@ Just Kidding :
It seems very difficult to me. I still got problems with drinking regular. That is a bit complicated when you are a student who (wants) to
in many countries Drinking is prohibited for the students or the people under the age of 18 ....
it doesn't matter that you're a student and want to or not but as i know in europe, people underage of 18 not alowed to drink , so please stop .....
travel 90 minutes to school
yeah , i think its dificult to get reached to school on time after drinking, soo another reason ...
It made me think about what I should eat every two a three hours. Can someone give me an idea how they manage to let the patient eat so many times a day?
you can eat anyone's brain as a snack between to main meals ... keep asking something or saying something out of topic, ( as i m doing ) its world's best snack ..
Precautions :
examin carefuly bfore eating someone brain , bcoze some people keep's their brain in their ankles to avoid any kind of robery or brain eating type of situation ... once my cousin tried to eat my brain and then after he ate alot, he got to know that i hasn't the brain in his skull ( i has only dried grass ), he said to me " i think your brain is somewhere in your ankle " to that time i got to know how we can save our brain to other ( by keeping it near ankle ) .... .ehehheehhe

I LOVE TO EAT BRain of otherz , its quit fun , all you have to do is to make an innocent shape of your face and then ask , as you dont know ...
Wat a Bad jokes these was ,,, m i right na

... its not my fault , i dont have any other activity to kill my time thats why ............................................... i assure's you that i will delet this pst realy soon ,, bcoze its out of topic

till then bye