1.Shahadah: profession of faith
2.Salat: prayers
3.Sawm:fasting during Ramadan
4.Zakat:giving to the poor
5.Hajj:pilgrimage to Mecca.
Yes the aforementioned are the five pillars of Islam as Lena has said.
It could be more clear by the following.
A Good Muslim means:
1. To worship Allah (God) alone and to bring faith on Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
2. To be respectful and kind to parents
3. To be good to relatives, to the poor, and to travelers
4. To be careful with money and not waste resources
5. To take good care of children
6. To steer clear of adultery and illicit relations
7. To respect every life and not to kill anyone unless in the pursuit of justice
8. To take care of the orphans
9. To fulfill promises and commitments
10. To be honest in business dealings
11. To act upon knowledge and not follow hearsay or act on half-truths
12. To be humble and have no arrogance
These principles are not limited to one race, tribe, or group; they are "universal" in their scope and application. These are also called the teachings of wisdom. If followed properly, they are capable of increasing the goodness and wisdom of all people.
I hope I am a little able, now, in describing what a true muslim means...