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« on: April 24, 2010, 05:41:39 PM »
Hi. All how r u , i am ash786 my daughter is thal major  iv kept on posting wen ever am need of guidenss , but this time am here for my friends brother he got blood cancer he is 26 yrs and need a bone marrow transplant but as they cant afford tht much amount hosp people are not ready to give him the treatment , he cant walk now neither use the hands , i have done my self a little help but i knw thts not enough . Its a matter of someones life and that man is not geting ny help from the hospital they hav nt startd treamnt  am amazed and shocked .if ny one can help financialy i will be realy thanxful. If they need ny kind of asurenes,will give all kind of informations contact number anything which can convence u guys that its a very serious case...
Thanx u ash  mother.
There is a light of hope that this site helped so many thals they will realy do something for him.


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