where-ever i feel , i can i help ... he was super in doing it , and i can only try ..... i need your support to heal and to back on helping again ..... so please keep supporting and encouraging, it is wat he was doing for me ... your encouagement mean's alot for me , to psuh me forward to achieving something , to help anyone ...
@ Danielle
Life can be really cruel, and I hate the fact that no matter what we do to try and live our lives without always thinking about Thalassemia, it always has a way of reminding us that it's there
It's Life , and we have to live it , it doesn't matter that we want to live it or not .. we cant through it ... keep remember Sajid's words that he said several times ,
Life is a Gift of GOD , we have to do care of it
soo do care of your self .. Everything is O.K now .. dont feel bad .. we all have to seperate some time for our selves , several times in the life .. nothing wrong/bad or new you did ... its quite natural and demanding as well otherwise we could face tiredness bcoze of our busy routines ... soo its good to have some seperate time for your self to take care of your self as welll .... wish you good health ... take care
Best regards
Take Care
@ Manal Sis ,
Hi sis , i knew that , you are visiting the site regularly but i wanted to see you posting here on the site ... it was difficult for me as well to cope with situation like this and to handle this situation and to recover the self but. .. we have to do this .. otherwise his dream to serve people to ease the pain of other peoples who are suffering to this diseas will remain half doned ..... soo please have some courage and come back again .. its impossible to make it normal again as it was .. but wat we can is to try.. we have to try our best ... to achieve the goals Sajid setted to achieve ..... please come forward to make this site effective again .... it seems imposible but we have to try at-least once to do make this possible ..... you can't imagine how alone i m feeling .. but i know that our absences will make this harder to the thals who r using this site and getting usefull information , encouragement and motivation as .... soo please try to make things smooth again , which seems impossible ......
Best regards
Take Care
Danielle, i missed you a lot
Aww. I've missed you a lot, too, Manal. :hugfriend
@ Danielle
It's Life , and we have to live it , it doesn't matter that we want to live it or not .. we cant through it ... keep remember Sajid's words that he said several times ,
Life is a Gift of GOD , we have to do care of it
soo do care of your self .. Everything is O.K now .. dont feel bad .. we all have to seperate some time for our selves , several times in the life .. nothing wrong/bad or new you did ... its quite natural and demanding as well otherwise we could face tiredness bcoze of our busy routines ... soo its good to have some seperate time for your self to take care of your self as welll .... wish you good health ... take care
Thank you, Umair. I know we have no choice but to live with what we were given, and I try to make the best of it, but all of us get frustrated with it now and then. Especially when we have to go on living without the people we care about. :(
You are right, we definitely need to separate time for ourselves, and I guess that's just what I needed to do. I still feel bad, though. Thank you for your kind words, and I wish you good health as well. :hugfriend
When I made Sajid a global moderator of this group, I hoped he would be able to take some of the load off the shoulders of the administrators. This group has grown so large and so active, that it does become overwhelming to keep up. Sajid not only fulfilled what I asked of him, but also went far beyond my expectations. Reading everyone's postings has made me even more aware of his many contributions. Sajid didn't blow his own horn. He did his work happily and willingly and never felt this group to be any burden, no matter how much it entailed. When Sharmin said "imagine what Andy is going through" she was very right. Sajid was my buddy, my assistant and my protege. Not only do I miss him as my friend, I miss what he brought to this group and what he did for so many members. He cannot be replaced, so we all have to pitch in and do our part.
With that said, I would like to welcome Sharmin as a new global moderator for our group. Her presence has helped greatly in this past week and I thank her immensely.
:congrats :congrats :congrats :congrats
To Sharmin.
Make Sajid Proud I know he is watching over us all.
With love from Kathy.
My dear friends, thank you for the encouragement I love you all so much :grouphug
I am glad to play a role in continuing Sajid's work and fulfilling his dream of helping thalassemia patients all over the
world. Sajid is an angel - and his calm, collected words can never be replaced. Ten of me could not fill his shoes - but with all of your love and support - and Sajid's dove reminding me of him everyday I will do the best I can.
This is the first time I have had my heart broken because of this disease. It is the first time that I have been close to someone, admired them and cared for them only to lose them so suddenly. Like many of you, I am crushed and in absolute denial that this is happening. It is killing me to go on knowing that Sajid is not around. That is when I think of the people who have lost family members or those who have repeatedly lost friends to thalassemia. What courage it takes to keep going, to keep chelating and taking care or yourself after enduring such a loss.
