Hi Sylvia,
Thanks for your prompt reply I really appreciate it.
Unfortunately I believe the figures for Thal. major and carriers in Pakistan are increasing everyday so the rough estimate of 100,000 could rapidly change very soon. Anyway, getting to your queries:
1) There are more than one in the major cities of Pakistan as you can see in the following list of very well known Thal. Centers of Pakistan.
http://www.tfp.org.pk/memsoc/mes.htmlApart from these dedicated Thal. centers, there are major hospitals that provide Transfusion services to Thals. as well. Like this list does not mention the P.I.M.S and Holy Family Hospital in Rawalpindi (where I live and thus know about them) similarly there are others in the different cities as well which the locals know about.
2) The tribal areas of the North, Sindh (better known as inner Sindh) and Baluchistan are more concentrated due to inner-family marriage trend among the tribes.
3) Thal. Society of Pakistan and Thal. Federation of Pakistan are the two main organizations. They are
there but I don't know what they are doing?!?
4) The most commonly used method is the Serum Feritin test while some doctors go for the Liver biopsy when needed.
5) There is no medical insurance here while the Govt. is concerned a little about Thal. there are govt. funded transfusion departments in govt. hospitals like the Punjab Blood Transfusion service that operates in Holy Family Hospital. However, the govt. have poor policies on medicine; they take more than 150% tax on Desferal. It should cost a fraction of the price that is available in the market.
6) MRIs are available but I really don't know if there is any other way where the patient does not have to pay (or pay a fraction of the cost involved).
However, I would like to applaud the efforts of Global Pharmaceuticals (The parent of Jamila Sultana Foundation) who provide completely free treatment to all of the patients including covering the cost of tests (hopefully Ferriscan too if you can provide your best offer). They are striving hard to make it as easy as possible for the patients by covering their costs and even making their own Deferiprone and eventually Deferoxamine to totally make Thalassemia a cost free manageable disorder in Pakistan.
Thanking you for considering us to make Thalassemia manageable for everyone.