Thalassemia Patients and Friends

Discussion Forums => Announcements => Topic started by: Andy Battaglia on February 08, 2006, 03:21:35 AM

Title: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 08, 2006, 03:21:35 AM
The 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference of the Thalassemia Action Group will be held May 12-14, 2006 at Imperial Palace Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada . For more info click
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 08, 2006, 03:46:29 AM
I think I'll put this on the calendar also.  I really want to go to this conference.  I'm really interested in hearing about what the medical professionals have to say about all the upcoming advances, and the new medications. 
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Ash on February 08, 2006, 06:52:41 PM
I want to go to, but I just got news that I dont have enough time to apply for my Visa. If I apply now my interview is scheduled for in July thats way past this conference date. Too bad I wanted to see Las Vegas and also trouble Andy in his home country.
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 09, 2006, 07:13:30 AM
Andy, you should throw a cyber party, now that the threat of "Hurricane Ashish" has abated!
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 09, 2006, 08:36:25 AM
Oh boy, I was about to alert the media.  I don't know what would happen if you boys got together in Vegas.  Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.   :mouthshut

Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 09, 2006, 08:46:24 AM
Yes, I think this is definitely a media worthy event.
Actually, I have a valid visa to the USA, and if Ashish manages to procure one too, and Andy lands up too, ....
Whew.. my imagination just boggled!

Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 09, 2006, 08:50:02 AM
I think I have to get a better mug shot .... Bruce looks so *aged* out here ....  :winky

Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 09, 2006, 10:04:52 AM
You guys just better warn ME if you get together in Vegas.   :rotfl
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 09, 2006, 10:12:28 AM
Poor Vegas. And they thought the mob was bad. Wait til they meet these two..  :rotfl

Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 09, 2006, 10:21:17 AM
Poor Vegas. And they thought the mob was bad. Wait til they meet these two..  :rotfl

Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 09, 2006, 01:35:12 PM
Poor Vegas. And they thought the mob was bad. Wait til they meet these two..  :rotfl

 :biggrin What are you gonna do when the bad boys of Bombay come calling ..... hey, wait a minute that sounds like a great C-grade movie title " The Bad Boys of Bombay" ... maybe, we should also "do" hollywood while we are in the vicinity and spread some desolation there too ....  :evilplan
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 09, 2006, 01:38:39 PM
we should also "do" hollywood while we are in the vicinity and spread some desolation there too ....  :evilplan
Hollywood too?!   :faint
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 09, 2006, 01:49:35 PM
Hollywood too?!   :faint

Ah, if you feel so bad about that, we will give Hollywood a miss .... maybe just whack Night Shyamalan while we are there ... :bat
I can't stand his movies and HBO will insist on airing them ....  :-X
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 09, 2006, 01:52:16 PM
Ah, if you feel so bad about that, we will give Hollywood a miss .... maybe just whack Night Shyamalan while we are there ... :bat   I can't stand his movies and HBO will insist on airing them ....  :-X

 :rotfl Ok, sounds like a plan.  The only movie by him that I liked was The Sixth Sense.   :dunno
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 09, 2006, 02:00:52 PM
The only movie by him that I liked was The Sixth Sense.   :dunno

Yes, that was just about bearable  :huh

BTW, do you ever sleep?  :wonder
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 09, 2006, 02:21:24 PM
BTW, do you ever sleep?  :wonder

Yup, when everyone else is awake.  I have my days and nights mixed up.  :sadno
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 09, 2006, 03:44:24 PM
Poirot, you know better than to ask if we ever sleep. The last time I slept was during the conference in Pune....lololol...George can still hear me snoring.  :yawn
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Bharat on February 09, 2006, 05:13:03 PM
Hi Everyone

New to this site. Very excited about it. Thanks again to Andy and Danielle. My wife and I plan to come to Vegas. Hope to see you all there.


Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 10, 2006, 12:58:18 AM
George can still hear me snoring.  :yawn

 HA! Yes, the organisers had to make a request for whoever was using the lawn mower to turn it OFF!  :biggrin

of course, you slept through that too ....  :rotfl
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Ash on February 10, 2006, 04:53:51 PM
Oh this is the thread I heard about, my ears were burning now I know who was rememmbering/abusing me. yes poirot that photo does look a bit aged. Get rid of it.

 :wah I wanna go to Las Vegas

and I promise to be good  :wink

Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 11, 2006, 03:08:21 PM
I wanna go to Las Vegas
and I promise to be good

Hmm, I wonder what would be the point of that, then?  :huh

Or, did you mean that you would be really good  .... at being bad?  :rotfl
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Miaki on February 12, 2006, 01:06:43 PM
Hi gang,

I have been reading and enjoying the "Bad Boys of Bombay" subtitles.

