Thalassemia Patients and Friends

Discussion Forums => Thalassemia Major => Topic started by: Canadian_Family on November 08, 2008, 05:08:50 PM

Title: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 08, 2008, 05:08:50 PM

I will check back in two hours for any responses. My daughter is in the hospital since yesterday, she was severley de-hydrated due to stomach flu (Started Tuesday) she refused to take pedialyte up until Friday. We took her to the hospital where she was on fluids since 5:00pm last night but still not responding to it. All blood results came normal (except her WBC count was 30 which is high), I think normal being 15. she is currently on an antibiotic for WBC count. Doctors have no idea so far. Her Pee is not as expected (8 ounces every four hours). The pediatrician only guess is that she is still de-hydrated. She has no fever.

Any help would be appreciated.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: nice friend on November 08, 2008, 05:42:21 PM
Hi C.F ,
i hope she will get well soon & may God bless her with good health , she will back to home from hospital realy soon INSHA-ALLAH.. DONT WORRY SHE WILL BE FINE SOON .. have courage your courageous response will help your daughter to heal faster and recover soon ...

Noravirus by sharmin   please
check it as well may it will help you as well bcoze  in it i read abt the de-hydration as well

Best Regards
Take Care
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Andy Battaglia on November 08, 2008, 06:26:24 PM
Sharmin has talked this week about her son having norovirus. There seems to be a harsh strain going around among school age children. Have the doctors said this is the cause? It would cause stomach flu and dehydration, but it also should pass after a few days.

You can read more about

Antibiotics are not indicated unless a bacterial cause is shown. Potassium depletion may be a problem and levels should be checked and potassium IV given if necessary. Magnesium depletion may also be involved. The depletion would be a result of vomiting and/or diarrhea. I assume Exjade has been discontinued during this period.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 08, 2008, 06:36:33 PM
Hi Andy,

The exjade is discontinued, she was given potassium and magnesium fluids, I am still trying to understand the antibiotic.

Please note she started vomit this Tuesday evening, vomited Wednesday and Thursday and Friday. We took her to Hospital on Friday since she was spitting with blood, severe de hydration and inflammation of stomach. We initially thought fluids might work, however, its the WBC count that worried doctors plus her very slow reaction to hydration. She is still sleeping and is on antibiotic plus electrolyte solution. She is puffy because of all that fluid and her IV is difficult to locate for blood tests.

She has not eaten for 72 hours and still sleeping.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Andy Battaglia on November 08, 2008, 06:52:34 PM
Although elevated white cells was thought to be rare with norovirus, a 2007 report found otherwise.

Medical textbooks have traditionally stated that leukocytosis [raised white blood cell count] is rare with norovirus gastroenteritis and that "[r]ed and white cells are not found in the stool."3 In contrast, we found a high frequency of both leukocytosis and fecal leukocytes. One prior study in volunteers and another natural norovirus outbreak description also document leukocytosis, but neither assessed for fecal leukocytes.4-5 In addition, jejunal biopsy specimens in symptomatic volunteers exposed to Norwalk virus have shown a polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell infiltration into the lamina propria, indicating a neutrophilic response to this agent.

Hopefully, the virus will soon have run its course, as it normally does within a few days.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 08, 2008, 07:51:11 PM
Dear Canadian Family,

I hope that your little one feels better very soon.  My son had vomiting Wednesday night and some stomach ache on Thursday.  My children actually like pedialyte (grape flavor) and so my son drank a lot of it which may have helped to protect him from dehydration.  My kids don't drink any flavor other than grape (and the pedialyte brand) - so you may try that for next time.

Some of the children at his school have been sick for over a week.  Stomach flu can cause the glands in the stomach area to become enlarged and painful.  I hope that your daughter feels better really soon, please keep us posted on her progress.  Our prayers are with you for her speedy recovery  :pray :pray :pray :pray :pray :pray :pray :pray

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 08, 2008, 09:59:15 PM

Thinking of you - please let us know how things are going.  Please let us know when is waking up and energetic again. 
Were the doctor's able to understand why she was spitting blood? 

Take care,
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Manal on November 08, 2008, 11:13:41 PM
I am praying for her :hugfriend

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Smurfette on November 09, 2008, 03:56:20 AM
Hi Canadian Family,

Hope your little one is on the mend now...Here in australia we had that virus go around..It is a vicious cycle... My niece had it a few times...Its hard for kids, because they dont understand..

