Are my labs bad?

  • 4 Replies
Are my labs bad?
« on: June 30, 2013, 10:12:49 AM »
These are the most recent labs which is only a CBC with troponin..

WBC   8.0
RBC   6.50 H
HGB  12.4  L
HCT   40.0
MCV  61.6  L
MCH  19.0  L
MCHC 30.9 L
RDW   17.2 H
Pot Count  231
Neut%  54.3
Lymph%  28.4
Mono % 12.3 H
Eos%  4.2
Baso%  0.8
Neut#  4.3
Lymph#  2.3
Mono#  1.0
Eos#  0.3
Baso#  0.1

Rbc morphology  ABNORMAL
Hypochromasia   MARKED
Anisocytosis        SLIGHT
Microcytic Cells  MANY

Sodium   138
Patassium   3.8
Chloride   107
Carbon Dioxide 26
BUN   13
Creatinine 0.7 L
Est GFR  146.05
Glucose 96
Calcium 9.2
Total Creatine Kinase  147
Troponin I  <0.01
Specimen Hemolysis   Not Hemolyzed

25yo Hispanic Male

Re: Are my labs bad?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 11:41:07 AM »
so no 1 has any input huh.. ???


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Are my labs bad?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 02:01:25 PM »
I was away on the weekend to a thalassemia conference and didn't see your message.

Looks like thal minor. I can't say if it's alpha or beta minor, but it does not look like iron deficiency because of the high RBC. Your Hb is only low end of normal, so I imagine your status would not have easily been noticed.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Are my labs bad?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 03:33:39 PM »
I was away on the weekend to a thalassemia conference and didn't see your message.

Looks like thal minor. I can't say if it's alpha or beta minor, but it does not look like iron deficiency because of the high RBC. Your Hb is only low end of normal, so I imagine your status would not have easily been noticed.

also one more question for you andy, when i was at the ER with some chest pain, they did a D Dimer which came back high, norm for my lab was 259, mine came back 656, they did a doppler of both my legs to my calfs with no sign of any blood clots, i do get ocassional chest arm jaw back pain but that has come and gone for the past 2 years since i started getting pvcs, my question what can cause a high D Dimer besides clots? they checked my spleen also and it was fine... and thanks for the reply

Re: Are my labs bad?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2013, 05:10:12 AM »
FWIW your labs look similar to mine - I have one alpha globin gene deletion so am an alpha thal carrier.   My advice to you is proceed directly to a hematologist to get things sorted out.   I spent years trying to deal with my odd blood with my regular physicians and never got anywhere.   It wasn't "bad" enough for them to get alarmed about or do much testing and sadly I always let the matter drop too many times.   Fortunately it wasn't in my cards to have children, but if I had I would not have known to have my partner tested for thalassemia and the results could have been quite difficult.   So anyway, yep go for it, push your doctors, don't back down.    Can you tell I'm riled up tonight???


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