Thal Minor - spleen is huge and hurting, pushing my kidney***6 month update**

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Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Thal Minor - spleen is huge and hurting, pushing my kidney
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2013, 07:46:07 AM »
Wish you speedy recovery
Start listening your body, it always gives signs


Offline CUSO

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Re: Thal Minor - spleen is huge and hurting, pushing my kidney
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2013, 03:42:37 PM »
Here is a pic of my spleen.... The ruler is 15cm, dr said spleen was over 20cm in my body. it weighed 1900 grams.
today has been the start of my first good day since the surgery exactly 1 week ago. I am not going to lie, for me i had a very rough day 2 and 3 post op, probably because my hemoglobin was out of wack, also becacuse i became aware of my incisicins and they freak me out more than anything.  but i almost feel great day 7. I stopped the pain meds yeasterday and I dramatically started feeling better. STOP PAIN MEDS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THAT IS KEY. Dont suffer though. I go get 2 vaccinations next week, and a visit to surgeon. then oncologist wants to visit the week after to make sure my blood is doing good. but i am excited to begin this new chapter in my life.  

« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 04:04:04 PM by CUSO »


Offline Pratik

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Re: Thal Minor - spleen is huge and hurting, pushing my kidney
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2013, 04:38:54 PM »
Here is a pic of my spleen.... The ruler is 15cm, dr said spleen was over 20cm in my body. it weighed 1900 grams.
today has been the start of my first good day since the surgery exactly 1 week ago. I am not going to lie, for me i had a very rough day 2 and 3 post op, probably because my hemoglobin was out of wack, also becacuse i became aware of my incisicins and they freak me out more than anything.  but i almost feel great day 7. I stopped the pain meds yeasterday and I dramatically started feeling better. STOP PAIN MEDS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THAT IS KEY. Dont suffer though. I go get 2 vaccinations next week, and a visit to surgeon. then oncologist wants to visit the week after to make sure my blood is doing good. but i am excited to begin this new chapter in my life.  

Oh my god, never saw spleen in my life. And that's huge.

I'm glad you got it removed.

Wish you a speedy recovery, Mark. Get well soon. :)

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Offline Bostonian_04

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Hope you feel better soon Cuso. the worst is it can only get better...

sorry i have no suggestion for pain killer...i have used naproxene and they worked for me but not sure it is strong enough painkiller for you or not.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? - Plato


Offline Slade

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Wow that sure is a huge spleen. Now I believe removing it was the right thing to do! I wish you quick and full recovery.

Pratik: Generally ibuprofen, aspirin and other NSAIDs are not recommended right after surgery because they impair normal platelet function and may cause problems with bleeding.
Hb Lepore variant


Offline Pratik

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Pratik: Generally ibuprofen, aspirin and other NSAIDs are not recommended right after surgery because they impair normal platelet function and may cause problems with bleeding.
Oh, didn't knew it!

And I don't use ibupf. anyway, I like to get diclofenac or simple paracetamol. I suggested it because I believe people in Western countries are more familiar with ibupf.

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Offline CUSO

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10days post op....
My body is adjusting better to having spleen removed than the gallbladder. I am still sore and I can't imagine being 100% again, but it will happen. I can't tell you how hard it is weighing only200 pounds when I was a monster 235 bodybuilder. I don't even look in the mirror any more. I am getting better day by day. I see the surgeon in 3 days for a follow up. I will also begin my vaccinations. My wife is going to Europe tomorrow for 9 days. I can get around a bit so that is ok. I just want to show her a big improvement when she gets back. It's these insicions I want to heal


Offline CUSO

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3 weeks today, i had my spleen and gallbladder removed...

I am starting to feel normal again. My platelets have spiked to 1.4 million. My oncologist said it is normal. I am taking a baby asprin every day. He will recheck my platelets in a month. everything is healing up nicely. I got all my vaccinations. All of my pain is completely gone. It is a miricle. I am depressed that I have lost 40 pounds in 5 months. I was a bodybuilder and i cant even look in a mirror today, i am quite depressed. i only weigh 200 pounds. I normaly  weigh 240 all muscle. i have always been the big guy, now i am the skinny guy. dr said in 3 more weeks i can begin building again.


Offline Pratik

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3 weeks today, i had my spleen and gallbladder removed...

I am starting to feel normal again. My platelets have spiked to 1.4 million. My oncologist said it is normal. I am taking a baby asprin every day. He will recheck my platelets in a month. everything is healing up nicely. I got all my vaccinations. All of my pain is completely gone. It is a miricle. I am depressed that I have lost 40 pounds in 5 months. I was a bodybuilder and i cant even look in a mirror today, i am quite depressed. i only weigh 200 pounds. I normaly  weigh 240 all muscle. i have always been the big guy, now i am the skinny guy. dr said in 3 more weeks i can begin building again.
Well, at least you have better build than mine. :)

Don't worry, you'll get to it again.

Every child is special.


Offline CUSO

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It has been 3 months now. I just finally passed over 200lbs. Now understand i was a 245 lb bodybuilder 6 months ago. I am about to start boudybuilding in another week. Things are good. i really notice no difference without a spleen. I wish I could say the same about the gallbladder. The scar is huge and it is quite numb all arround the incision site. i just started rubbing vitamin E on it. Make no mistake, it is a major surgery, but highly recoverable with time. I will check in from time to time in case someone has any questions about the procedure.


Offline CUSO

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Its been 6 months now. I am over 215lbs. Body getting shape back. I notice no difference without spleen. I am feeling great. Only issue is that my platelets will not go below 620. I take a baby asprin every day. Also just found out my 3 year old has thal minor...
Bear in mind, my family has an unusual strain of thal, almost all of us get our spleens removed. Grandfather, mother and a brother and me... My 3 year old has 1st visit to hematologist this Friday. Porr kid, she is low on energy and has black circles around eyes just like me when I was a kid. maybe there is something they can do to prevent her spleen loss later in life... People, do the surgery, especially before it gets to large like mine did and they have to open you wide instead if the laproscopic way.


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