She is in good care at the hospital...The spitting of blood could be a number of reasons, 1 could be because of the vomiting her lining of her stomach could have torn and that could have caused it..Its not too drastic, it can repair itself...

Because of the vomiting all the time it can happen..

I hope that she has a speedy recovery...

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Zaini on November 09, 2008, 10:22:52 AM
Canadian Family,

I am really sorry for this,please update us what's going on,has she recovered,a little bit if not fully,please inform us,the not eating for 72 hours and sleeping has scared me,i am praying for her,please update us.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: T @ r ! Q on November 09, 2008, 10:35:30 AM
Canadian Family,
We all are praying for health of your daughter, Please don't feel alone, we are all here for you.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Lyanne on November 09, 2008, 11:35:19 AM
My best regard to your daughter hope she'll  be fine soon!my thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter..... take care!
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 09, 2008, 01:41:46 PM
Hi all,

Thank you all for your wishes. She is still in the hospital (two days now), doctors had no clue, she is on antibiotic and four days with no food. I talked to the doctors last night and they had four possible diagnosis. I still think she had stomach flu. Whatever it is, I hope antibodies will kill it. She is sleep deprived and very lethargic.

Last night I sat outside her room and did not let anybody go into her room, no doctors and no nurses. Please give her a break (atleast 8 hours of sleep). Anyways, they understood and took her blood this morning at 8:00am. Still waiting for the results.

I agree with most of you, i.e. reasons for spitting blood, swollen glands, raised WBC, Thank you all. This gives me more thoughts to discuss with the doctor.

I will update you ASAP.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Dori on November 09, 2008, 03:52:15 PM
I hope your daugther's recovering will start very soon and that she may leave the hospital in a few days.
How old is your daugther? I really dislike hospitals, so how sooner she is home, how better things will go. Take care, Dore
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 09, 2008, 03:59:56 PM

Thank you for the update.  Please let us know about the blood test results and how our little princess does during the day today.  

My son had a similar experience when he reacted to the IVIG treatment this summer, he did not eat for days and he was very lethargic.  He vomiting and he looked very sick.  But the usually look worse than they really are - and when they are better they spring back as though they were never sick. 

It is a good thing that your daughter is getting her fluids and antibiotics to fight any infection she may have.  I hope that the virus will run its course and be over soon.  It sometimes takes time for children to get their energy and appetite back after an experience like this, and some stomach cramping can occur for a while after this.  

It's good to know that she is in good hands, all of our thoughts and prayers are with your family,

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 09, 2008, 10:50:38 PM

So the blood results shows improvements in some stats and worst in some. We did received the information on phone, the blood culture shows signs of infection, we have no details but it looks like grape like growth. Hopefully, tomorrow we have the name for infection.

She is still on antibiotics, and the doctors are keeping their fingers crossed, they are hoping the antibodies, they had already administered should cover any infection that may show up tomorrow. We have been moved to isolation room for now.

She is showing some improvements though, had a toast today and now talking. Yesterday she could not move a muscle.


Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 10, 2008, 01:07:18 AM
Canadian Family,

We are hoping that things will improve overnight.  Please keep us posted - our thoughts are with you.  All day I have been logging on just hoping to hear that she is doing better now. 

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 10, 2008, 06:07:37 AM

Perhaps they are looking at a staphylococcus infection (grape like growth) ? 

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Zaini on November 10, 2008, 09:38:18 AM
She is in my prayers  :pray,most of us are parents and can understand what you are going through,wishing her a speedy recovery,lots of kisses for your angel.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 10, 2008, 10:20:22 AM
Thank you Zaini and Sharmin,

"staphylococcus infection" appears to be the right answer, the nurse indicated it to us. We have to confirm it with the doctor. I am not sure how long it take to treat it.

The problem we are facing is her low potassium and phosphate (already discussed in this forum), she is in McMaster Children Hospital rather than Sick Kids. These people do not understand thalassemia in detail, their concentration is on the low quantities of these minerals as well. I keep telling them the Exjade and its side effects, hopefully they will contact Sick Kids today and talk to her hematologist.

