Thalassemia Patients and Friends

Discussion Forums => General Chatter => Topic started by: Danielle on February 12, 2006, 04:01:44 PM

Title: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 12, 2006, 04:01:44 PM
SNOW!  :mad  And LOTS of it!   :tantrum

LOL  :rotfl

We're having a blizzard, and there's about a foot of snow out there already.   :wah

Andy, I know you must have something.  Spill it.   :popcorn
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 12, 2006, 04:04:44 PM
So far, we have been unscathed by the storm that hit the coast. But then, we already have a pile of snow on the ground...but I also know that this is upstate New York, so our turn will come.  :blah
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Ash on February 12, 2006, 04:24:48 PM
I love snow, can you ship some to India, ala Mall of Emirates ;)
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 12, 2006, 04:35:22 PM
Are you kidding me, Andy?  It SKIPPED you?!  That's so unfair.   :hmph


Hey Ashish, I'd LOVE to ship this snow over to you!  I HATE snow!  :wah

I can't believe I'm stuck in the house all day, now.  I'm snowed in!  I can't even open my doors!   :wah  :wah

Someone come dig me out!   :sulk
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 12, 2006, 04:49:44 PM
Have you ever noticed that all those people who love snow live where it never snows?
Please, please, please.....if you like it so much, come and take ours way!   :happyyes
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Poirot on February 12, 2006, 04:50:39 PM
Have you ever noticed that all those people who love snow live where it never snows?

 :rotfl  :rotfl
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 12, 2006, 05:07:06 PM
Have you ever noticed that all those people who love snow live where it never snows?

YES!  WHY??!   :wah

It's not fair, I say.  :hmph
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: §ãJ¡Ð ساجد on February 13, 2006, 04:00:24 PM
   The nearest spot where it snows here is the"Pir Suhawa" or a bit further where it snows quite a lot is the famous "Murree Hill Station". People from Rawalpindi/Islamabad go there every winter and collect it as a souvineir or like it's the most expensive gift from "dream land", but too bad it melts in the cars the way back home :wink :grin
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 13, 2006, 04:15:50 PM
too bad it melts in the cars the way back home :wink :grin


Why would anyone want it as a souvenir? It's horrible!  :wah
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Poirot on February 14, 2006, 01:59:19 AM
Why would anyone want it as a souvenir? It's horrible!  :wah

Ah snow! Beautiful Snow!

I saw a photo yesterday of the White House all draped in snow, and thought ... man, that shore does look purty!!
If it cheers you up, I could send you some snaps of countrysides/towns rendered oh so picturesque by Snow ..... and maybe some poems as well....

Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 14, 2006, 04:45:47 AM

Why would anyone want it as a souvenir? It's horrible!  :wah

If they want souvenirs, why don't you sell them some of that picturesque snow at a bargain price?
It's really lovely guys,  so come and get it.  :happyyes
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 14, 2006, 08:27:10 AM
If it cheers you up, I could send you some snaps of countrysides/towns rendered oh so picturesque by Snow ..... and maybe some poems as well....

LOL!  No, please don't.  I have enough snow over here to last me a lifetime of pictures.   :sadno

Danielle, If they want souvenirs, why don't you sell them some of that picturesque snow at a bargain price?

That's not a bad idea, Andy.  How much should I charge them?   :wonder

Come and get it, guys!   :rotfl
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Ash on February 14, 2006, 09:27:02 AM

The price of an Air ticket, I will pay for your air ticket for you to come to India during your winter season and I will go there in your place :) agreed?
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Poirot on February 15, 2006, 02:12:46 AM
I have enough snow over here to last me a lifetime of pictures.

HA! Okay, one last bad pun, before I let you go ......
Can you imagine John Snow reading you the poetry of Robert Frost ..........

Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 15, 2006, 03:40:56 PM
The price of an Air ticket, I will pay for your air ticket for you to come to India during your winter season and I will go there in your place :) agreed?

I thought you wanted to go to Las Vegas?  :huh  New York is 3000 miles away from there.  hahaha.  :biggrin

HA! Okay, one last bad pun, before I let you go ......
Can you imagine John Snow reading you the poetry of Robert Frost ..........

LOL! Thanks, Poirot.  I'll get you back.   :happyyes
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Ash on February 15, 2006, 05:26:02 PM
Las Vegas, New York, Rochester what difference does it make ? at least its not here
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Smurfette on February 19, 2006, 12:35:34 AM



Well here in Sydney its too damn hot..I want winter to come along..I hate the heat...Here its very humid and too hot to do anything....


Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 19, 2006, 12:49:09 AM
OK! I'll trade.  :biggrin

It's minus 12 degrees C here right now  :cold and we had 77 mph winds here yesterday.

Please send us some of your heat!  :grin
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Smurfette on February 20, 2006, 10:21:51 AM

Andy with Pleasure I will trade with you. :veil

If I could send you some heat I would..with pleasure...

I really cant wait for winter to come here...

Take care all
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 22, 2006, 07:50:00 AM
Las Vegas, New York, Rochester what difference does it make ? at least its not here
Aww, why don't you just move here then, Ashish?   :huh  Wouldn't that be fun?  :biggrin

I'd definitely trade my winter for somebody else's summer or even spring!   :veil
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Ash on February 22, 2006, 05:01:27 PM
I'd definitely trade my winter for somebody else's summer or even spring!   :veil

me casa ae su casa
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Andy Battaglia on February 23, 2006, 02:23:21 AM
Ashish speaks the truth. He and his family were gracious hosts. Thanks again for picking me up so late at night and giving me not only a place to stay for the night, but also pudding.  :biggrin
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Danielle on February 25, 2006, 05:19:54 AM
me casa ae su casa

Remember you said that!   :rotfl  I'll have my bags packed tomorrow!   :biggrin
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Ash on February 26, 2006, 02:27:03 PM
Dont forget to pack Richard in a suitcase.
Title: Re: Ok, so who woke up to find ...
Post by: Richard on March 01, 2006, 07:35:56 PM
Wait a second.  Why would I have to be in a suitcase?!! You could of at least said don't forget to pay for Richard's ticket.. geez!! LOL  :rotfl