Hi Micky,
My son had the same complaint for many years - his feet would hurt. Sometimes one or the other, and sometimes both. Over the years this pain comes and goes, mostly at night but sometimes even during the day.
He did not have any swelling associated with it, and because the pain is not always in the same place the doctor's concluded that it is growing pains. I consulted with friends, and some none thal children also have this type of pain in the feet. The pain occurred a lot a year ago, and at the time I took him to a chiropractor. The chiropractor told me that it helps to gently massage and pull on the limbs (legs and feet) to ease the pain. I did this every night for a few months, I also had him wear socks more often to keep his feet warm - and and began to give him Osteocare - all of which seem to have resolved the problem. He hasn't had the pain for about one year now - if it does happen (very rarely, maybe 2X in the last 10months) - then I give him the massage and put his feet in warm water with epson salts. When he takes his feet out of the water he wears socks. Mostly this takes care of the problem.
I hope that this helps - please let your doctor know - but if there is no associated swelling, redness and if the pain is not always present - or if it moves then it is likely growing pains and supplements and massage will take care of it.
I hope that this helps Micky,
Much love to our little guy,