Her next blood test is at 9:00am today, will try to update again.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Zaini on November 10, 2008, 12:33:47 PM
Good luck with the next test,if she goes to sick kids for transfusion,why don't you shift her there,as the doctors there must be familiar with her history and it might help controlling the situation.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 10, 2008, 12:57:18 PM
Hi Zaini,

We tried sick kids first, there was no bed available at that time and our local hospital found the bed in McMaster, we had no choice because we didn't want to wait. I have already left a message with the Sick Kids to contact McMaster with details of her results.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Manal on November 10, 2008, 01:18:56 PM
Canadian Family
wishing you a really good luck. knowing a diagnosis is much better now, hope the test goes well and everything will be under control, i am still praying :hugfriend

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 10, 2008, 03:47:40 PM
Canadian Family,

I had just assumed that she was at Sick Kids, but lets hope that once the doctors at McMaster get her information from her hematologist they will understand how to best treat her. 

Are her mineral levels low because of Exjade?  How is her hg holding up through all of this?  I hope she is able to eat and drink more today.  Let us know how her tests go.

All the best,

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 10, 2008, 03:59:47 PM

The latest blood test shows her blood PH is high, phosphate is 0.26 (s/b 2.5-3) and her Bi-carb (no idea what it is) is 19, which is also low. The inital blood culture report shows staphylococcus Areus bacteria, but still doctors are waiting for final blood culture report. Canadian Disease Control have been informed as she must have contact with something with Steph bacteria and they are launching their investigation. I am doubtful at the Learna (the computer school she goes to).

Also, the fluids absorption in not very good, she is retaining fluid under the skin, doctor has shown concern for that as well. McMaster is contacting Sick Kids. Prayers are required.


Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Andy Battaglia on November 10, 2008, 04:33:13 PM
Hospitals are one of the main sources of staph infections. I hope they are investigating the hospital itself as a source of the infection. Do you know what the name of her antibiotic is?

Our prayers are with you.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 10, 2008, 05:33:05 PM
We are praying for your family Canadian Family,

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Zaini on November 10, 2008, 05:41:14 PM
She is in my prayers,i wish i could do more,i keep checking in to see the good news of her recovery,please be strong,we are all here for you.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Dori on November 10, 2008, 06:32:37 PM
I am glad that they know which bacterium it is. I also keep chicking in to see the good news of her recovery.
I hope you can convince them to bring her to her 'first hospital'.
And yes, most of patients getting infected at hospitals. Take care and you are in my toughts. xx
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 10, 2008, 06:42:04 PM
Canadian Family,

Are they looking at her kidneys right now?  Because of the imbalances and lack of fluid absorption?  Hopefully this will all be transient and clear up along with the infection very soon.

bicarbonate HCO3 Nephrology A general term for any salt containing the anion HCO3–, which is the most important buffer in the blood; bicarbonate is regulated by the kidney, which excretes it in excess and retains it when needed; it is ↑ in ingestion of excess antiacids, diuretics, steroids; it is ↓ in diarrhea, liver disease, renal disease, chemical poisoning.

Bicarbonate levels are almost always done along with other electrolytes to tell your doctor whether your sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate levels are in balance. They may be measured as part of routine blood testing, or when your doctor suspects an imbalance. Bicarbonate may also be measured when your doctor is evaluating your acid-base balance, to screen for an imbalance, and to monitor a known problem during treatment.
When is it requested?
Bicarbonate testing may be requested, usually as part of an electrolyte profile when:
you are having a routine blood test;
your doctor suspects that you may be retaining water or are dehydrated, upsetting your electrolyte balance;
to help evaluate your body's acid-base balance (pH);
to monitor a condition or treatment that might cause an electrolyte imbalance.

Of course many of these imbalances can be from the infection and dehydration that she suffered during her illness and her lack of absorption of the fluid they have been giving her. 

I hope that things improve very soon,

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 11, 2008, 01:47:23 AM
Hello all,

Thanks everyone, The latest phosphate came 0.38, PH came normal and other electrolytes are going back up.


I did take up the source of Staph in hospital with the senior resident. They are now looking to see if the staph was on her skin and when Milton District Hospital took the blood on Saturday, they contaminated the sample with staph. Good thing is that McMaster took their own samples as well, so they are waiting to see the results for that. This is a very good catch and I am hoping it comes true. If that is the case than CDC (Canadian Disease Control) should check Milton District Hospital.