Dearest Sajid, please watch over us and please be with me so that I can do justice to what you did so well. Please also be patient as we wipe our tears - because they keep coming.
Please keep posting my friends - we need to do this for Sajid, he worked very hard for this. Please do this also for Andy who is interrupting his life by going to Singapore to gather more information for us. I also need you all :hugfriend :hugfriend
inna liLLAHI wa inna ilaihi raj'ioon
Congrats Sharmin, :hugfriend
It was well deserved :) I am happy for you,and i don't know why ,but my heart felt a little lighter today.I am here always if you need any help.
It has been two weeks now. Still hard to accept your absence.
i dont think that Sajid's memories could be even fade in two year ... two weeks is a realy short time but i still feel that its a long time i chatted to him .... oh sajid your memories still makes me cry ..... i cant forget your memories ...
This is a complete shocker to me. Had not visited the site for sometime, and this is the first thing the jumps out at me when I logged in today.
Sajid was one of the earliest members of this site, when it moved from the msn groups and always one of the most active. I know he took immense pride in writing back to everyone and the number of posts he wrote is testimony to that. His words will certainly live on. I can never forget that he always remembered to wish me on my birthday, even when I was not even visiting the site.
I had asked him about his diabetes when he first wrote about it, and he just laughed it away. What a soldier.
First Ashish, now Sajid ...... what a horrible year this has been.
Sajid, Live in Peace.
It was and is still a shocker to us all, He will always remain in our hearts with his positive approach.
Missing you bro.
missing you Sajid .. missing your encouragement , missing your post full of fun and joy .. remembering your words that you said ,,. i still remeber you mentioned in your post that ,
By the way, thanks for liking my style.I tend to choose the lighter side of conversation so that it does not worry the reader.
missing you buddy and missing your style of posts and conversations was great , wanted to help other but without making someone worried about the seriousness of the matter ...
i m hopeless to meet anyone like you .. becoze no one could be that much great as you was ..
Hey buddy, losing Sajid has left a terrible void for us all :(
I think it would take an army of people to replace him.
I know that Sajid was your pal and your role model, please keep leaning on us as you get through this difficult time. You are a great role model for many others too.
Hi Sharmin,
i will try to do what-ever i can do ,
I think it would take an army of people to replace him.
its 100% right ... i agree to that ..
This is really shocking.I have not visited the site for long time, but when i logged i saw this heartbreaking news.It is really hard to accept the truth.
I don't have words to express my feeling.
losing Sajid has left a terrible void for us all :(
I think it would take an army of people to replace him.
Sorry that we have this awful news for you :console
I can understand your shock, we all still feel it everyday.
my sweet brother i miss u soooo much :wah ur mom and ur all family members r missing u too.I cant express my feelings in words that how i feel while using ur computer typing on ur key board, siting on ur seat. Just come here to ur room every day open the thalpal site and read the old posts.I cant leave this forum because u love them and i might say Sajid " u have a v big n lovely family" and i also want to be a part of this family.
sadaf ch sajid 's sis
Hi Sadaf ch.
You are most welcomed here. Though we will never ever forget our Sajid but having you here with us is something everyone will appreciate and makes us feel that he is there. My sincere condolences to your mom and to you. I can understand how you are feeling because the loss is great but what i can say is that i am sure that you know he is in a better place with no pain. Please keep posting :hugfriend
My sincere condolences to you and your family. Sajid was our brother, an inspiration and idol for all of us. We can never forget him and will always miss him. You are most welcomed in this big family of Sajid
Dearest Sadaf ch.,
It is such a comfort to have you here with us. My sincerest condolences to you and your mother. Your brother is an angel Sadaf and he will always be with all of us. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling because I have never met him and I cannot stop crying when I think of him. My entire family cried for days when we heard of Sajid's death, he was very special to people all over the world. Your brother was a hero, he helped so many people and we all pray that he is in the most beautiful place imaginable right now. In the last few weeks I have imagined a million things that I would say to you and your mom if I could talk to you - but now that you are here no words seem to be good enough. Thank you and your mom for sharing Sajid with us - he has touched our lives and changes us for the better. Having known Sajid makes us all want to be better people, it will be the greatest achievement of my life if I can attain even a fraction of the goodness and wisdom he had.
