Thalassemia Patients and Friends
Discussion Forums => General Chatter => Topic started by: Danielle on February 12, 2006, 04:01:44 PM
SNOW! :mad And LOTS of it! :tantrum
LOL :rotfl
We're having a blizzard, and there's about a foot of snow out there already. :wah
Andy, I know you must have something. Spill it. :popcorn
So far, we have been unscathed by the storm that hit the coast. But then, we already have a pile of snow on the ground...but I also know that this is upstate New York, so our turn will come. :blah
I love snow, can you ship some to India, ala Mall of Emirates ;)
Are you kidding me, Andy? It SKIPPED you?! That's so unfair. :hmph
Hey Ashish, I'd LOVE to ship this snow over to you! I HATE snow! :wah
I can't believe I'm stuck in the house all day, now. I'm snowed in! I can't even open my doors! :wah :wah
Someone come dig me out! :sulk
Have you ever noticed that all those people who love snow live where it never snows?
Please, please, please.....if you like it so much, come and take ours way! :happyyes
Have you ever noticed that all those people who love snow live where it never snows?
:rotfl :rotfl
Have you ever noticed that all those people who love snow live where it never snows?
YES! WHY??! :wah
It's not fair, I say. :hmph
The nearest spot where it snows here is the"Pir Suhawa" or a bit further where it snows quite a lot is the famous "Murree Hill Station". People from Rawalpindi/Islamabad go there every winter and collect it as a souvineir or like it's the most expensive gift from "dream land", but too bad it melts in the cars the way back home :wink :grin
too bad it melts in the cars the way back home :wink :grin
Why would anyone want it as a souvenir? It's horrible! :wah
Why would anyone want it as a souvenir? It's horrible! :wah
Ah snow! Beautiful Snow!
I saw a photo yesterday of the White House all draped in snow, and thought ... man, that shore does look purty!!
If it cheers you up, I could send you some snaps of countrysides/towns rendered oh so picturesque by Snow ..... and maybe some poems as well....
Why would anyone want it as a souvenir? It's horrible! :wah
If they want souvenirs, why don't you sell them some of that picturesque snow at a bargain price?
It's really lovely guys, so come and get it. :happyyes
If it cheers you up, I could send you some snaps of countrysides/towns rendered oh so picturesque by Snow ..... and maybe some poems as well....
LOL! No, please don't. I have enough snow over here to last me a lifetime of pictures. :sadno
Danielle, If they want souvenirs, why don't you sell them some of that picturesque snow at a bargain price?
That's not a bad idea, Andy. How much should I charge them? :wonder
Come and get it, guys! :rotfl
The price of an Air ticket, I will pay for your air ticket for you to come to India during your winter season and I will go there in your place :) agreed?
I have enough snow over here to last me a lifetime of pictures.
HA! Okay, one last bad pun, before I let you go ......
Can you imagine John Snow reading you the poetry of Robert Frost ..........
The price of an Air ticket, I will pay for your air ticket for you to come to India during your winter season and I will go there in your place :) agreed?
I thought you wanted to go to Las Vegas? :huh New York is 3000 miles away from there. hahaha. :biggrin
HA! Okay, one last bad pun, before I let you go ......
Can you imagine John Snow reading you the poetry of Robert Frost ..........
LOL! Thanks, Poirot. I'll get you back. :happyyes
Las Vegas, New York, Rochester what difference does it make ? at least its not here
Well here in Sydney its too damn hot..I want winter to come along..I hate the heat...Here its very humid and too hot to do anything....
OK! I'll trade. :biggrin
It's minus 12 degrees C here right now :cold and we had 77 mph winds here yesterday.
Please send us some of your heat! :grin
Andy with Pleasure I will trade with you. :veil
If I could send you some heat I would..with pleasure...
I really cant wait for winter to come here...
Take care all
Las Vegas, New York, Rochester what difference does it make ? at least its not here
Aww, why don't you just move here then, Ashish? :huh Wouldn't that be fun? :biggrin
I'd definitely trade my winter for somebody else's summer or even spring! :veil
I'd definitely trade my winter for somebody else's summer or even spring! :veil
me casa ae su casa
Ashish speaks the truth. He and his family were gracious hosts. Thanks again for picking me up so late at night and giving me not only a place to stay for the night, but also pudding. :biggrin
me casa ae su casa
Remember you said that! :rotfl I'll have my bags packed tomorrow! :biggrin
Dont forget to pack Richard in a suitcase.
Wait a second. Why would I have to be in a suitcase?!! You could of at least said don't forget to pay for Richard's ticket.. geez!! LOL :rotfl