Zaini, Sharmin, Peatree Girl,

Thanks for your help, we do hope everything clears up soon. BTW sick kids finally had a contact with McMaster and now they are looking at things from different angle. They are now looking to get her phosphate at 0.7 level and leave it there for now.

Finally some relief as she started to eat today, she ordered the pizza and toast. Keeping the fingers crossed.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 11, 2008, 01:56:40 AM
Canadian Family,

I am so glad to hear that things are beginning to look up for our angel - we have all been praying for her to get better.  Thank you so much for updating us - we are constantly thinking of you.  Hopefully the sample was just contaminated and she doesn't have the infection.  Please let us know when you hear anything. 

Love to our little one  :hugfriend :hugfriend  and god bless,

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Zaini on November 11, 2008, 03:03:12 AM
I am glad that she has started eating,i am sure she'll get back her strength gradually ,lots of hugs and kisses for her  :hugfriend :hugfriend.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 11, 2008, 02:56:42 PM
Hi all,

So the good news is that she did not had the staph, the sample was contaminated through skin. The infection was not a severe one,the IV is coming off and the antibiotic will now be administered through mouth. She is back to normal eating, the muscles are sore so she has a problem balancing her, she is moving out of isolation and going to the playroom to be assessed for movements. If everything is fine with movements then perhaps she would be discharged end of day today or tomorrow morning at the latest. Will update later.

Thank you everyone for your prayers.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Andy Battaglia on November 11, 2008, 03:44:34 PM
Well, that is a huge relief! Antibiotic-resistant staph infections are becoming more common and hospitals are the leading source of infection. Staph in the blood culture raised all sorts of alarms and it is wonderful news to hear that it isn't so. Looking forward to your daughter regaining her strength and getting back into her daily routines.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 11, 2008, 04:43:03 PM
Canadian Family,

Thanks for that update, that is a huge relief!  I am looking forward to hearing that she is all better and ready to go home soon.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Zaini on November 11, 2008, 06:22:25 PM
Well,that's indeed a great news,the news i was waiting for,lot's of gugs and kisses for your little one  :hugfriend :hugfriend.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: nice friend on November 11, 2008, 07:42:09 PM
Hi CF,
its nice to hear that tings are under controle now and she is doing fine ... i hope that she will recover fast n will be completely fine realy soon ....  :getwell

Take Care
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Manal on November 11, 2008, 11:03:08 PM
I am really so happy for the good news. I know how you must have been feeling all those days. Try to get some rest, everything will be fine, i am sure.
I am always praying for the family :hugfriend :hugfriend

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 12, 2008, 03:35:08 AM
Canadian Family,

I hope that your daughter had a good day - and I hope she had some more pizza:)

Thinking of your family and hoping that you can all rest up and breath a sigh of relief,

Best wishes,
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Dori on November 12, 2008, 11:46:05 AM
I am very happy to hear that!!
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Zaini on November 12, 2008, 02:19:35 PM
Your daughter is in my thoughts and prayers  :getwell

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: jatinder on November 12, 2008, 05:26:16 PM
hey dear,

glad to hear good news

thankz to god for such nice  news fron cf

hey dont worry we all are with you.

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 12, 2008, 07:17:07 PM
Hi all,

So my daughter is discharged and we just came from hospital. What a relief. Thank you everyone for their prayers and concerns.


Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 13, 2008, 12:07:21 AM
Thank you for the update Canadian Family, I am very glad to hear that  she is home. 

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: nice friend on November 13, 2008, 06:58:51 AM
Hi CF ,
its Superb to hear the good news like this one ..
wish you all the best of life, health, future & everything ..

Best Regards
Take Care
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 13, 2008, 05:33:34 PM
Canadian Family,

Hoping that your daughter is doing better each day:)

All the best to your family,

Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Canadian_Family on November 13, 2008, 11:37:48 PM
Thanks everyone.

You are all amazing.

Praying for you all.
Title: Re: From Hospital
Post by: Sharmin on November 16, 2008, 12:04:34 AM
Canadian Family,

How's our little one recovering?  I hope she is active and energetic again:)

Much love to her  :hugfriend