Good bless you and thank you so much for joining us,
Love Sharmin :hugfriend
Glad to have you here sister,Sajid was like a brother to me,and unfortunately i was the one to break this bad news here,i can't forget those moments,your cousin Amber Fayaz mailed me as i was on Sajid's mailing list, My condolences to you and your mom,i tried so much to prepare myself to call at your place and talk to your mom but couldn't find the courage,i called on that day to confirm the news and talked with your phuppho.
Sajid was an angel,we'll never forget him,he'll always remain in our hearts :hugfriend
HI Sadaf Sis ,
i have no words to explain my feelings ... sajid a great and kind person and best friend .... i discussed and shared many things about those i never ever had talked about to my family members ... it was our routine to start chating on 10;00 AM every morning to 01;00 pm till Zohar prayer ... then just before and after ASAR and then after Maghrib ..... we had several Voice Chat sessions and spent hours in Voice Chat .... that was realy nice time ... when-ever i felt bored first thought were " Sajid will be online , lets check " and then chat for a few hours ... when-ever i felt that today he came less online i never hesitate to ask him where he were today .... and he never mind's to answer my this question ... its a long story how the news breaked ... but i want to assure you that its not the Fault of Amber Fayyaz ... she thought that we ( people on sajid's mailing list ) are from pakistan and we will be informed well about this heart breaking news ... thats why she sent that condelence message .... which forced me and other to think about that why sajid is missing to last 2 days ... i think you know that your phupo recieved the calls from all over the world and from their pakistani brothers and sisters as welll ( i did as well ) .... it was my compulsion that i wasn't able to come there to attend his funeral but for him , Every Piece of my broken heart was crying and still when-ever i read this post these pieces start's crying again ... AAhh ... i have no other friends .. he was my only friend to whom i shared my feelings about thalassemia and he shared as well , in very frankly manner ... he helped me alot to come back to normal life and to keep caring my self on my own efforts ... i cant forget him forever ... my eyes are wet again ... and my heart is crying.... ... its me who never met to Sajid ,, so that's why i can understand your feelings ... May Allah Give you strength to bear this loss ... hey Sis , i had never exchanged my pictures to anyone .. you may easily find my three picture in Sajid's Computer ...
I am missing you a lot today - I look at your dove and it reminds me that you are watching us from heaven - but I am sad that your dove does not come with posts for us anymore. I miss you wit, your wisdom and your support Sajid. I hope that you are in peace where you are :sorrow
You know Sharmin, whenever i log in the site i read his old posts, this gives me the feeling that he is around. Many times too, he crosses my mind. I am amazed how we are so attached to him even when we didn't have the chance to see him. That is because he was so sincere.What comes from the heart, goes to the heart :( :(
To Manal and Sharmin,
It is strange Today, I, also was thinking about Sajid.He always pop in and out of my consciousness He always comes to my mind ,more when Some one on this site celebrates a birthday.I feel he was the bravest of all and I do miss him too.
Must be the unrest in Mumbai too. it reminds us of him Our dear little friend
take care girls :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Love Kathy
when ever i read Sajid's any post , its maade me sad to accept this truth he is no more with us ... i miss my first buddy on whom i had alot of confidence , ( i never had that much confidence on anyone (to share wat i feel & to share to wat i m going through or anything else like secrets , & to discuss about my health ) .... its realy hard to accept ... when-ever i felt sad in past 2 months , the first thougght came in my mind ,Sajid i miss yoou buddy , i m feeling ur absence very strongly , where r u did you see that i m alonee again..... oki i dont have courage to type anymore
Hey hey hey buddy,
Umair, Sajid would never leave you alone. First of all he is always with all of us. Secondly, he brought you to all of us before he had to leave us - he did not leave you alone - he left you among friends who adore you and care for you very much. There is no way you are going to be alone now.
Take care bro, I know how you feel - I miss him very much too but that pain is a reminder of what we are here to do and what we need to prevent.
:agree :agree :agree :exactly :exactly :exactly :exactly :exactly :agree :agree :happyyes :happyyes :happyyes :happyyes :happyyes
Losing you was definitely one of the lowest points in 2008. You were always there, you always responded and you never let us down. I miss you bro. I am afraid to let the tears start up again - I hope that you are free like your dove Sajid. I will never forget you - I cannot stop wishing that I had persisted and that I had done something to protect you even when you refused help.
