Priya's Transfusion

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Priya's Transfusion
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:18:37 PM »
Hi Everyone

Priya had her transfusion on Monday 15-June. It was really strange priya’s pre-transfusion hb was just 7.1. I don’t why this happen, her HB before BT is normally 8.8. She got her BT on 15-May so the gap between the BT was just one month. In this period she had a lot of stomach ache and Dr. Say that it’s because her body is destroying RBC and her spleen is also increased 3-4 cm.

One thing strange,  Priya’s blood group is A+. And this time she has been transfused with O+. I know that O+ is universal donor, but this can be done in case of thal.

Another thing we are going to India for approx.  1 month. We are planning to do HLA mapping of Priya with me and my younger daughter (free from thal.) and hope fully we will visit to Dr. Mammen  in Vellore.

I need lots of best wishes.



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