Thalassemia Organization in the Philippines

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Offline alnahrahmea

  • Thal Mom from the Philippines
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  • Gender: Female
  • This is my God's gift and warrior in us. :)
    • Princess SHINE's KINGDOM
Thalassemia Organization in the Philippines
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:27:34 AM »
To all Fellow Filipinos:

This is a link to the Filipino Thalassemia support group called BALIKATANG THALASSEMIA.  Please just click on the link below:

For additional information there is an earlier thread about this information.  Please just connect to the link below:

I hope that the support group would be of much support to the ones who need it. Please be guided accordingly.


Lei  :computer
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 09:36:31 AM by alnahrahmea »
Lei  :heartpink


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