I hope that you are at peace moving on to 2009 is difficult without you - it feels like I have left you in 2008. In reality your lessons and words are coming with all of us.
it become's very difficult for me to not to weep and then to stop crying, when-ever i see this post . That time i passed by chating and talking to you , thats is the sweetest time i ever remember in my life and that will remain as sweet memories of my life , when i met you i felt a hope that there is someone who is suffering to the same diseas and will understand me and my sufering very well ... and you did that .. you was my first ever thal buddy , and also first thal budy on internet ... it was very difficult for me to believe that you will b no more with us ... you gave me hope to live a healthy life and you........ i realy miss you buddy ... you weere realy kind, you had a realy kind heart ... i still remember the 14th august and JSF's function abt which you told me and invited me but i didn't manage to come there ... but when you came home just after the you cam eon msn told me aout the whole function sent me video of your presentationin that function ... AAAAH ..... i cant write anymore on this topic my tears
We really miss you Sajid,in this mean world,we need more and more people like you,i am sure you must be resting in Jannah,for how much you endured in this life was enough to make you dear to Allah.
Rest in peace bro,
Zaini.( Please anyone who can ,recite Surah Fatiha for Sajid,that's the best way to send our regards).
nothing more to say
We all do :sadyup i am happy i had a chance to know you,and i am sure you are resting up there :hugfriend
Dear Sajid
Sharmin this dove that you posted look like Sajid's dove , as if it is leaving our world and going up to her friend who is missed, :wah :wah
It reminded me of him.
I know this might be a bit different. Today I heard that a woman I know died last weekend. Probably she did not receive the best treatment she needed for her SC. For god sake, in which country do I live?
It reminds we of the 4year old Ayla who died because of blood poising. She was treated for Leukemia. The day before she died I saw her with her father. She had a chemo and a port, just like me. She was ill and her father wanted her to stay in the hospital, but they did not. She was 12 years younger, but one of my best friend at that hospital. Her parents just had an other baby, but without the right genes.
Five years ago a very good friend Nasli of me died. Often we were with the four of us at the local hospital. It reminds me of the good old times. She, her little sister and the boy had a white blood disease. Only the boy could live without treatment in his teens. I never saw the little little sister again. I knew Nasli was very ill, but I still do not know what the case was. The last news I heard about her that she stopped eating. That is why i get so scared when i can not eat.
I did chat twice with Sajid. He was really nice for me and I had like to have more conversations with him, I do miss him too. Someone came with the song of Sarah Mcla... I will remember you. I listen to that song often. Today I was supposed to learn, but I cant. I still try to learn for my exam English for monday evening.
So yes, I truly miss them.
Thank you for sharing that with us. I am very sorry to hear of your losses. I had some communication with Lisa - she was a very sweet girl and tried very hard to help me when my son was diagnosed. Learning about her death devastated me and brought me to this site. Sajid won all of us over - we all loved him very much and losing him was very difficult. You have been through a lot, losing so many people close to you. These losses have to empower us to live healthier and to help others remain healthy. Sajid's death reminds me that I have to work very hard to keep the people I care about safe - which includes my friends on this site. We can empower each other with knowledge and share what we learn from our doctors. Living in different parts of the world, we have access to important doctors in that part of the world. It is great that we can share what we learn with each other.
I have learned a lot from Sajid's wisdom and his desire to help others. He inspires us to be better people and to try to make the world a better place. That is how we can make the best of a painful situation.
Hi Dore. :flowers :flowers :flowers
So sad to hear about your friend that deceased sometime ago,Unfortunate some of us just dont get the propercare we required in order to stay alive longer and sometimes it is just our destiny when our time is up we cant do much to stop it.
This is why is very important that on an indivual basis we do the best we can for ourselves .e;g eat proper diet minimise stress level, ect;
I wish you good luck in your exam.god bless.
