Thanks Sharmin and Zaini

I am the lucky one to have you special people in my life.
Believe me that Im not taking any of this lightly as I believe I can do it but I also know when to ask or get help. (Boss included)
I am pretty mind set that 24hr will be coming back into my life and well I will cope as I always do. Its a good talking point for the students hahaha. I would need to bring my show and tell because I will be it.

Exjade is not subsidised so if I want it, I will need to pay for it and my specialist has said no to even thinking about it.
At the moment I take
Loraclear & Alanase nasal spray - hay fever and sinus
Sotalol 80mg morn & 40mg nocte - tachycardia
Fluconazole 50mg daily - keep thrush at bay
Cal D Forte 1.25mg monthly - Osteoporosis
Calci tab 500mg morn & nocte daily -osteoporosis
Folic acid 5mg daily - 4got
Ascorbic Acid 100mg nocte when on desferal - Haemosiderosis
Hydrea 500mg daily - less transfusions (crossing fingers and toes)
Zincaps 50mg twice weekly - your comments
Nitrofurantoin 50mg nocte daily - stop recurrent UTI
IP6 taken nocte when on desferal - thanks to your comments
Chlorella 1 tab when chelating - nature's detoxifier and flush
Novorapid 6 units morn, 8 units lunch 10 units Dinner
Glargine 16 units morn 16 units nocte. Insulin still being adjusted. Eating more hehe
Desferoximne 20grams weekly (8 vials daily x 5)