I can totally understand what you feel like,a few years back,i also used to feel the same,even now a days sometimes it gets the better of me,but my dear future is not scary and dark,in fact its hopeful and bright for thals,new advancements are being made and there is another cure on the horizon,and even if we don't count it for right now,with the help thats available now a days,with the understanding increasing day by day,our kids have a 100% chance at life,and your son is even younger,please put all the negative things aside and stand upright,know that after God,it will be you who'll design your child's life,you'll give him hope and the sense that there is nothing wrong with him,he has no curse or dilemma attached to himself,and he is not paying for anybody's sins,God is really really merciful to make a child pay for parent's sins,so don't ever think like that.
Be strong and be positive,because what ever you are,your child would be the same,it can be hard sometimes i know,do share your feelings with us,we are all here for you