But question: Andy and Ashish....How bad are the both of you together?

Because when I met you in Dubai, you both seem to be such beautiful angelic people. Not a "Bad Boy" bone in your bodies...........LOL :rotfl
Or did I miss all the action?

Love to all.....Miaki :bighug
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Poirot on February 12, 2006, 03:09:57 PM
Because when I met you in Dubai, you both seem to be such beautiful angelic people. Not a "Bad Boy" bone in your bodies...........LOL :rotfl
Or did I miss all the action?
Love to all.....Miaki :bighug

Definitely missed all the action, then. I know that Ashish came back from Dubai and needed 3x his normal blood intake just to get his HB back to normal. And, even then he was looking a little peaked. So, don't know where you were, Miaki, but certainly not at the right (wrong?) place.


And, guys, you gotta stand up for your reps a little more. You can't take such bad names as "angelic" lying down, can you now?

Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 12, 2006, 04:01:21 PM
After sleeping my way through the Pune conference, and then being "hosted" by the Indian army for awhile, I thought I might watch my p's and q's in Dubai, where comicidentally, it was Ashish's turn to be caught to follow, unless those prepaid air tickets to Maldives find their way under my door.  :evilplan    LOLOLOL!!!

In Dubai I did try to keep my nose clean, although I still had to control my urge to take photos of everything I saw...those cops really didn't look very friendly, so I'm kinda glad I didn't  say cheese.

And Miaki, didn't we run into you at the Blue Bar the last night? I seem to remember you in that crowd of friends who were applying some liquid pain killer after their dune buggy rides. Ah, now I do recall. That was the night, the trend setting Shilpa, got everyone hooked on Cosmopolitans. There were no less than five Cosmopolitans sitting on the table when we left you guys that night. Way to go, Shilpa! We "new kids" fit right in. I really hope we can all meet up again at the next conference. The friends are the best!  :hithere
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Ash on February 12, 2006, 04:23:54 PM
I was not sleeping in the conference in fact you dont have a single photo of me to prove it. Everytime I dozed off I made a point to do so in the my office which btw was the sofa in the lobby at least I was polite to the speakers by not snoring during their sessions.

Although I will agree with Miaki that Andy & I were on our best behaviours we had upset a lot of carts in Pune and didnt wanna repeat it again lest we not get a visa again ;)

and I did catch the blue bar bug much later into the conference which is too bad I promise to rectify this error at the next conference and will be committed to having the most fun next time :)

which is what I said earlier I promise to be good at being bad!!
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 12, 2006, 04:39:19 PM
I cannot believe I missed out on all the fun!  :hissyfit

You guys would have a blast with me.  Give me one drink and I'm drunk. LOL  :friday
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 12, 2006, 04:52:16 PM
Please see the photo section for a pic of Ashish busy at work in his office.  :grin
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on February 13, 2006, 04:28:49 AM
LOL!  Now I know what you meant by this.  That picture is hilarious!   :rotfl
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Miaki on February 13, 2006, 12:17:43 PM

Ahhhh the after party hours at the "Blue Bar", yes nightly meetings took place there and very well managed.

To Andy & Ashish:- I want to see more elbow motion happening rather than mouth action.
To Shilpa:- She knows what to do, as she did it so well that night.  :thumbsup

To my drinking Biatches ....I solute you!!

Love to all :bighug  (miss you guys so much)
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Ash on February 14, 2006, 09:30:37 AM
That was Shilpas first time, I hope she was sick after all that elbow motion
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Angela on March 03, 2006, 05:19:35 AM
I would love to go to this. I really want to try.
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: ThalGal on April 14, 2006, 06:23:55 PM
Who will be attending the TAG conference?
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Danielle on May 13, 2006, 03:22:26 AM
Unfortunately, I cannot go this year.   :-\
Title: Re: 21st Annual Patient/Family Conference May 12-14
Post by: Isis on May 18, 2006, 08:56:36 PM
Although this comes a lil late.     

Correction Ash:   

That was Shilpas first time, I hope she was sick after all that elbow motion....Vazirani

How do U know it was my first time ???  At what ?  elbow motion  :rotfl     

I wasn't hoping U broke Ur bones in the Dune buggy rides  :bat  so don't hope for weird things;  like me being sick.  I was not sick , 'no thanx to you' .....  was jus fine   :yahoo

n pls don't bother to reply to this one...coz I'm in no mood to banter with you. Go pick on someone else.  Do I ever call u Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ? 