It is good to keep on learning in order is to keep up with the new world :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Remembering Sajid, i would share this song by Paul McCartney "Live and let die"
When You Were Young And Your Heart Was An Open Book
You Used To Say "Live And Let Live"
(You Know You Did, You Know You Did, You Know You Did)
But If This Ever Changing World In Which We're Livin'
Makes You Give In And Cry
Say "Live And Let Die"
"Live And Let Die"
"Live And Let Die"
"Live And Let Die"
What Does It Matter To Ya
When You Got A Job To Do
You Gotta Do It Well
You Gotta Give The Other Fellow Hell
You Used To Say "Live And Let Live"
(You Know You Did, You Know You Did, You Know You Did)
But If This Ever Changing World In Which We're Live In
Makes You Give In And Cry
Say "Live And Let Die"
"Live And Let Die"
"Live And Let Die"
"Live And Let Die"
I am missing you Sajid.
I checked my personal messages box of last year and found the private message from Sajid when we all were pleading for him to start aggressive on his chelation.
January 25, 2008
Hi C.F,
Thanks for your concerns. Don't get alarmed. I'm doing the best I can and things would be better soon; Insha Allah if the Desferal supply remains continuous.
Take care
Subsequently, the excerpt below from Andy's private message (We were discussing Sajid situation) later in April.
April 23, 3008
Something needs to be done very soon as he is exhibiting symptoms of the beginning of congestive heart failure and aggressive chelation is desperately needed.
It was not too long when we lost our dear freind.
Rest in peace.....
He will always be in our hearts,its very hard to use past tense for him ,heart aches,so much that its unbearable.
I miss him too :(
May his soul rest in peace :(
this thread took me back in past , and that past made me sad always. ... a few days ago whenn i was setting up my Pc when i opened a folder in that i saw sajid's snap and 14th august function's video i saved during conversation he sent to me just after getting home from that function ... every chat and everything that i posted in that times after discussing before sending on forum , i remember all that and thats why this thread hurt's my heart when ever i got to read something on it ... it hurt's realy hurts ..... i got a friend to whim i can considor my best friend ad then lost him ... its a wound that couldn't heal in years ....
It's been a long time that I haven't visited this site... I was surprised to hear this news and it has been more than a year. Sajid has been much of an inspiration to a lot includine me during my times of trials. One of the Thal pal friends I will never forget.
Our brother, Sajid Rauf has left us. Sometimes God takes his children home so early and we cannot understand it, but with Sajid, I understand how God wanted his selfless servant to come home. I think many of you will understand this. Many thals refuse help because they only want to be done with this life but Sajid was different. So many people offered to help him with desferal and he was even offered Exjade but the response was always the same. Sajid always said, "someone else needs it more. Please give them the help." Sajid, the Exjade you refused is now helping a young child in India. I don't know who needed it more but because you refused, a young child has a better chance. Sajid gave so much of himself and was always helping the other young thals in his area. He gave a tireless effort to this group and he will be greatly missed. I guess only God really knows who needs what but today I say, God needed his dear child, Sajid Rauf and brought him home to his reward. A reward well deserved and earned through his own selfless life.
Sajid, I salute you as both a friend and a colleague and promise that you will always be part of this group and your special role will always maintain.
:sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow
It is hard to believe that it has been so long since Sajid left us. It is still very difficult to accept.
I miss you a lot these days Sajid. I hate this dreaded disease for the suffering it caused you and your family, for taking you and others away from us and for all of the suffering it causes so many of us. For the difficult predicaments it places us in. Rest in peace my friend. I hope one day that there will be a safe and effective cure for this disease so that the suffering and loss can stop. Is it possible that the pharmaceutical companies will see beyond profit and realize what we are all going through? Will they allow the trials before more people are lost? I sure hope so. It's a shame more people are not like you :( You were one of a kind, and you shine brightly in our memories.
Missing you Sajid,
Sajid is closer to God now... That is our only consolation... At least we have an angel up there now in his person. :)
Dear Sajid,
Thinking of you today. You were the true spirit and essence of what this group was about. I see your dove and remember what this group is all about. I remember your kindness, and the fact that you are gone because you chose to have exjade sent to a young boy in India rather than save yourself.
You kept joking with us and comforting us until your final days. We had no idea that you were slipping away. Remembering you is giving me the strength to continue posting and motivates me to help anyone that I can - and to continue this fight. My dear brother - you cared about us all regardless of where we lived or who we were. I think after all of these years our hearts are still broken. I have thought of you so many times since yesterday. Your services made Lisa proud - and now you both look down on us and guide us. As long as there are people like Lisa and yourself there is something to fight for - and there is a reason to reach out to people in all parts of the globe.