Thalassemia Patients and Friends
Discussion Forums => The Spotlight => Topic started by: Prets on September 29, 2009, 06:19:28 PM
I'm 30+ (never ask a woman her age)..... :biggrin
Beta Thal minor, recently diagnosed, with quite a lot of symptoms all my life, and trying my level best to manage it well!
Bless you all!
You are welcomed Pretty girl, :welcomewagon please feel free to discuss anything of your concern
I also advise you to start reading the posts in the thal minor section, i am sure they will answer a lot of your questions
Welcome Pretty Girl!
We look forward to reading your posts!!
Welcome!!!! You've come to the right place and hope you feel at home and please feel free to ask your concerns we are here to support and we'll gladly answer your queries.......... :welcomewagon
:welcome2 Pretty_girl!
Thank you all!
Hi Ya pretty girl .
:welcome2 ,
Best regards
take care