after i read what you post in our site suddenly i returne back 10 and half years when the Dr told me your child is thalassima major what kind of luck we got it me and my wife after 9 years waiting for a child we get thalassimia major we was in very bad setuation both of us really that day i don't know any thing a bout thalssimia,,, i start thinging the child is here now what should we do what kind of treatment he need slowly slowly i detemind and understand what am going to do with him really i found out this boy normall like any child just he need blood transfusion and desferal and if you have a matching donor go and make the bone marrow transplant so we did it and the boy is ok now he start to recover ... i don't want to make it long for you but use your love and your wisedom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
hope your child is compelitly normal but if not we are with you for any help