Aysel - the dream to be healthy .

  • 2 Replies

Offline djema

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Aysel - the dream to be healthy .
« on: May 23, 2016, 07:18:59 AM »
Hello friends .
I write to You , because a lot of questions and scared because I do not know how to be , because you do not know .
In 2012, the doctors said we needed a second child ,a healthy to cure Aysel ( my oldest daughter is patient of thalassemia ), we tried ,did everything, and a miracle happened,was born at Aysel's sister Leila in 2014 , we were happy. doctors advised to preserve the umbilical cord blood at birth, Layla's ,and then advised such transplant using cord not to do ! it was hard for us to understand why we still a child ,when Aysel need to help with treatment .
Soon we will go to Moscow for examination, Aysel , and check out Leila as a bone marrow donor. I'm really scared , do I need to do a bone marrow transplant??? very afraid of losing her, Aysel , after all, the goal in my life to help my daughter to recover .
Friends advise how to be ? how did You have?
read Your posts on the forum there are parents who have already done a bone marrow transplant ! please advice  :wah ???

Re: Aysel - the dream to be healthy .
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2016, 03:42:53 AM »

my daughter just had bmt last year. BMT if not scary as you read from internet. BMT is not surgery, only like blood transfution. more younger patient, better for bmt candidate. I encourage you to do as soon as posible, if financial and every thing is ready.


Offline djema

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Re: Aysel - the dream to be healthy .
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2016, 03:49:47 AM »
thank you , You rock!!! Health To You ! :bighug


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