« Last post by Thalminorguy on December 31, 2022, 07:42:29 PM »
Happy New Year all,
I'm starting to have more symptoms as a Thal Minor in the last 3 years. I am 40 years old, 5' 11' and weight 200lbs. I go to the gym twice a week and walk 30min on average daily. In the past 3 years I am noticing symproms I have never had, some of them could be related to my condition and some could be the result of aging. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing the following symptoms below.
1. Extreme Fatigue
3. Severe Dry eyes specially at night (Dr. Says it's MGD and Belaphritis)
4. Pain in ribs and joints
5. Having a hard time losing belly fat.
Blood test resutls:
White blood cell count: 7.3
Red Blood cell count: 6.6
Hemoglobin: 12.5
Hematocrit: 39.6
MCV: 60
MCH: 18.9
MCHC: 31.6
RDW: 18.4
Platelet: 253
Vitamin B12: 350 pg/ml
Vitamin D: 30 ng/ml
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Daily Vitamins I take:
D 1000 iu
Folate 1000 MCG
Zinc 50 MG
Questions: Can I take methyfolate 15mg daily along with folate?
Should I take B12 vitamin daily or change my diet and get it through food
Should I start getting L-Arginine daily?
I have passed 2 kidney stones in the past year. I think because I was taking creatine and whey protein and eating kale and spinach. Would I develop a kidney stone if I take more vitamins daily?
Thank you so much!